Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods


Considering the pictures of the famous artists, reading literary works, admiring innovative developments in any region, we sometimes think about - how do people have such ideas? Where do they take inspiration? Why are only units able to think non-standard and make a revolution in a particular field? The answer is simple: they perfectly work creative thinking. What it is and is it possible to develop it yourself - read further.

What it is?

In fact, every person potentially has creative thinking. Sometimes it is equated directly to creativity, but in reality this concept covers a wider area of ​​thinking, namely, the ability to find alternative ways to solve any task. In psychology, such thinking is called Divergent (from lat. divergere - to diverge), Introducing the removal of any restrictions and rigidity, refusal of templates and any familiar moves, going beyond the routine.

The result of this thinking is the opening of a fundamentally new or improved solution to one task.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_2

Consider the main features of this thinking:

  • Any idea that arose in an individual with developed creative thinking is nontrivial and original, in any case he strives for it;
  • The creative person is able to consider an object from another angle, to use it in a new way, find other functions and apply them in practice;
  • The creative character of thinking means the presence of an opportunity for an individual to produce ideas even when nothing in the external environment has no reference to this and is not a guideline.

Factors that affect creative activities:

  • visualization;
  • metaphor;
  • analogy;
  • humor;
  • Emotionality.

From people whose profession is somehow related to creativity, it is often possible to hear that the most important and interesting ideas come to them suddenly, and not after numerous thoughtful and reasoning. Thus The superconscious mechanism is working responsible for the sphere of emotions, feelings, intuition.

Stages of the creative process:

  • The appearance of the idea, an interesting idea;
  • the use of various conclusions, even the most incredible, to explain this phenomenon;
  • Analysis and the choice of the best solutions.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_3

Methods of activization

Currently, there are many ways to activate creative thinking. We will focus on some of them.

Game words

Select 2 words using the screw tools: A book, which is read, obtained by SMS-ku, advertisement on a post or anything else. Now tie them in one context, find something in common between them, compose a small story with their use. Take, for example, such words: "mouse" and "wire". What about them in common?

Well, firstly, we can talk about the computer mouse. Secondly, the mouse may well blame the wiring in the house and arrange a closure. Or run over the wires from one roof to another and change the residence.

When applying fantasy, you can come up with a more intricate history.

Lateral thinking

This is the viewing of an object with all sorts of angles and finding an unusual way to use it. . Example: everyone knows what an umbrella is and why it is needed - to protect against wetting during the rain. But if you take a large umbrella and covered, you can construct a children's tent for games at home. From the broken black umbrella, the wings of a volatile mouse for a carnival costume will turn out.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_4

"6 hats"

A fairly interesting technique, requiring the presence of at least six people. During the discussion about the solution of the task, each of these people chooses a certain color of "hats" and acts according to it:

  • White hat is responsible for logic - "TRANSULATED" it will be "lay out on the shelves";
  • Yellow - Optimistic, the one who will get will look at the task only from a positive point of view and allocate advantages;
  • black - Critical, man in this "hat" will spread the sentences "in the fluff and dust", looking for minuses and weaknesses;
  • Green - Creative, individual, "TRANSULATED" it, will be a generator of ideas;
  • red - The emotional, task of its owner will be a description of the emotions arising from him in the process of performing the task;
  • blue - Philosophical, as a rule, gets the most experienced specialist, summarizing the proposals and thoughts of all others.

If suddenly in the process of playing "6 hats", the individual will get an individual in color, it will contribute to its exit from the comfort zone and activates creative thinking.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_5

"Brainstorming" on the contrary

To begin with, we recall what is a "brainstorming". So called The process of statement of any ideas in solving the task, even the most incredible. By the end of the discussion, the most suitable of them remain.

"Storm on the contrary" is a removal of frankly wrong ideas, that is, in fact, reflections on the topic, how to worsen the current situation. With all apparent absurdity This technique is quite effective, and sometimes in the process of "assault on the contrary" there are very interesting ideas.

Personal reading

You can do it alone, for example, during a trip to the bus or walks through the city: Read words on billboards, signs not from the beginning, but from the end. You can play with a friend: One calls the "inverted" word, the other is trying to translate it as soon as possible.

Mental Intellect Cards

In the middle of the paper sheet, you write down the question that must be solved. From him, the "twigs" are diverged by associations associated with its resolution. Each of these "twigs" is also divided into several possible associations. In this way, for a fairly short period, you can find an excellent solution to the problem.

Art therapy

The possibility of an individual through the visual arts to convey their feelings and emotions, give them the form. Sometimes such creativity reveals real talent in man.

Recall the Great Frido Calo, whose paintings written after the transferred tragedy, perfectly transmit her pain as spiritual and physical.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_6

Inversion method

Its essence is the search for the anti-demand task necessary to understand what exactly will not work will not bring benefit. The arguments on the topic "How not to" often lead to the fact that a person sees what was just missing for the embodiment of his idea.


Now let's talk a little about what technologies for the development of creative thinking exist.

Selection of words

Can be performed in two ways:
  • pick up as many nouns as possible, reflecting the essence of the concept, for example, flower - plant, greens, bud, grass, etc.;
  • Compound associative chains: It is proposed to add a set of 3-5 words by own association, such as roof, door, porch (window) - elements of the house.

