Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa?


Each person sooner or later may experience pain. They are more than unpleasant and even to some extent unbearable. Such moments when an individual is exposed to suffering, forever remain in memory.

Some people understand what you need to accept and live on. Others begin to dwell on this issue and excuses their consciousness every time. Transferred torture becomes an intrusive idea, and then alugophobia develops.

Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_2

What it is?

The irrational fear of the algophobia originates from Greek: "Algos" (ἄλγος, Álgos) is "pain", and "Phobos" (Φόβος, Phóbos) is "fear". In the dictionary of the Russian language, this word is interpreted as Extremely unpleasant feeling.

This feeling is determined by experts as complicated and indicates that something unpleasant and even threatening the life cycle of man occurs with the body. It is because of this that a certain concern arises. And this feeling very much destabilizes the emotional state.

Unlike other phobias, algorofobia gives in a logical explanation. Fear of pain is the natural state of a person.

However, if the individual is healthy mentally, any pain is perceived adequately as something inevitable that you just need to survive. For example, the removal of the wart does not cause stormy emotions, as the patient understands that the operation must be carried out, the pain will soon subsight and rush, and health will remain.

Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_3

And those who applies to the number of algorofs, the fear of physical pain is formed completely groundless. Even if they do not hurt anything, they simulate future situations, and panic develops on this fertile soil. It can enhance.

The feeling of fear of pain interferes when problems begin. They interfere with living a full life. A person does not develop, his brain is busy with some concerns.

These concerns are the cause of concomitant diseases and cause severe harm to health.

Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_4

Causes of occurrence

Fear of pain, called algophobia, can occur for various reasons. Basically, all these reasons were laid in a person's consciousness as a child. Perhaps a small child suffered a strong pain associated with removing GRAND. Later, when this child became an adult, a negative situation arose, which led to phobia.

The main prerequisites for the development of fear before pain are quite certain reasons.

  • Hereditary genetic. American psychiatrists after the studies have found such a fact: if the parent suffers from such a disorder, then a child can transmit this state in 25% of cases.

The predisposition to excessive anxiety is a genetically determined phobia. It is pathological and irrational attitude.

  • Social. Such reasons are the main reason for the occurrence of phobias in humans. Hyperimational personalities have the greatest predisposition. Basically, people dependent on someone else's opinion, they try to avoid problems and leave them.
  • There is still a theory of biochemical predisposition to fear. It is due to the relevant processes occurring in the body, and is determined by the production of serotonin hormones, melatonin, adrenaline, etc. Also, people with different dependencies (alcohol, narcotic, tobacco) are subject to phobiam due to consumed substances that negatively affect the work of the body.

And this theory is confirmed by research. For example, drug addicts are very difficult to choose a dose of anesthesia due to the fact that narcotic substances contain painkillers. The organism gets used to them quickly, and as a result, he then reacts poorly to anesthesia.

  • Psychological reasons. They largely depend on human behavior and from its nature.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_5

    Consider some examples:

    • understated self-esteem, self-criticism, negative in relation to his "I";
    • Vision of the future in gray and black paints;
    • In the nearest environment there are negative atmosphere and relationships with the surrounding people;
    • Isolation from public life, stressful situations (divorce, loss of close, illness);
    • overestimated requirements for their identity, increased senses of justice and responsibility;
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_6

    However, those personalities that have a very high self-esteem and a reduced sense of responsibility in front of them and society are practically not suffering from phobic disorders.


    Phobias interfere with living, since because of various psychological problems, the physical condition of man suffers. As a result of panic attacks, a common health background changes unequivocally. Negative emotions provoke failures in the work of the whole organism, and then the following symptoms appear:

    • Strong sweating;
    • tremor limbs;
    • failures in the respiratory system;
    • Pulse is expected;
    • pressure rises;
    • fainting possible;
    • Changing the color of the skin.

    These manifestations are not only unpleasant, but also life-threatening.

    From the painful shock, a person may die, and if this state is aggravated by the alcohol, then the risks of the emergence of negative consequences are increased at times.

    That's why It is necessary to take measures to eliminate panic attacks. And algophobia is no exception.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_7

    How to overcome?

    Various methods associated with psychology and psychocorrection will help to get rid of high emotional dependence. Specialists connect Psychotherapy and pharmacological approach in the treatment of algophobia.

    Treatment of fear of pain is directly related to anesthetics. Some people have increased pain threshold. To eliminate the discomfort of this category of patients, We need a special approach to the choice of medicines. And there is a joint work of the therapist and psychotherapist.

    The main thing is to start struggling with an obsessive state as early as possible, then the consequences can be quickly eliminated.

    To hold the first steps, it is necessary to identify and understand the reason for which this disease arose. And if the case is quite running, then you need to start with pharmacology. Preparations assign only a doctor who has an appropriate education.

    The uncontrolled reception of pills threatens your life and health negative consequences.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_8

    But if you do not carry additional psychotherapy, then after the cancellation of drugs, the problem may return with a new force. Therefore, you need the right choice of a specialist. He must have the appropriate experience and diploma.

    Psychotherapist can also assign you Physiotherapy: Electric current, wave radiation, heat have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the human psyche. Will help with frequent fear and Water treatments . Visiting the pool and special water exercises well eliminate fatigue and obsessive states. If this practice is impossible, then use the ordinary shower or bath with warm water.

    Assist in this issue and sessions of a relaxing massage, which should conduct an experienced specialist.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_9

    In addition, there are general ways that will necessarily help you get rid of algophobia.

    • You need to be able to track the manifestations of your fears so as not to bring ourselves to the panic state. To do this, you will need a "emotion card". We begin to make it. Plore the human silhouette to the middle of the poster - this is your image. Then enter your feelings where they are manifested.

    If the heart hurts, then write about it and put the mark. If legs are torn, hands, headache, it should also be noted these moments on paper. Analyze your condition and try to determine from what point the physical symptoms begin. When you read all this, you will be easier to manage your condition.

    • It is necessary to "overwhelm", that is, try to strengthen the tension in the muscles. To do this, sit comfortably and start trembling my best. Voltage will soon leave your body with fear.
    • Try to portray your fear . Draw your pain. Draw what you see in your mind or what you want (maybe your pain has a snake or turtle image). Then take this "fear" in your hands and think that you can do it. Destroy your phobia as you want it.
    • Move through the Eye of Francin Shapiro Recommendation . To do this, conveniently sit in front of the wall and select extreme points. There must be two. Think about what scares you and drive you from one point to another. Just do not turn your head at the same time.

    The pace must be comfortable, the movements of everything should be about fifty. Conduct such sessions during the week, and the level of anxiety will decrease.

    • Try the meditation method. So you strengthen your emotional state and you can control yourself in any situations.
    • Look your phobia straight in the eye . These actions should be carried out under the supervision of close people. Take into the hands of the syringe and imagine that now it will be done. Hold it in your hand and all the time think about how you will hurt. Repeat these actions several times. You will notice how your anxiety is reduced every time.
    • Sport classes take a lot of energy. After a long jogging, you will think more about thirst or food than about the occurrence of pain. Therefore, do not deny yourself in such a pleasure. In addition, these events meet like-minded people, and communication with new people will help to distract from fears.

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_10

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_11

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_12

    Algofobia: What is the name of the fear of pain? Why does a feeling of fear arise in front of physical and emotional pain? How to overcome algorifa? 17561_13

    You should not hope for anyone and ignore your condition, relying on the fact that it will be held by itself. Otherwise you will have to be treated not only the soul, but also bodily diseases. And it is much more difficult and more expensive.

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