Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other?


As you know, in our society there are different people. Some are considered incorrigible workaholics, able to remake all the cases in one day, others, on the contrary, are preferred for whole days to lie on the couch and do nothing, except that only entertain themselves with various baubles. That's the latter and are called the clinians.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_2

What it is?

The tendency of a person to pathological laziness, that is, lying in bed when everyone around is working, and is called the clinion. Moreover, clinging is capable of looking endlessly.

For justice, it should be noted that the desire does not do anything from time to time each person. However, the data of manifestations are short-term, since a normal and healthy individual simply cannot be long in a fixed state.

Cleaning is difficult to diagnose. However, in the presence of this dependence, a person has been observed Permanent state of half (It seems that the individual is laid all the time).

He does all things without getting out of bed, he has a thrust for entertainment, which are passive (playing a computer).

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_3

Usually such specials have unpleasant traits: Sexual loyalty, gluttony, anger without reason. In addition, the clinic has the following symptoms: dizziness with sharp movements, violation of the heart rhythm with sharp movements, as well as shortness of breath, increased pressure problems.

Specialists are confident that This manifestation refers to the category of psyche violations and arises against the background of other mental states, such as neurosis, apathy and even schizophrenia.

Cleaning can manifest at any age. In adults, it arises not just like that, namely, because of the problems that have arisen or with health, or because of the formation of a negative environment.

The reasons for the formation of this state are hidden in the deep subconscious of the individual, which is how he tries to escape from reality. He even laziness confesses to close people is that he behaves so because of the problem in his life.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_4

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_5

It was the problem that awakened the fear of reality in his subconscious. Perhaps this fear arose in childhood and now broke out. Sudden attacks of panic capable of bringing a person to the clione. The conclusion here is one: dependence on its own laziness can accompany other, more serious problems, such as mental diseases of different focus.

For example, a clionan may suffer:

  • Kleine-Levin-shouting syndrome - expressed in a long daytime dream, and with short-term wakefulness of a pronounced appetite, complement this disorder of violation of a sexual nature;
  • hypersmith - pathological drowsiness;
  • atypical (vegetative) depression - complaints about permanent drowsiness;
  • Schizophrenia (accompanied by anxious sleep);
  • Symptom Endogenous depression.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_6

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_7

And the psyche of the clionana may violate due to organic brain lesions.

If the individual is all the time at rest, lying on the sofa, then he expresses his vulnerability and tries to return to a state at the subconscious level when he was very small and cared for him, fed, they saw.

Unambiguously This disorder cannot be ignored. You need to go through a full examination with the participation of all specialists.

Blood tests may show that a constant desire to lie in bed caused by a very serious disease, which does not apply to the discharge of mental.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_8

What is the difference from Divania?

Everyone knows how difficult it is to get out of bed in the morning when you need to go to work. It is especially difficult to do it when the rapid weekend remained behind. This is a completely normal phenomenon. So people can simply advise well enough every day and try to avoid noisy parties.

However, there are people who hardly get up from bed, although they fell very early and slept the necessary number of hours that ensure the health of the whole organism. The alarm clock is horrified, and the bed seems to be a magnet, which is difficult to refuse, and all this happens every day. So, there is a suspicion that you suffer Divania. It resembles a cliononia, but differs significantly from it.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_9

Cleaning is a rather serious disorder, which in most cases is accompanied by severe mental pathologies, in contrast to Discaine, which can develop against the background of chronic fatigue. At the same time, deviations resembles normal slowness. But this is far from that. People suffering from Disania often experiencing mental alarm. It absorbs energy, hence this disorder and originates.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_10

If the alarm clock is annoying in the morning, then maybe you have Dismania. Although medicine does not recognize to dissident, as a separate disease, it is still necessary to fight.

  • First of all, it is necessary to try not to overload your brain at work. Work on the computer causes eye fatigue. From this suffers the whole organism as a whole. And if in your duties and the constant work related to the computer, then the house needs to be abandoned. Stop playing games or view the news on the monitor. Give to relax your eyes and brain from electric flicker.
  • Definitely you need to go to bed early. So you get used to get enough sleep, and the body will receive his recreation dose. If you feel constant fatigue, then refuse at least at the time of evening events, such as a campaign on a disco or to the club where there is a loud music. Better stay at home and take yourself a calm occupation. Viewing the TV movies with a light plot is not rebored.

In most cases, the problems of psychological and mental nature arise when the human brain is overloaded. Try to avoid diverse overvoltages and more love your favorite things. Then the alarming states will not be able to harm you.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_11

How to get rid of?

Phobia of active life - so usually characterizes the clione. And this fear is irrational. Cleaning treatment is different. It all depends on the severity of the course of the disease. Someone will need some time to complete the deliverance, and someone will have to be pretty work to free themselves from the obsessive state.

Such specialists like a psychiatrist or psychotherapist may begin treatment, When will receive a complete analysis of the psychic and physical condition of the patient. It is necessary to find out the reason for the occurrence of the disease. And as soon as complete information is obtained, the treatment itself will begin.

Perhaps the patient will be offered to undergo a course of psychoanalysis or try to influence consciousness using neurolynguistic programming (NLP).

If these techniques are not as effective, special pharmacological preparations will come to the aid. These can be activating medicines or antidepressants. They are well combined with psychotherapy.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_12

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_13

Much in successful treatment depends on the efforts of relatives. They just need to stop taking care of the cliona as if he is paralyzed and cannot move independently. Stop bringing everything you need to bed dependent on laziness, and it will have to walk and even run. At least then to take food.

In addition, you need to constantly provoke the patient on So that he began to take the initiative. Create a situation that will force the clionan to demonstrate activity. For example, mother or father can come up with a plot where they need urgent help from the clinion. This will encourage a person to any activity.

It is desirable that these actions are not meticulous, but a constant character. The instructions can be different from the campaign to the store for products and ending with the cleaning of the apartment.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_14

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_15

To begin to treat the disease in time You need to turn to a specialist in time. And it happens quite difficult due to the fact that the clinic himself and his close time is very long to hide an abnormal state.

With a long-term course of the clionstone disease, it may begin to manage the personality of a person, this is how psychiatrists say. And this is fraught with the fact that a person will plunge into complete degradation, and it will break his life.

Cleaning: What is it? Symptoms of the disease. How to treat cliononia? What is the difference between the clionstone and fucking from each other? 17569_16

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