Peladophobia: Why does Fear bald? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


According to most women, bald men are very sexy and attractive, some men consider very attractive and interesting bald women. But it does not sound soothing for those who are panicked suddenly too much. Such people are called peladophobia.

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Pelatophobia is an irrational fear of baldness, fear of bald. Initially, a person with such a mental disorder scares the prospect of too much. This probability is reminiscent of their bald people resemble them, and therefore fear is distributed in most cases and on them.

Almost equally, men and women suffer from peladophobia. This phobic disorder can develop in young and older, teenagers. There are no age signs of fear.

There are no accurate data on the number of such phobias suffering, because many people do not come with this problem to a psychotherapist.

But trichologists (health care professionals) note that People with complaints about extreme concerns are very often addressed to them, with no obvious prerequisites for loss of hair. It is possible that many of them suffer from peladophobia.

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Signs and symptoms

It should be distinguished by people who are squeamingly or critically belong to lys. This is a question of culture, upbringing, personal preferences and tastes, but not a phobic psyche disorder. The real peladophobe does not criticize bald, he is simply afraid, because he himself is afraid to become such.

Peladophobes are paying too much attention to their hair, their health. They are willing to spend huge amounts for intake treatments, for modern innovative hair care products. They often rest safely in the mirrors.

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Meetings with Lysi People return them to anxiety. They cannot focus on studies, work tasks, if a person with Lysina is nearby.

At the same time, light forms of peladophobia can remain almost unnoticed by others - A person simply tries not to fit close to the Bald Colleague, he does not get a friendly relationship with him, does not slander tea with him in a lunch break.

More pronounced stages of phobic disorder are accompanied by obvious vegetative symptoms, to control the manifestations of whose peladophobes cannot, no matter how hard it tried. He avoids places where bald people can meet, and considering that they can meet everywhere, a person is in constant tension. With a sudden meeting with a bald man, if it was not possible to avoid it, FOB begins to test the symptoms of adrenaline affects on its own body:

  • Pressure increases, heartbeat, pulse;
  • It is cold sweat on his palms, face, back;
  • There is a feeling of the loss of reality, a person does not control the situation around;
  • pupils are expanding, skin pale pale;
  • There is a sense of air shortness for normal breathing;
  • in the mouth dries up;
  • tremor may occur (hand shakes, lips);
  • In severe cases, dizziness arises, loss of consciousness.

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Peladophobia: Why does Fear bald? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment 17537_6

A person can stay on the spot, as sought, and may experience an insurmountable desire to escape that he may well embody into reality, healing strange and "wonderful."

Panic attack passes after the frightening factor disappears. After an attack of a panic attack, a person feels tired, broken, he is ashamed for his, perhaps public inadequate behavior.

All Pelatophobians have to properly pay great attention to finding new methods and medicines for hair, they practice various folk and medical methods.

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They are so looked at this process that all conversations can be around and about the new method to make a hairstyle thick.

It is known that Hollywood actor Tom Cruz suffers for peladophobia. He does not hide that it is very afraid of becoming a lie, and therefore does not regret money for caring for the hairproof head. The actor flatly refuses roles of bald characters, even if he likes the script in general. After forced communication with Lyshi, Cruz visits his psychoanalyst, because, he said, needs to restore spiritual forces.

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Peladophobia refers to phobic type mental disorders. It is an excessive reaction to the situation that the human brain perceives as dangerous. It is obvious that The baldness is not dangerous for the life of a person, many without a single hair on the head live a long and quite happy life, and therefore fear is bald - unreasonable, irrational who has nothing to do with the manifestations of a natural self-preservation instinct person.

Psychiatrists studying this phenomenon came to the conclusion that Often the reason for fear lies in heredity. At the same time, the fear itself is inherited, but the behavioral model of ancestor - if someone from his parents was scary afraid to lose hair and the child watched it during the whole of his childhood, he perceives this adult model as genuine, and in the same way comes himself, without thinking And why, in fact, he is so afraid of Lysin.

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The concept of heredity can be applied in another key: in the family of men, all representatives of the strong sex, reaching a certain age, are fished.

The prospect, which is quite real, is alarming that is present constantly and accumulates, pouring out with a real phobic disorder.

The cause of peladophobia may be some unpleasant and traumatic events that happened in childhood. For example, the child has become a victim of violence, ill-treatment from a bald person. The reason can be wounded in the experience of another kind: the child for some reason was touched by challenge, which caused a squall of ridicule, bullying from the peers, which firmly tied in the subconscious of two phenomena - the feeling of misfortune and law.

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Phobia can be imposed from the outside.

For example, an impressionable and very disturbing child or a teenager can get a huge impression from the story of other people from watching a film, in which a bald man was an obvious anti-mode.

How to get rid of fear?

It is impossible to fight yourself with peladophobia. It is important to work with incorrect installations, and therefore it is necessary to trust it with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The doctor will be able to detect the causes and eliminate their consequences. A very effective method is rational psychotherapy - after a course of treatment, a person will begin tolerant to treat the infrared process as an inevitable age change that does not threaten life.

Medicines are not considered effective in the case of peladophoy , but if the fear of bald is associated with a high level of anxiety, depression, then at the discretion of the doctor can be applied Antidepressants and sedatives.

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For the most strange phobias, see below.

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