Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear


Human blood carries a lot of meaning, without it the life of a person is impossible. The main component of the body is hidden from prying eyes and can only see it in extreme cases - when any trouble occurs. Most likely, therefore among people there are those who are afraid of the type of blood.

Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_2

What it is?

People experiencing Before blood type are called hemophobia. Two words: Hemophobia and hematophobia They are translated from the Greek language as "fear of blood" (αἷμα - "blood" and φόβος - "fear"). This pathology belongs to obsessive states.

Hematophos is afraid of the appearance on the skin of his blood and blood on the body of foreign people. This phobic disorder is inherent not only to sick people, but also completely healthy personalities that can fall into a detachment at the sight of this substance.

Historians tell that Nicholas II experienced hemophobia due to the fact that his heir Alexey was sick hemophilia (Blood coagulation violation). The boy had strong bleeding, and this was horrified by all family members for many reasons.

Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_3

Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_4

It is for the same reasons that people in most cases feel the fear of blood. Fear causes her appearance, as all people understand that the main component of the human body just does not appear on the body. It is the result of injury, cuts or very strong injury. And the realization that this situation threatens the loss of health and even their lives unambiguously leads if not to panic, then to very large fear.

Therefore, people are often afraid when they take blood from Vienna. Not because it hurts, but because it is unpleasant. Own blood can cause panic fear for the reason that it is own. That is why people are afraid to give tests and donated.

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These concerns are irrational, but with them it is very difficult to cope even to those subjects that have a relatively resistant psyche.

Causes of occurrence

People have always been afraid of blood type. This fear comes from the depths of centuries. The man evenly learned the lesson well: if the blood went, it means that a critical moment came, which could provoke death.

Hemophobia arises from nowhere, but why it arises - this is another question. There are several reasons for the occurrence of irrational fear.

  • Due to the fact that the parent or both parents suffered from phobic disorders. Such a predisposition appears as a result of a genetic factor, and the probability of transmitting an obsessive state is 25%.

This statement has been proven by scientists during numerous studies. And also they proved that phobia in most cases is manifested in the following periods of human life: Pulling period, middle-aged crisis, late maturity period, and women also during Clemakse. Children from parents can pass Certain response to stress, worldview, level of impressionability, anxiety, feeling of fear . If the house adults are afraid of blood type, then the baby will begin to adopt this condition and grows hemophobic.

  • Social environmental factors can cause. Especially subject to obsessive states, those person, which quickly perceive any stress, are experiencing strong emotions (mostly negative). If a forty person gets a strong injury, he will remember the negative moment for a long time and the bleeding associated with it.

  • Biochemical predisposition is only a hypothesis. However, she suggests that phobias as a result of excessive mining of hormones or serotonin, or melanin, or adrenaline. At the sight of blood, adrenaline can occur, and this will entail the development of an obsessive state for many reasons.

And yet, this group of predispositions can be attributed various dependencies: Alcohol, narcotic, tobacco . Substances entering the body due to bad habits, suppress the production of the necessary hormones. And this contributes to the development of mental disorders.

  • An even appearance of phobia contributes to excessive activity, which is why the organism is overwhelmed. And if at this moment a person will see strong bleeding, then its reaction can be unpredictable.

  • Too much information can provoke the development of fear. For example, when a person studied a large number of materials related to the fact that most severe and incurable diseases are transmitted through blood. First of all, this is a AIDS infection. After an impressionable individual finds out that this disease can be infected through blood transfusion or through the used syringe, it will begin to be afraid of someone else's blood.

  • Particularly susceptible to hemophobia of a weak floor representative. Due to the fact that women often have bleeding associated with gynecological problems, they begin to experience irrational fear. And if the medical care was rendered poorly, this disorder takes a persistent nature.

    • People who have fallen in the car accident can also experience phobic disorders. It all depends on how much blood has lost a man after the tragedy that occurred. And if his life hung in the balance due to the strong blood loss, then psychological disorders can go into a full-fledged disease.

