Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment


Among the few hundred human fears are so unusual and even strange that it remains only to be surprised in the unexplored possibilities of the human brain. These rare and mysterious phobias, in particular, applies to AnachidaFobia - Fear that in the world necessarily there is a duck that follows you.


It should not be confused by anatidafi and ornithobia (fear of birds). With the ornithobia of any form, whatever birds would be horrified, the man is afraid of a bird, her feathers, sounds that she publishes, and a lot of things. Anatidaeephitis is not afraid of any kind of ducks nor a kryakanya, they are afraid only that one of them necessarily watchs them.

How many people suffer from such a phobia, are kindly unknown, psychiatry are available for analysis only a single case, so drawing conclusions about the prevalence of such fear prematurely.

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_2

A man who fears birds is basically a strong fear when meeting with a frightening object. With anatidafobia, fear is almost always present, because the patient knows exactly - whatever he did, wherever he walked, the duck sees everything and watches him intently, carefully, unreliable. Ducks are difficult to call good-natured birds. They, like geese, tend to show aggression against a person, clap wings, attack, painfully pinch. And the ducks are incredibly curious and actually love to watch themselves like and people.

Nevertheless, fear is irrational, because the duck, even if she watches a man, cannot harm this effect. However, the deep deposits of the brain suffering from the anatidafobius of a person recognize the very idea of ​​the possible pursuit of the duck as a danger signal. A strange phobia can border the persecution mania, a crazy basis, then a person may need a completely different treatment.

Is this phobia illness? In full understanding of this word - no. But it belongs To the category of phobic disorders of the psyche, referred to insulated phobias by the international classification of disease.

The disorder is called so persecuted due to the merger of two words - Anatidae - ducks, waterfowl and phobos - fear. Funny phobia seems only to those who are not familiar with this fear. Anatidafobam usually not before laughter.

Of all cases of fear of persecution of duck, most of them accounted for women - it is most often they suffer from this phobic disorder.

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_3

Causes of occurrence

As already mentioned, there are few people with such a phobia in the world, so learn the issue globally there is no possibility. The only reasonable reason for the reason for the mental violation, according to specialists, can be held in the negative experience of communicating with ducks in children and adolescence. Most often prerequisites for phobias develop aged 3 to 7-8 years. For an adult person Duck sizes minor. But if the bird rushes to the child, she will seem big and terrible to him.

The child could scare a sharply felt duck, flying past the face, as well as an annoying bird that did not want to fall behind. Try to go to the zoo and feed the ducks. One of them (and maybe not alone) will definitely be touched by you, facing food. It will move after you along the whole fence until you can stay nearby.

Theoretically observational child with a rich fantasy and excessable impressionability can pay attention to this feature of waterfowl. If the fright factor will be combined with such a conclusion, then there is a possibility that The human psyche will fix the relationship - the duck-danger-surveillance-pursuit.

Next, it all depends on the type of disorder. If the matter is limited only to the phobia, the fear that the duck looks, will arise when meeting with such a creature, at the sight of a duck on TV or in pictures. If the manic delusional state joins that a person is constantly convinced that the duck is watching him, then this is a more severe mental violation. Sometimes fear is developing against the background of fear information.

The child lived and did not know that you could be afraid of a following duck. Then he learns about the strange phobia, trying on the feelings of the patient (so subconsciously we do everything at any age), and the fantasy does its job - there is a feeling of fear. First, a small anxiety, and then a full-fed phobic disorder, if it failed to cope with a small anxiety.

Important! The exact mechanisms for the formation of this phobia, unfortunately, are unknown, so scientists and physicians can only put forward hypothesis.

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_4

Symptoms and signs

The manifestation of anatidafobia is not much different from any other phobic disorder. But there are also their nuances, specialists say. The whole thing is some of the worst of fear, so a person can impress a big eccentric. He almost always stays in alarmed state, he may not leave the feeling that the duck somewhere near and carefully monitors his actions.

A person often shudders with sharp unexpected sounds, and at the form of a real waterfowl may experience a panic attack attack. The emission of adrenaline in the blood provokes the rise in heartbeat, increase the pressure, begin to sweat the palms and the back, a shiver can appear in their hands and legs. It is difficult to make a swallowing movement - in the mouth of drying, pupils are expanding, the skin becomes pale.

In severe cases, a short-term loss of consciousness (fainting) may occur. Diagnostics usually does not cause difficulties. Anatidaevphob willingly tells himself that he was so scared, as well as about his suspicions relative to the "ubiquitous duck that sees everything." At the sight of a duck, a person tries to escape and hide or, on the contrary, freezes how the insertion in place is unable to make a step.

If a person suffers from this phobia, he will try to exclude any mention of these birds from his daily life. He will not go to the embankment to feed the claropes, moreover, he will always come around this embankment. He will not buy a toy in the form of a duck, will not watch the cartoons and movies that have images of ducks. And if the phobia is not associated with a sense of persecution, then it should not hurt big inconvenience - not so often we meet ducks on the street. But the fear of the tracking duck cannot get rid of, even if a person understands a perfectly that she is simply nowhere to take around nearby.

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_5

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_6


Anatidafobia therapy questions are as acute as the issues of determining the etiology of the disorder. It is believed to help a person can standard therapy of phobic disorders, the question has not been studied in more detail. Given the mass of "white spots" associated with this strange phobia, it is considered to be treated quite difficult. About self-help and folk methods can not be speech. First of all, it is important to contact the psychiatrist. Not to a psychologist who solves emotional problems, not a psychotherapist engaged in the treatment of standard phobias, Namely to a psychiatrist, given that the fear of surveillance on the part of the bird may be associated with delirium prosecution.

Diagnostics is a conversation, carrying out standard tests for anxiety, thinking, logic, depressive disorders. MRI or CT brain can be appointed to eliminate organic lesions of the central nervous system. In the detection of elements, the persecution is prescribed inpatient treatment with the use of tranquilizers and antipsychotics, a long-term course of psychotherapy.

In the absence of nonsense, but the presence of fear before ducks is recommended to immediately go to psychotherapy. An effective is gestalt therapy, as well as cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The doctor reveals the events that had such a strong influence on a sick, sometimes for this you have to immerse the patient. in hypnotic trans. Then a systematic and gradually the doctor replaces erroneous installations more positive.

With successful treatment, the intensity of fear is declining after a few months, and six months or a year later, a person can even treat ducks in general with sympathy. In any case, the proposal to take a walk along the embankment and feed the ducks with him will not cause frightened, panic attack and other manifestations. Sometimes for treatment you have to use and medications as not independent, but integrated treatment. With pronounced anxiety, I can be recommended Sedatives, antidepressants, sleeping pills with sleep violation.

Without treatment, the anatidafobia itself does not pass, it is inclined to progress, exacerbate, accompanying mental disorders are joined, therefore it is recommended to seek qualified medical care as soon as possible.

Anatidafiya: What is the name of the fear of what the duck is watching a man? How many people suffer from this phobia? Features of treatment 17531_7

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