Characteristics Women Phlegmatics: Pros, Cons and Description of phlegmatic girls


A woman who knows how to control his feelings, emotions and is not amenable to momentary desires - this is a real phlegmatic. To the adoption of each of his decision, the girl applies with full responsibility, thinking through every step. What other peculiarities have phlegmatic women, find out right now from our special material.

Character features

As soon as you find yourself in a large company, it will absolutely easy to highlight among all the woman, which is a phlegmatic person in character. The phlegmatic girl is distinguished by the measured gait, calm and even the strict expression of the face, his silence.

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The characteristic of the Flegmatic woman describes it as a calm person who knows how to control his feelings and never goes on his emotions. Before you solve any question, the problem, the girl thoroughly thinking every step, weighing everything "for" and "against". Spontaneous and rapid decisions are not for her.

This girl is absolutely impossible to output. In any situation, it remains calm. The phlegmatic woman never behaves quickly or aggressively in humans, always restrained, calm, and sometimes even too passive.

This person will partly be called a bit closed. After all, even people from the close surroundings sometimes do not realize that it is going on with her soul and what she really thinks about.

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Another feature of the nature of phlegmatics suggests that these are conservatives. Such people do not like change, do not like surprises and are not ready for spontaneous actions and manifestations of feelings. Phlegmatics very quickly get used to something alone, it is very hard to part with people, the places to which they are very tied. The description of the nature of such women still says that most of all in the world they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. Any changes suggest fear on them. Phlegmatics are afraid of change, they are afraid to lose their own protected feeling.

Despite the fact that the phlegmatic girl is quite balanced and calm, it is very difficult to build relationships with it. She is in no hurry to let the men close to himself, and to win her heart, he will have to try to very much. A man who will be able to conquer the heart of the FLEGMATAL woman is very lucky. A woman is able to become a truly good wife, a caring mother and a welcoming mistress.

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As with any person, women phlegmatics also have their pros and cons. Let's start with the advantages of their difficult character. The main advantage of such women can be called confidence and inner calm. Unfortunately, not all women possess such qualities. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity for the most part overly flashy and emotional people, but not only women phlegmatic.

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Another important advantage of such women is that they are able to truly be friends. Such a girl is always happy to listen to all the problems, will help calm down and be sure to give a good advice. Men and women stretch to such people, because they feel confident, strength, support and responsiveness. After communication with such women becomes much easier. Despite the external inaccessibility and seriousness, phlegmatics can be a soul of the company, raise the mood and charge everyone around the positive.

Another advantage is that Flegmatic woman easily finds a common language with almost everyone. Even if the girl falls into a new team or a new company, then for a very short time, it is managed to find a common language with colleagues.

The main feature of such a woman is that it never tries to remake people and takes everyone as they are. For this, girlfriends, colleagues and relatives appreciate it.

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Separately, it is worth mentioning that the owner of this character is completely disinterested. That is, she will never communicate with a person for the benefit. On the contrary, such a girl is ready to help everyone, while not requiring nothing in return. Reliability is another positive trait of her character. If a woman promised something, then it will be sure to fulfill it, you can always rely on it. Flegmatic woman loves when it is praised for the work done or for the assistance rendered. It is worth just once to praise, and she is ready to work and help with even greater return.

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Persistence can also be attributed to the positive traits of the nature of such a lady, since it is thanks to this quality of phlegmatics always achieved their goals. If the phlegmatic is taken for any business, it must necessarily bring it to the end, despite the various difficulties that may arise on the way. Such women always find a way out of any, even a very difficult situation. In addition, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, possessing such character, differ in zeal, hardly worry, honesty and excellent sense of humor.

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If we talk about flaws, then they are definitely there. These women are very poorly adapted to new places, to the new setting. Flegmatics are always categorically configured regarding moving to a new place of residence or to a new city. They can only decide on this in the extreme case, and in a new place will be quite long to pretend, trying to recreate the very homely comfort, which they lost.

These women love to listen, but at all do not know how to show their emotions. Of course, such a feature of the character can be attributed to the disadvantages, since the lack of emotionality sometimes strongly prevents them in personal life. Excessive sacrifice is another trait of character that prevents them from living. Flegmatics are ready to sacrifice all in order to help a close person. But unfortunately sometimes it happens that some people must use this. Especially since such women can not always distinguish what person is in front of them, as far as he is sincere, what goals are pursuing.

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On the characteristics of the character of women phlegmatics, see below.

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