Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking


Scientific knowledge affects the human world view, understanding life. The scientific and educational mental process is aimed at solving topical tasks, adopting constructive ideas, successful overcoming difficulties, improving the quality of life conditions of each individual personality and society as a whole.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_2

What it is?

The formation of scientific mental activity is carried out in the process of knowledge of the world. Scientific thinking is a special type of cognitive process aimed at introducing objective information into human consciousness. Cognitive function reflects the essence of science.

The scientific style of thinking is aimed at developing reliable knowledge about personality, society and nature. He recreates an objective picture of the world through analysis and synthesis.

All products of scientific thinking are justified and are collected in a single system. The classification of sciences on subject areas is crumbling public (socially humanitarian), natural, technical and mathematical sciences.

  • Socio-humanitarian sciences are aimed at gaining knowledge of society and man. History and legal studies permeate all areas of public life. General knowledge of society is fixed in philosophy and sociology. Anthropology, aesthetics, ethics, philology, psychology, political science, cultural studies, the economy reveal the specific area of ​​the public sphere. Scientific thinking in the humanitarian region explores human thoughts, motivations, intentions and personal values.
  • Natural sciences involve the study of nature . Biology, chemistry, geography, geology, ecology, physics, astronomy are arming people with new knowledge contributing to improving the quality of life. For example, in the medical industry, scientific discoveries contribute to the recovery of patients suffering from previously considered incurable diseases. Scientific-ecology examine the reservoirs and the environment, prevent the population about the danger of their pollution.
  • To technical sciences include mechanics, robotics, computer science, agronomy, architecture that accelerate scientific and technological progress. Many technical sciences are called upon to automate the production of enterprises, providing them with the latest technologies. In the modern world, robots are successfully used, new types of energy, ultrasound processing methods, lasers in the technique.
  • Mathematical theories Supply all other sciences with formal linguistic means. Cultures, measurements, descriptions of the form of objects are applied to find the general laws of nature. Their structural relationship is observed. Mathematical models are used in the mental scientific process when learning most sciences.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_3

All sciences are periodically intersect. In case of a scientific study, thinking is aimed at studying the information, laws of specific processes and analysis, identifying lawmatic phenomena in them.

Individual with scientific thinking has flexibility, independence. He objectively perceives what is happening in the surrounding world, willingly receives basic knowledge, assimilates new information, ready for any changes.


Scientific thinking is characterized by fundamentality. Unlike everyday thinking activities, it is inherent in universality, rationality, feasibility, a high level of knowledge generalization, the ability to formulate problems and build hypotheses, logical consistency and evidence, the desire for objectivity and reliability of the information received, checking the facts with the help of arguments, the development of the conceptual apparatus.

The whole world of science is presented in the form of concepts and terms. The presence of a methodology is a mandatory component of the general process. This type of mental activity provides for Continuity in the use of previously accumulated knowledge and many new reliable ideas. It performs cognitive, ideological, activity, cultural and social functions.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_4

Psychology allocate the main features of the scientific thought process.


With a scientific approach to the study of the subject or phenomenon, there is a complete suspension from the subjective worldview. While reading fiction, a person feels a subjective view of the author on phenomena and facts. The scientific tract reflects only the facts obtained by a thorough objective study. Personal information about the scientist is absent.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_5


For centuries, the people collected all sorts of descriptions and explanations of various facts and phenomena. Over time, their ordering led to the emergence of certain concepts and terms.

The current system of theoretical data is a description of the information obtained as a result of scientific surveys.


Scientific thinking implies the theoretical substantiation of principles and patterns. Part of them for a long time remains at the level of assumptions and predictions, which for some reason have not yet have an evidence base, but in the future scientists justify guesses. And they will be scientifically proven or refuted. The repository of proven various theories and hypotheses contains many arguments confirming their objectivity.

Aspiration in the future

Scientific thinking asked to the future. For science, research results are of great importance not only for the current period of time, but also for their improvement, transformation into perspectives.

