Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology


Users have the ability to think concretely and generalized. With the help of precise thinking use of knowledge through which people understand what is happening around. Abstract logical thinking enhances the perception of the world.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_2


When generalized action of the thinking person includes logic begins to talk, to assume and draw conclusions. Thus activated abstract logical thinking. This type of thinking is the final phase in the process of personal development. It is based on a rational, indirect data assimilation, where the notion of lack immediate clarity inherent in the perception and representation.

In psychology, this kind of cognitive activity is considered an indirect reflection of the overall chain, observed between phenomena and objects in the world. In other words, this is a learning process, in which the unknown details are perceived through the already known facts.

Abstract intellectual activity is associated with numbers, formulas, symbols, and with abstract concepts that do not capture the human senses. It is this type of thinking enables the individual to perceive the complete picture of reality, not plunging into small parts and abstracting from them.

Formation of abstract thought is closely related to the language system. The meaning of the phenomena, objects, abstractions designated specific words.

It promotes the integration of the imagination, the concept of representation and retention playing skills.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_3

Forms and signs

There is a direct correlation between the factors of the abstract and logical thinking. Due to this relationship it is possible to find extraordinary solutions to the various problems and to adapt to frequently changing conditions of life. Allocate analysis, generalizing, idealizing, design, primitive, sensual and actually-infinite abstraction.

Forms of this type of thinking is the concept, judgment and reasoning.

  • The concept reflects the object, phenomenon or process by substantial and reasonable signs . Sometimes the concept of object properties conveys a single sign. The main external properties include the relationship of the object with other objects. Internal properties inherent in the object. Examples of primary and predominant form of mental abstract display are various words and phrases: rat, delicious cake, a security officer. The human mind immediately emerge common features of these concepts.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_4

  • The judgment of a particular subject confirms or denies the presence of any situation, subject, phenomena. Reveal the content of concepts are simple and complex narrative statements that are called judgments. An example of a simple type of judgment: a baby draws a giraffe. Complex statements contain 2 or more situations: the bus stopped, and the passengers left it.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_5

  • Review implies to obtain a new judgment using an existing one or several parcels . The conclusion is made from existing judgments: seeds have properties to give sprouts, therefore, the seedlings will appear in the spring. This form of the thought process is the basis of abstract logical thinking. It includes a background, withdrawal and conclusion.

The initial judgment is a prerequisite, a logical reflection - with a conclusion resulting in a conclusion.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_6

Mind logical operations demonstrate the following features:

  • ability to resort to criteria and concepts that may not exist in reality;
  • Evaluation of events and their comparison;
  • systematization of learned information;
  • generalization of occurring phenomena and objects;
  • Elimination of individual facts;
  • connection of disparate data into the overall picture;
  • information analysis;
  • identifying the patterns of habitat without explicit contact with it;
  • Building causal chains.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_7

Where applies?

Children with the help of abstract thinking are drawing, design, they are pushed, understand the meaning of the mysteries, they can solve problems, they tossess their thoughts when describing events. In school years, this type of mental activity helps to master the mathematics, where the skill is required to operate in a variety of data, share them by groups, search for interconnection.

Abstract thinking is used in logic, physics, astronomy and other accurate sciences where you need to be able to measure, count, calculate, combine items into one group. It is necessary to psychologists, philosophers, writers, engineers. Without him, unthinkable time management.

In everyday life, people also constantly use abstract logical thinking. Examples of abstract thinking reflect the daily mental process of man. Planning is often in the imagination crosses with dreams and fantasies. Young people who are in search of a workplace can think of themselves so much that, faced with reality, do not stand the conditions offered to them. So girls waiting for the prince on a white horse mentally emphasize the future chosen one. This inevitably leads to disappointment in the future.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_8

Methods of development

In children, abstract thinking begins to develop from 4-5 years. It is the basis of the learning process. During this period, the ability to establish links between phenomena is formed. Schoolchildren are most susceptible to mastering logical skills.

The child must be helped in mastering abstraction skills. You can develop them in preschool children with special exercises. Parents are connected to the process, which at home are organized by different games.

  • Pick synonym or antonym during the kicking the ball to each other. The parent throws the ball with the word "beat", the child is looking for synonym: "Cut." You can use any lovety words: small - tiny, burgundy - cherry, darkness - darkness. Then the selection of Antonyms: Happiness - Mountain, Kid - Giant, Light - Darkness.
  • The following task implies the completion of the offer . The child throws the ball with the beginning of the phrase: "Curlee Cark". Returns the subject with the ending: "Chicken Cutness".
  • Compilation of Associative Series Developing Children's Abstract Thinking . To the proposed word, children are asked any associations. The chain may look like this: Christmas tree - Green - New Year - Crocodile - Dill - Liste - Parrot - Forest.
  • Offer 10 chains of words consisting of 4 wordforms, among which you need to find an excess word . For example, 3 types of berries and vegetables are offered: strawberry, cranberries, cucumber, blueberries.
  • Organize the theater of shadows. The child includes imagination at the sight of the shade produced by the movements of the hands or cut cardboard figures. He must submit some kind of image and beat it.

The game forms understanding and using characters.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_9

The violation of the clarity of the abstract-logical thought process may occur due to strong compression and fragmentation of internal speech. She is trained and ordered by internal pronouncing. When solving difficult tasks It is necessary to achieve accurate mental wording..

Performance of tasks for identifying patterns and combining units of speech based on a general basis, games in checkers, chess develop brainstorm abilities, improve it and help preserve abstract-logical thinking and memory to deep old age.

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_10

There are exercises for adults.

  • It is necessary to choose a consistent assertion and then pick up refutation to it. Arguments that prove the reverse position should be written by a column. Next to each of these judgments it is necessary to write a refutation to it. Thus, the truth of the first phrase is proved. For example, initial statement: "Autumn - wonderful time." Then the record follows: "pouring the dragging cold rains." And nearby: "Red and yellow leaves are decorated with trees." The more refutation found, the better.
  • Useful to improve the thought process Exercise is associated with deciphering abbreviations invented on the go. It is best to make them out of 3 or 4 letters, and then try to decipher. The funnier and the most original options, the better. For example, Claim is the organization of chumadic workers, the SCSD - the Union of Curves of the Old Dev.
  • It is necessary to pick up on the abstract concepts of synonyms and try to explain their meaning to an accessible language. You can come up with a specific symbol, expressed in words or graphic. First, they work on the simple categories, then they go to more complex concepts: "Care", "Fun", "Financing", "Inspiring" "Indifference", "Incrimination".

Abstract logical thinking: what is it? What is referred to as the basic properties of abstract logical thinking? Examples in psychology 17621_11

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