Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia


There are many people who are sharply experiencing a loss of their own time. Sometimes such fear is reborn into the phobia. To choose effective treatment, it is necessary to carefully understand the features and causes of the occurrence of an uncontrolled fear of time.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_2

What it is?

Chronophobia (from ancient Greek Chrono - "Time", Phobos - "Fear") is a neurotic fear of time. A person is experiencing all-consuming horror in front of instantly flying clocks and years, inevitably leading to death. Most often, irresistible fear occurs at the time of the expectation of a very important or desired event: some solemn event, weddings, exam or viewing a favorite transfer. Man painfully begins to count up months, days, minutes to the expected moment. Life turns into a solid nightmare.

This phobia may arise spontaneously at least someone during the period of strong psycho-emotional loads. For example, some modern teenagers first experience inexplicable excitement when choosing an educational institution. As the time cuts until the end of the school, anxiety increases and gradually goes into fear. And a few weeks before the graduation of a teenager, and not defined with a future specialty, anxiety can transform into a phobia.

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Young people often acquire an alarming disorder if you wish to perform work quickly, because it is afraid not to have time to cope with the task of the appointed date. As a result, the task is performed poorly, but this is much earlier than planned time.

Most often, phobia occurs at the constant Perseciousness with an unstable psyche. Sometimes people aged 40 and 50 years old are looking back and understood how much time wasted wasted. They appear fear do not have time for something very important in life. Elderly faced chronophobia as a result of understanding the inevitability of death.

For the first time, phobia was recorded during the observation period for a long time. The departure of such a large period is concluded by something beyond reality. For a short time, the initial symptomy intensity decreases.

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The person turns into a non-profitable creature with primitive needs. This condition is called prison neurosis. This is one of the most complex phobias due to the lack of a tangible object of fear.

Causes of occurrence

The emergence of this pathology can be facilitated by a variety of reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • a traumatic event that occurred in childhood;
  • Unsuccessful experience of the accomplished action, which brought not completely desired results;
  • transferred stress waiting for some event;
  • imposed from the outside: from the media, books, films, friends or acquaintances;
  • Stressful situations: loss of work, divorce, death of a loved one;
  • health condition: hormonal imbalance, surgical intervention, heart disease, menopause onset;
  • Depression, depression.

Sometimes chronophobia may appear completely suddenly due to the randomly heard phrase about the frequency of life.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_5


In contrast to most phobias, this alarming disorder is constantly present in a person's life, and does not appear periodically at a specific meeting with the object of fear. Sad dooms pursue a person mainly in the evening and night. He begins to convolcely sort out in the head, how many things managed to fulfill the day, this focuses on the unfinished process.

Chronopoba begins to overcome panic. He wants to run away somewhere away, hide.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_6

At the same time, the following physiological symptoms appear with pathological fear:

  • sharp blood pressure jumps;
  • tachycardia;
  • Student breathing;
  • disorder of the digestion system;
  • Expansion of pupils;
  • shiver in the legs and arms;
  • faint condition;
  • Enhanced sweating.

Psychological symptoms include reluctance to plan long-term deeds.

Young chronophobes prefer to live alone. They are afraid to face the feeling of lack of time.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_7

Age patients, on the contrary, make up detailed plans, fearing something not to have time. The following psychotic symptoms are inherent in the suffering phobia:

  • constant internal stress;
  • nervousness;
  • discomfort;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of irrevocable loss of time;
  • sense of unreality of what is happening;
  • Deputies of depersonalization.

The behavioral sign of pathology is the refusal to carry watches.

The appearance of the clockball with arrows can lead a person to despair. Excessive mention of time often provokes a panic attack. Credit watches become an object of fear.

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How to treat?

At the first signs of phobia, it is necessary to refer to an experienced specialist who most often appoints a comprehensive treatment to the patient. First, it turns out the root cause of horror before inexorably carrying time. Then special situations that contribute to getting rid of fear of the frequency of life are simulated.

Inside the psychotherapist's pharmacological treatment prescribes Tranquilizers, antidepressants, neuroleptics. Medicines must be applied strictly to the appointment of a specialist and under its direct supervision. Short course reception courses improve overall well-being, but completely from phobias do not save.

There are many effective psychotherapeutic techniques. Experts recommend splitting the task of several time segments and act in stages.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_9

This phobia is manifested in each person in its own way, therefore The universal method does not exist. Psychotherapist picks up an individual approach to each person. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to teach the patient to control their thoughts and emotions. Parallel is formed Critical attitude to the fear object.

Specialist can advise hypnotic sessions . A person who is in a state of trance, a hypnologist gives an installation on the correct reaction of the perception of an irritant. Negative thoughts gradually displaced from consciousness. The person is adjusted to a positive way. The hypnologist sends chronopob's psyche to the right direction. After the end of the full course, negative symptoms of the disease disappear.

Neurolynguistic programming is also successfully used in the treatment of exaggerated concern due to fast running time.

Chronophobia: fear of the flow of time. How to deal with fear? Causes of phobia 17542_10

Biased ideas about the future are transformed into positive thoughts.

A person is able to help himself regular autotraining, which reduce the level of stress. The controversial neurotic fear of time loss brings to exhaustion, but in reality it does not carry any danger. Autotraenings contribute to changing the wrong installation.

Not bad distract from alarming thoughts of affirmation, relaxation, yoga classes. Active lifestyle contributes to an increase in endorphins and hormones of happiness, joy. The nervous system of tincture of hawthorn, valerian, peony and herbal tea based on peppermint, souls, Melissa are well soothing well. A favorable effect on the patient has pets.

Self-treatment effectively at the initial stage of the disease.

For top 5 phobias look next.

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