Search for similar signs

Finding the greatest number of similar signs for absolutely different concepts:

  • Ball car;
  • dog-tree;
  • sea ​​train;
  • Sand-water.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_7


Excellent exercise for the development of imagination. There is a lot of its variations.

Come up with what can happen if ...

  • Dinosaurs suddenly appear on the streets of the city;
  • People will learn to fly;
  • Pets will talk in human.

Imagine that the last "five hundred" remained in your wallet, and the salary is still a week. Write a list (or imagine it mentally) out of 10 products that you can buy for this money and live 7 days, not starving.

Words for one letter

Take any letter of the alphabet and for the set period of time (as a rule, 3 minutes, maximum 5) Write as many words that begin with it.

Description of objects

Being anywhere Hold the look at the selected subject. Write down (or formulate in the mind) 5 adjectives, maximally appropriate it, for example, a vase is porcelain, white, glossy, muddy, pearl. Now write 5 adjectives, absolutely not suitable for the selected thing: Vase - fluffy, soft, paper, rubber, brick.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_8


The foundations of the formation of creative thinking in children are best lay out in preschool age by solving problems associated with the search for items according to their characteristics. If the child copes, he thus forms its intelligence, expands the spectrum of mental abilities. Next, the baby learns more and more and at the age of 6, it can make a description of many subjects, come up with a story, a riddle, not enough. The more often he does, the better his imagination works.

Take care of the thinking of the child was:

  • flexible He must be able to consider the task from different angles;
  • Big - able to quickly generate ideas;
  • Original "So that it is not a problem for him to come up with an unusual exciting story."

As parents can help the child in the formation of creative thinking.

  • Do not scold the baby for fiction. Understand, he does not want to deceive you - he himself believes in his fantasies, and for him it is important. If he describes, what beautiful fairy saw on the lawn, do not interrupt it, and better play: ask to tell the details of this magical meeting.
  • Create together with the child . Create outfits with dolls, build a garage for machines, cook and play a fairy tale using toys.
  • Take care that the baby has always paints, pencils, crayons, markers, albums ; Get plasticine, kinetic sand, do not skimp on designers - all this contributes to the development of creative abilities.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_9

You can perform several exercises.

  • Draw a few arbitrary geometric shapes and ask the child to supplement the drawing.
  • Invite the baby to describe the selected toy five most suitable adjectives, and after - to choose the top five.
  • Show the child cloud in the sky, ask what or whom it reminds him.
  • Play in the "Construction". Write down on paper words: cat, tomato, brick, chest of drawers, water. Now the baby must use them when building a house. For example, bricks will be useful for masonry walls, tomato - red, paint this color can be painted the facade. Dresser, he will put in the living room, heads the cat and gains water in the bath to get it. Words can use a variety of.

Classes with a child-preschooler need to be held regularly and better do it in a game form so that he does not boring . The development of creative thinking in the younger students and teachers are engaged in various extracurricular activities, as well as in the lessons drawing, music, labor, literature and Russian. It is important to remember that The correct answer "on the template" is not always good, as it is associated with the jam, and not with creativity. Therefore, teachers should give students the opportunity to express their point of view and correct them only in the case of gross mistakes, but no way ridicuing "for nonsense" in front of the whole class.

At the age of 6 to 11 years old, the child is formed awareness of his own importance in society, and this kind of criticism can make him clicter in herself.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_10

The development of creative thinking in children and adolescents contributes to circulation of additional circles and sections: to the robotics club, artistic and musical schools, on dancing.

How important is the presence of creative thinking in adults? It can be said that it is very important, especially for those who want to become:

  • designer;
  • psychologist;
  • advertising manager;
  • writer;
  • artist;
  • architect;
  • sculptor, etc.

An adult to think creatively interferes with his views of his views often. It is quite difficult for him to see something unusual in the ordinary, to move away from the usual methods to solve any tasks. However, this is quite possible, and There are certain recommendations for the development of creative abilities in adults.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_11

Perform the following exercises.

  • Imagine the most common thing you have at home, For example, stool. Come up with how it can be used yet, except for sitting on it.
  • Make a story from a limited number of words . It does not have to be realistic - the more you put fantasy in it, the better.
  • Come up with phrases-oxymifers, That is, combine incompatible, contrary to each other's words: live corpse, hot snow, endless deadlock.
  • Read the backs of the word on billboards , Signs, advertising posters, business cards.
  • Try to start reading the book not from the beginning, but from the middle or even the end. So you first learn the junction, but only then - the prologue.
  • Learn foreign languages . It will come in handy for you not only on travel around the world, but also in the development of creative thinking. You can sometimes mentally translate seen phrases from the native language to a foreign on the way to work or walk.
  • Use more often in your speech synonyms - They are doing a richer.
  • Get "Idea Diary" And keep it always with you - then as soon as you have an interesting idea in my head, you can immediately fix it on paper, and after thinking about and, perhaps, to realize.
  • Expansion of the horizon contributes to the constant recognition of something new. Travel, Meet the cultures of different nations, are interested in history, literature, cinema.

But just do not clog the head with daily news taken from the Internet or seen on TV: nothing contributes to the burden and limited thinking, as the formation of the "rapid effect" with the help of mass media.

Creative thinking: what is it? Development of the creative nature of thinking and its features, activation and exercise methods 17603_12

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