It is important to determine the laws and patterns of development of phenomena to make the benefit of mankind in later life. This type of thinking makes it possible to design the future from individual parts existing in the present.

Science is exhausted objectively faithful fragments, parts, forms that will be useful to the coming generation.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_6


Naturally scientific approach to gaining knowledge to consolidate theorems, regularities of various concepts obliges researchers to contact formulas, symbols and other signs. A specific sign system is constantly being improved, adjusted, complemented throughout the entire period of the existence of science.


The implementation of observation and monitoring of the study of objects and phenomena, their links between each other testifies to the conscious use of scientific methods.

Experimental approach

Theories are based on the experiments conducted. The scientific mental process makes it possible to use the results obtained to collect the evidence base of the huge number of objects studied. During the experiments, specific concepts are formed, defined conclusions are made.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_7


  • The main principle of the scientific mental act is the presence of an experiment. Compared to empirical thinking, the scientific approach implies the spread of experimental results on a very wide range of information. Thanks to this, scientists gain the opportunity to make more different conclusions.
  • The second principle demonstrates the desire of scientists to objectivity and detachment. The empirical approach implies the direct personality participation in the experiment, taking into account the subsequent appraisal opinion. To avoid accidental or intentional distortion of the conclusions obtained during the experiment, under the scientific mental process, observation is carried out by.
  • The third important principle is to systematize the information obtained in order to build theory. The empirical approach does not imply theoretical synthesis of knowledge, so all the data is considered separately from each other. A scientific approach sees the relationship between phenomena with further grouping of them and the preparation of classification.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_8


Scientific thinking seeks to apply certain techniques of the cognitive process.

The scientific method is characterized by accuracy, rigidity and objectivity.

It allows an objective pattern to turn into a rule of researcher. Universal ways of such knowledge are the analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, modeling, analogy, abstraction and idealization.

Analysis implies the dismemberment of the whole to composite parts, synthesis - connection of parts into a single whole. At Deduction Proof is displayed from one or more reliable statements based on the laws of logic. At induction Separate facts lead to a common position. Method Simulation It intends to recreate the characteristics of the object using a specially created other model. This method is used in difficulties arising during the study of the object itself.

Abstraction It consists in mental distraction from some properties of phenomena and relations between them, allocating some of their quality. Abstraction results can be various categories and concepts. Idealization It represents a thought process, conjugate with the formation of some abstract concepts, not always in reality.

Research methods include Measurement, comparison, description, systematization and classification. In mental activities associated with science, empirical and theoretical methods are widespread.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_9


Scientific methods and empirical ways of knowledge suggest experiments to obtain certain information. They rely on experiment and observation. For the experiment, special conditions are created, eliminate the factors preventing it, apply the appropriate technical devices. The study of phenomena and items passes through the impact of the subject of knowledge to the object of the study. When observed, there is no such impact.

For organized and productive clarification of the material under study It is possible to use instruments and tools.

Empirical methods are based solely on the data obtained by experienced. In a scientific approach, information mined by empirically is necessarily confirmed or refuted by theoretical interpretation emanating from specific prerequisites.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_10


All information obtained by an experimental way, scientists are fixed in the form of the theory. Its structure includes fundamental ideas, principles, laws, axioms, value factors.

To build the theory, use methodology and logic. Theoretical knowledge is based on one of the forms: theory, hypothesis, problem and law.

The theoretical approach includes formalization and mathematization. In the first way, scientific information is manifested through the signs of a specially created language. The second method implies the introduction of mathematical achievements in the test area under study.

Historical method Provides a description of the process, taking into account its unique features. Logical method It assumes the recreation of the abstraction system in theoretical form. All objects are presented on different steps of their development, in other words, the entire historical path is recorded. The logical method is closely related to a history that covers the stages of developing events in their specific forms of manifestation in compliance with their chronology. The unity of all methods used in scientific thinking provides further scientific and technological progress.

Scientific thinking: the main features. What it is? Methods and forms, techniques and principles of scientific style of thinking 17606_11

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