    • After watching horror films with a bloody plot , an impressionable person can get a phobic disorder.

    • In consciousness, one condition was fixed: the complete loss of blood is death. Through an open wound into the blood vessels, infection can be found and cause pain, temperature and death. Therefore, you need to take urgent measures to eliminate the contagion. And if there was no necessary antiseptics at hand, and the infection penetrated the wound, then the person threatens either the amputation of the limb, or long-term treatment with antibiotics. After such a case, the victim himself and his close people will always be afraid of injury and blood.

    Such fear is able to completely paint into irrational.

    • Fear of blood May be caused by finding a person in sekt.

    • Rituals of black magic Also can cause a feeling of fear of blood.

      In all cases, hemophobia arises when a person has some predisposition due to its temperament. Therefore, not all people are susceptible to hemophobia. Some may simply experience a hostile attitude that quickly passes. And other conditions begin to acquire an intrusive nature, for this reason it is necessary to carry out treatment.

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      Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_7

      Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_8


      An individual suffering from hemophobia, even at the thought that he can suddenly discover the bleeding, will begin to panic. And such thoughts "wind" excited consciousness. The psychological background worsens. Pictures are becoming all the scary and scary.

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      And if at this moment of overvoltage of the nervous system in humans arises nasal bleeding, it can reach an extremely negative state. At such moments, the hemophoba launches processes that affect the emission of a large number of adrenaline. And with this emission, the body does not cope. And as a result of the panic attack, the following symptoms arise:

      • hoppy pressure (or increases or decreases much);
      • The emergence of strong arrhythmias;
      • intermittent breathing;
      • spin and headache;
      • dryness appears in the mouth;
      • Nausea arises and even appears vomiting;
      • There is a strong sweating;
      • Consciousness becomes confused;
      • worsen eyesight (can double in the eyes);
      • Speech becomes incoherent, and strong anxiety causes fear;
      • Inadequate attitude to what is happening also should alert.

      Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_10

      No one will deny that such manifestations are extremely dangerous to human life and human health. And when the situation becomes more than critical, it is necessary to proceed to treatment.

      How to get rid of phobia?

      Any phobia is always associated with a certain factor. Like all normal fears, hemophobia has its significance, as it belongs to the feeling of self-preservation. And without this feeling it is impossible to human existence.

      There are two types of fears: a normal (reaction that refers to the discharge of natural) and pathological (irrational fear). The last form of fears (pathological) is a complex interweaving of various feelings. And therefore is quite problematic. It means that it is necessary to first find out, as a result of which a phobic disorder arose, that is, to learn the reason for its development.

      Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_11

      Often, provocateurs of various mental disorders are internal or external conflicts.

      Internal conflicts arise due to the fact that in childhood the individual had such situations that contributed to the development of a negative attitude towards themselves and to life in general. Perhaps these were children's problems that appeared by the fault of adults. For example, parents could attach the Son to work on the farm, which was to slaughter animals on meat.

      Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_12

      And maybe the mother with his father could not give a child a certain defense against the outside world or, on the contrary, too worked him. Having reveaning the cause of such behavior, obsessive states need to be eliminated on time. You can seek help to a psychologist, and you can simply take advantage of the general councils of specialists.

      • Do not allow extra emotions and let fear inside consciousness. First of all, get rid of smallestness. Excessive experiences will only strengthen your fear. For example, if you produce blood fence from the vein, then you should not focus on how you will be ashamed if you fall into fainting. On the contrary, it is necessary to focus on this manipulation.

      At this point, nothing terrible happens by and large. So, you just need to take care that the medical sister turns out to be a professional and did not cause you pain.

      • Have patience. Getting rid of phobias is often not a rapid occupation. In order to become completely healthy, you will have to work a lot and recycle your negative emotions. Treat failed in mild. Always hope for a positive outcome.

