Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia


Fear of birds, many of which are very cute and elegant, may seem strange to someone. But not the very ornithophobic. For him, this fear is a painful reality. Ornithobia is considered rather rare phobic disorder, and therefore it is very difficult to detect its causes.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_2


The fear of birds is called ornithophobia, and this disorder is included in the zoophobia group. But unlike many other fear of various animals, insects, reptiles and amphibians, ornithobia is always accompanied by a pronounced disturbing disorder. This can be considered a distinctive feature.

If with fear of tropical poisonous frogs, a resident of the middle strip of Russia can live completely peacefully (such a frog will be met by anything at the exhibition, and there is nothing to go there), then everything is more complicated with birds. Birds are widespread, they surround us almost everywhere - in cities, villages, in the forest, at sea, and therefore the level of anxiety ornithophobes exceeds all reasonable limits, and the phobia itself is characterized by a difficult course, in which the patient's psyche is rapidly flashes.

In the international classification of diseases for ornithobia, separate code is not provided It is listed among isolated phobias under the code 40.2.

Pathological fear of birds can manifest itself at any age - both in childhood, and in adults. It is noteworthy that Ornithobia is pretty quickly progress.

The fear can cause both all the feathers without exception and their individual representatives, for example, a panic fear of panties or seagulls, fear of only chicken or geese.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_3

At the same time, the rest of the birds will not cause a negative reaction. Sometimes fear causes only dead birds or birds trill. As part of Ornithobia, the fear of bird feathers, manifested, disgust, the emergence of anxiety and panic at the sight of them. The fear of bird feathers is considered not only one of the most rare, but one of the most mysterious - psychiatrists still fail to come to a single opinion that this fear can cause such fear.

In any case, ornithobia can significantly affect the daily life of a person - In severe cases, the ornithophobic brought to despair at all can refuse to leave the house in order not to face the street with a dove or sparrow. This means a refusal to visits to the place of study, work, hiking to the shop for shopping and treasures to nature. There will be a full life of a person who is always in anticipation of the appearance of danger, obviously - no.

A high level of anxiety creates prerequisites for the development and other mental illness, and for this reason, the ornithophobus should be asked for qualified professional help.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_4

Causes of occurrence

As already mentioned, the causes of ornithobia are quite complex and non-obvious. Specialists tend to believe that the prerequisites may be in childhood, for example, as a result of the birds attack. Not all feathers are able to attack a person, but here are gulls, for example, they are not afraid of neither adults or children, and on the beach may well take away ice cream or other delicacy.

Often, children amazing the appearance of the dead feathery, which he can see on the playground, while walking in the park. If the child has an increased nervous excitability, the kid is anxious, supreme, the impressionable, prone to nightmares, prone to excessively fantasy, then seen the bird's corpse may well be thereby an alarming provoking factor, which will then be launched in the brain of fear mechanisms every time a person Will come across the pennate.

Due to the impressionability, phobic disorder can develop and after watching the horror movie, where birds are represented in an ominous form, and a documentary film about the wildlife, in which the birds are represented by aggressors.

With these factors, fear is formed not only in children, but also in adults.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_5

If in the family, one of the parents suffers from Ornithofobia, the likelihood is great that his model of behavior will go to the child and he will grow up with a feeling of fear for the feathery, the justifications of which will not be able to find himself.

And finally, it is impossible not to say about the traumatic experience. The child could fit and hurt the chicken, cock, parrot in the leg. Poultry, which are kept in the cage and release to fly, can suddenly spew it right in the face of a person. This can also cause a sudden fright that can turn into a deeper and resistant phobia.

Fear before bird singing can develop after a dangerous traumatic situation in which a man got. If at that moment the bird chirping accompanied in his memory was recorded in its memory, it is quite possible that then the twitter will cause the attacks of increased anxiety.

Separate species of birds can cause fears for various reasons. For example, a mother constantly tells the child that pigeons are potent of dangerous infections, and the basis of such ornithobia is the fear of becoming infected in the first place, and birds in the second. Mystical statements that Raven symbolizes death, may be primarily associated with fear die (Tanatophobia) and only in the second place - with the corners themselves.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_6


This type of phobia can have a variety of manifestations, the spectrum of the signs is very wide and depends on what is the prescription, stage and form of phobic disorder. Ornithophobes can be afraid of all feathered without exception, and this is the most severe form of a psyche violation.

At the sight of the bird there is a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, danger.

On the way to work or on the affairs of Ornithophobic, having met on the path of ordinary dove, can sharply turn around and run to the other side, bypassing the "dangerous" place. Fobia gradually get used to, gradually people begin to hide their true emotions, but The sudden appearance of the bird puts everything in its place: Ornithophobic is frightened, his panic attack can start.

At the same time, heartbeat is rapidly, a feeling of lack of air appears, pupils are expanding and throws into the sweat. In severe cases, a person can faint. After an attack, a person feels awkward, he is ashamed of him in front of others, he feels a feeling of his own inferiority.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_7

Fear may touch not only lively and real birds, but also their images in photographs, demonstrations on TV. The most severe cases of ornithobia, described in psychiatric practice, had such symptoms as an increase in anxiety at one mention of birds Even if there are no pictures with their image, no real feathers.

Ornithophobes are trying to avoid zoos, pet stores, bird markets, urban areas, on which there are always many pigeons and people specifically feed them in such places.

The burden of ornithobia may occur suddenly. Often against the background of the initial phobic, a paranoid disorder is developing when a person seems to be the birds everywhere, they pursue him. If a delusional manic state is developing, then the patient begins to experience a firm conviction that someone has conspited and specifically sends birds to him that these are the miscarions of enemies or enemy intelligence that the birds not only can kill him, but also follow him regularly.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_8

How to get rid of fear?

Ornithobia is a violation of mental health. This means that psychologists are not treated, there are no folk remedies from such fear. Independent attempts are most often completed with a complete failure (experienced ornithophos with great experience knows perfectly). The fact is that attempts to take themselves in the hands and control emotions in phobic disorder is the impossible.

That is why you should contact a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, to undergo diagnosis and start passing the therapy efficient in this case.

With a severe form of total fear of all birds with several panic attacks during the day, during the treatment of a person can put in the hospital to protect against frightening circumstances and objects. The average and light stages of disorder do not require inpatient treatment.

The main role in deliverance from this form of fear is given to psychotherapy. Usually apply cognitive behavioral therapy, rational psychotherapy, sometimes there is a need to apply hypnotherapy and the NLP method. For several months, in most cases, the doctor manages to change the perception of the image of birds in a person's consciousness to a more positive. And if he does not begin to love the feathers (this is not required), then at least begins to calmly perceive them without fear that another panic will arise.

Fear of birds: How does Ornithobia appear? Causes of the fear of pigeons, chickens and feathers? Treatment of phobia 17509_9

Medicines apply only if other problems are adjacent to the phobia, for example, depression. In this case, antidepressants are prescribed. When paranoid manifestations appear, treatment is carried out by tranquilizers and antipsychotics. In other cases, it is believed that the pills from the fear of birds do not exist.

It is noteworthy that after the treatment has passed, many former ornithophos will have a parrot home or a canary as a reminder that fears can be defeated.

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