Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach


Attitude towards children and the features of their upbringing depend not only by age. It is extremely important to take into account the specifics of the child's temperament. Educating children of "choleric" on temperament is needed by special schemes.

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It often meets the opinion that any children are easily excited, emotions are growing rapidly, continuously and actively. But even on a general background, a choleric child stands out. He has emotions beat through the edge. To cope with such a "live test", it is necessary to thoroughly examine the features of this temperament.

The mood in such children changes unpredictably in one direction, then to another. At the same time, all things are cyclically. Choleric prefer games in which many participants. Communication for them is usually no problem and even preferably. But high contact already in kindergarten is overshadowed, depreciates increased incidence and conflict. Watching children immediately note that they are:

  • love pranks;
  • constantly fuss;
  • restless in their classes.

Child choleric is not only well visible, but also perfectly "heard." He has, regardless of gender, manifests themselves:

  • Volume voice;
  • speed speech;
  • Active gesture.

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Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_5

Such temperament leads to a rapid consumption of mental energy. After all, the nervous system of children works unstable. Immersing anything, in every act without a balance, children spend almost all their strength. But instability makes itself felt anyway: it is expressed in the absence of prettiness. Education of choleric is a difficult matter requiring attention and accuracy.

This temperament (both in adolescents, and partly even in preschool age from 2 years) is expressed in leadership inclinations. Choleric almost always, in whatever companies it turn out to be, protruding. It is under their influence that others start and leave games. Attitude towards games is not just serious: attempts to interrupt such entertainment are encountered with irritation. Of all the games, the unconditional priority uses those where you need to risk and exercise physical activity.

Once in an educational institution, in the team children choler's children turn out to be forced to slow down their desires and motivations. But outside the school or kindergarten (in the yard, on the street, and especially at home) self-control is weakening. Therefore, the educational process is additionally complicated, requires strong nerves and cold-bloodeds. To make sure that the child is a choleric, it is useful to consider all four temperaments on the example of a particular situation.

For example, it comes to leave the playground. Sanguines will try to pull out the departure to the last, feverishly will be engaged in "additional construction", the ruin of the holes will be killed. Melancholics will be disappeared and express it emotionally. However, still fulfill the request. FLEGMTICS The least will deliver problems to parents and caregivers - they will immediately leave all the games, no matter how passionate ones are, and they will go where they say.

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Holers for emotional tension will exceed everyone. They will not just fight, rest, scream and cry, some are able to interfere with other children, breaking "built" by them, climb into a fight. In this place it is necessary to make a retreat. It may seem that kids with choleric temperament are simply fans of aggression, completely unmanaged personalities. In fact, they also have strengths:

  • less leaning to loneliness and self-confidence;
  • relatively rare poor mood;
  • The ability to establish contacts and defend its "I", your opinion in communication with other people;
  • Easy adaptation to unusual setting (not only for children, but also adults).

The bad features that need to overcome caregivers in the development of the identity of cholerics, such:

  • increased conflict;
  • tendency to participate in conflicts, to start enemies;
  • unpreparedness sometimes completed the work begun;
  • A sharp change of attitudes towards individual people, subjects and things.

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Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_9

Teenagers with cholecial temperament have its own characteristics, a little different, like other ages. You need to know if only because in this group enters over 50% of young men and girls. Such minors are not simply active, they are still physically strong and trained. Other distinctive features are:

  • enterprise;
  • a tendency to socially significant activities;
  • The desire to overcome even serious difficulties;
  • Readiness and ability to take on the permission of the difficulties of other people;
  • Not too high performance in school;
  • priority at school and aspiration on what you like or taught personally with cute teachers;
  • The ability to respond quickly to non-standard situations;
  • ability to easily memorize information;
  • Orientation for new and unusual things.

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With all the versatility of temperaments, there is still significant specificity depending on the floor. If the son in the family refers just to this group, he will inevitably be extremely unreasonable. You need to overcome this problem by introducing clear and consistent rules. For example, on weekends, the whole family begins his day no earlier than a certain hour. Or after the end of the work is to give adults 1 hour of rest.

Each rule must be observed very strictly and strictly. There is a lot of adults, from their sequence. If they decide, let's say that it is necessary to adhere to a certain schedule, give priority to individual classes - to retreat from this only with very serious circumstances. It is advisable to children to immediately explain why they decided so. They must firmly know that whims, hysterics, scandals and antics will not allow to achieve their goal.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_15

    It happens that some kind of bad property of a choleretically adjust, it is impossible to fix it. Many children can not sleep alone for a very long time. Parents extremely annoying that they lose a lot of time on it. Another negative point often becomes superfluous childhood. In such cases, it is necessary to begin to change the relation to the problem, find the advantages in it for yourself - and then try to enter the situation in certain framework. The time spent can be used on:

    • meditation about the last;
    • planning further actions;
    • Listening to audiobooks through headphones;
    • Other similar things.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_17

    But to the desire to dominate, despite everything, it is impossible to treat as complacently. It is very important to reverse this trend, otherwise the world will be replenished with another family tyrant. But you need to orient, especially in adolescence, to take care of other family members. This property is already typical of adult cholerics, but it is important to help its formation. It should be achieved that the negative emotions, obtained in the educational institution, at work and in public places in the future would not splash at home.

    As for the speed of the reaction, the ability to make a very quick decision to encourage. Following, however, that the decisions are not lightweight and emotional. If parents are able to inspire that all the information should be taken into account, it will be only better. When raising, attention should be paid to work with such a feature as sociability. Tracting for communication, to the emergence of new friends should be limited to the ability to understand people.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_19


    They have somewhat less similar problems than boys. But the main features of choleric temperament still manifest. We must put up with the fact that the girl will have a strong character, strong will, that serious ambitions will soon arise. Experienced teachers take into account these circumstances and try to make behavior softer, flexible, teach to bypass new corners. By the way, on learning: girls-cholerics are being mastered by new skills, adore what previously it was unfamiliar.