      If at the sight of blood you get bad, then do not despair. Work on yourself, look in the eyes.

      To do this, increase the number of hikes in the procedural office, try to pass the blood like a donor.

      • Imagine yourself a man who is not afraid of anything. Enter this image, and when you get scared, think more about your image than what you are afraid.

      • Do not focus on thoughts about trouble (for example, bleeding from the nose). Do not project what you are most likely and will not happen. Why are your consciousness once again? Live here and now, then you will feel the taste of life and will think less about bad.

      • Remember: Human life consists of good and bad moments. And if the trouble happened to you (you or your close people were injured), then do not dwell on it. Bleeding will stop, you will have help, make a dam from a tetanus and so on. The consequences will not complicate your life, will not affect negative on health.

      • If you are afraid of blood from childhood, then start yourself. You can not think and behave like a child when you have achieved a very honorable age. These thoughts will configure you to the desired way.

        • If you are experiencing fear that is directed to the future, then try to think only about pressing problems. Conscious features a picture: you got into an accident, and you have blood from the wound on your head. She pours eyes and so on. Enough, stop this picture - this is in your power. Just say "Stop" and imagine a white square.

        So you "clean" your consciousness. Now try redirect your rich imagination to positive. Remember what beautiful sea in the summer, and you will definitely go on vacation. And then on increasing: swimming in salted water, sun, sand, etc.

        Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_13

        Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_14

        You can overcome the phobia only when a person wants to do it himself. Just do not need to be carried away and neglect safety. Everywhere need a measure.

        Hemophobia is a rather complicated state, so it is very difficult to get rid of it. Only a strong person will be able to overcome their fear without referring to the specialists. When the state of the phobia causes severe concerns, since it is not amenable to correction, you need to contact a psychotherapist.

        It will prescribe treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. With the help of desensitization, the therapist projects developing events in such a way that the patient gradually gets used to the type of blood. At first, an artificial substance is taken for this, and then it is replaced by a campaign at the procedural office, where there are blood test tubes. Hemophobe begins to understand that the type of blood cannot represent any danger. And then the next Stage correction which depends on the degree of development of phobia.

        Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_15

        If phobia has acquired a deeper root, simultaneously with other techniques, the doctor usually prescribes drugs: Benzopropylene, beta-blockers (they reduce excessive stimulation of emotions). Naturally, the reception of such pharmaceuticals should occur under the control of a specialist.

        With poor mental health, you can also use hypnotherapy. With the help of a trance, a person will impose a certain type of behavior, which will significantly reduce the fear of blood.

        Simultaneously with other techniques, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy, which includes Massage, treatment with wave radiation . Thus, anxiety is reduced, and the general tone of the body rises. Do not refuse water procedures that contribute to universal muscle relaxation.

        Hemophobia: What is it? How else is the child's fear? How to get rid of phobia? Causes of fear 17545_16

        Relaxation and sports are considered conscious substitutions of negative emotions on positive. And if you decide to act independently and, most importantly, consciously, then move according to a specific scheme.

        • Find the one who will always support you. It may be someone from loved ones. Let him be near when you have to pass blood for analysis.
        • Do not believe in a bad outcome, but believe only in the best future. It is worthy of it, and it will surely come true.
        • Listen to your health and consciousness. If you are doing well now, then why should you be different tomorrow? There is no reason for it.
        • Do not think about the root cause of your irrational fear. Well, an accident happened to you with whom it does not happen. It was and passed.

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        If you suddenly have panic attacks, then use emergency.

        • Wrong for fear. He takes away from you a part of life and for it is subject to complete destruction.
        • Suddenly, approaching fear can be removed from consciousness With the help of quickly switching attention to an interesting subject or your dream. What do you most want? Answer yourself on this question and imagine your goal in the colors.
        • With panic attacks, self-sucking helps. Speak yourself, standing in front of the mirror: "I am no longer afraid of blood."

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