    Therefore, they are easy to "switch" from unwanted hobbies on those who are considered the best for children. But attempts to overcome insufficient attention to fashion trends, unwillingness to wear decorations and various accessories are unlikely to give the result. Such girls are somewhat nursed, and when raising, we must take into account that they are more appreciated and the opportunity to act. Mannerness, leisurely activity is not for them.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_22

    In adolescence, parents must take into account the high probability of aggression, irritation due to any restriction, prohibition, even accidentally comment.

    Features of education

    It is not easy to educate cholerics. You can cope with excess energy, redirecting it to useful areas. So, girls will be calmer in class:

    • figure skating;
    • speed skating;
    • Athletics;
    • Stage art.

    Boys cholerock calm down during the class of Greco-Roman struggle, oriental martial arts, football and basketball, swimming. But it is not necessary to concentrate on these sports - any active classes are suitable. Additionally, it is worth cutting the number of stimuli. If some item acts as an irritant, it is cleaned. If there are frequent conflicts with someone from other children, you should not invite them home.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_25

    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_26

    But these techniques will give a positive result only if active periods are periodically varying elementary games with low mobility. It is desirable that such classes be intelligent and allowed to be implemented. Hobbies are selected individually, it seems that it is convenient primarily to itself, but an optimal compromise solution. To seek to find at least some kind of hobby you need in any case - this will streamline life and increase the organization. At the same time, you must try to convince children in the need to complete everything that has begun, even if it no longer likes or a new passion appeared. Such an approach must be applied in everything:

    • in communication;
    • in learning;
    • in Game.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_28

    At the same time, try to reverse the child. It is more correct in each case to show participation and show how joying is a complete case.

    But in the control of actions, the compromise is unacceptable. Yes, it is difficult, and even meets resistance, however, otherwise children can harm, cause pain. It is better somewhat exaggerated, but firmly show how bad acts are unpleasant to a specific parent, tutor.

    For all severity and tensions of working with choleric, it is categorically impossible to increase the voice, the more applied physical strength. These techniques will only strengthen the negative consequences, in addition may cause rejection. Often, children from a sense of contradiction begin only to violate the established rules. Others try to do it hidden, concealing from parents and from others. Gradually, this behavior is in habit, and if serious problems arise, you can learn about them too late.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_30

    It happens that persuasions and rational explanations, soft pushing in the desired side do not give results. In order not to break, it is better to choose the tactics of silence and ignoring. The underlined coldness from parents is very quickly felt by children. It is certainly necessary to train kids-choleric rules of courtesy in the most common situations. For compliance with these rules in each case, it is necessary to praise, and for violation - to reveal.

    It is very important to be able to empathize and listen to children. They should know that parents do not care what they do and even speak. We must certainly show on your example, on examples from your life, which is good, and what is bad. But to strive to remake the girl or boy meaningless. Many famous people who had choleric temperament achieved tremendous success.

    With very strong emotionality, the modeling and drawing, games and hobbies that produce perseverance are helped. Sessions should occupy a strictly defined time and conducted on schedule. Child children need to give clear responsibilities, consistently instructing them. A specific purpose and stages should be specified.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_32

    Any situation, when negative consequences, it is possible to pay irritability due to rush; It is disassembled, diligently pointing to errors.

    Recommendations for an individual approach

    Specialists in the field of psychology advise attract children-choleric children, whose goal is clearly clear. It is also desirable that the kids have already understood the result, its meaning. It is better to teach the execution of stages of work out loud and to a clear fulfillment of the plan. When walking through the forest, in nature, in tourist hikes, choleric needs to be given increased attention. If they will deal with something uncontrollab even a short time, unpleasant incidents may occur. For the same reason, it is very vigilant to be on the sea, and on the streets of the big city, and in the train. To reduce impulsion, such classes are best suited to enhance attention.

    • hand crafts;
    • embroidery;
    • game in the designer;
    • Build mosaic.

    With participation in games, as well as during developing classes, it is necessary to extinguish annoyance. Any case when cholerics are trying, careful and hardworking, we must encourage. Maximum attention should be paid to the ability to fully communicate and not repel others from yourself. Let the children learn to think about their behavior, plan a conversation, recognize provocations and bypass them. Good model situations can be learned from literature, cinema, even folklore and mythology.

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    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_35

    Child Choleric: Characteristics and Features of Education, Basic Recommendations for An individual approach 17458_36

    There are some more nuances that will help to establish contact with children-choleric children. Communication with them is clearly expressive. Quiet, indispensable speech can cause irritation. It is categorically necessary to avoid coarse, frankly insincere duty compliments. After visiting theaters, circuses, concert halls, museums, and so on, it is necessary to find time for the same day for a trust talk with the child.

    Let him understand that his experiences appreciate him, the estimates are interesting for adults. Listening to what a child or teenager says is important to take into account that they are sincerely ... but express an acute, emotionally painted assessment. A little later, when passion is killed, it will be possible to talk more thoroughly, more productively. It is necessary to remember that after the completion of the conflict, choleric tenders tend to consider disputes irrelevant, and soon the claims will cause them only surprise, sometimes new irritation.

    Trying to put pressure and force what children do not want, meaningless. On the contrary, it is necessary to give an emotional discharge.

    What is the character of a choler's child, see the next video.

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