Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options


Master, deciding to engage in the production of leather products, should be good to understand the material used. It should take into account not only the specifics of its separate varieties, but also how the entire workflow is organized.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_2


The main requirements that are presented to the skin for needlework is its aesthetics and the presence of a unique drawing. The material should be easily subjected to processing, have a high wear resistance, and then, if we are talking about clothes or shoes, be comfortable in wearing. Raw animal origin before sending to the market passes long preparation. At first, the skin is fresh and cleaned, after which a toss is carried out - treatment with substances that give the material strength, elasticity and durability. Next, the workpiece can be painted, treated with wax or is closed. Artificial leather (the usual dermatin or popular eco-eco) does not require such processing.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_3

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_4

Review of species

For needlework, it is customary to acquire individual pieces of canvases, cut off from the total roll, or a set of several colored flaps. Besides, The billet for a variety of crafts may have a natural shade or be painted.

By origin

All genuine leather is created from the skins of a row of animals. It can be a cattle, that is, cows, bulls and even buffaloes. Such material is characterized by high strength, but it stretches perfectly. The resulting skin can possess both different thickness and unique, non-refining color. This variation is ideal for sewing clothes and accessories, as well as furniture upholstery. In addition, the material can be involved for the use of embossing techniques and burning.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_5

Also, natural raw materials are obtained from the skins of sheep and goats - quite thin, drawn and very tactful pleasant variety. Such material can be used when creating clothing, accessories and certain parts of the shoes. Third species, Skura Konia. The needlework is used quite rarely, but at industrial production sometimes is still selected to obtain shoes and handbags. Not the most common material. Nevertheless, it has durability, tactile nice and impressive thickness.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_6

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_7

Genuine leather, obtained from the skins of a pig, outstanding characteristics does not possess. Pretty budget material is characterized by stiffness, a large amount of pores and unsatisfactory quality. Often learning material use except for lining, stelks and other parts that are not located in a prominent place.

Deer skins - suitable raw material for the creation of suede. A durable and elastic canvas possesses a good heat shield, and therefore is often chosen to produce a different kind of clothing elements.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_8

Finally, Exotic options should be mentioned: the skin of reptiles, reptiles, ostrichs and even fish. Despite the fact that they are always extremely spectacular and characterized by a long service life, the high cost of raw materials usually scares most of the needlewomen.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_9

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_10

As for artificial leather, due to its lower cost, it becomes much more often raw materials for creativity. The leatherers are a polymer that imitates natural skin and in color, and in thickness, and by texture. This smooth material with which it is very easy to work. Sometimes he smells like his analogue of animal origin. For creativity, it is customary to use all varieties of artificial leather: dermatin based on polymer coating fibers, durable PVC skin and ecocois - a canvas of two layers, the bottom of which is either cotton fabric, or synthetics.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_11

By type of dumping

Plant obelle leather is most suitable for needlework, especially associated with embossed and burning. Its processing is carried out at the expense of natural tannins - that is, substances with tanning and binding properties that are present in the wood, fruits and the crust of some trees. Organic acids can also be used. Vegetable tanning allows you to leave the natural painting of raw materials.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_12

In addition, there are such types of tweezing as fat and chemical. In the first case, the active substance is the fats of underwater inhabitants, and in the second - solutions of chromium salts.

Child Nuances

When choosing a material for creativity, it is always necessary to take into account which thickness of the canvas is suitable for a particular product. Not always thick flap is the most successful option: For example, for an elegant lady's handbag, it will be more correct to take a soft and thin skin. With the raw material should be easy to work, so preference should always be given to elastic samples.

Again, it is important to take into account which option is better than it is sustained which it may be carried out, and which does not require additional processing. When buying a master should not forget how the appointment of his creation will be, whether it will require an finishing finish or decor, in what conditions operation will be carried out.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_13

Thick and dense cheprak, obtained from cattle skins, perfectly holds the form, and therefore it is recommended to create bracelets, belts, covers and sheath. Crash has similar characteristics. My moon, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 millimeters, is produced in a variety of shades. Since it is easy to sew, the material can be used to create elements of clothing. The loose suede with a short pile is pleasant to the touch and easily processed, and therefore can be involved to obtain different products.

By the way, the leather plates presented in the market are immediately sorted by destination, which greatly simplifies the process of choice.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_14

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_15

Features of working with leather

To work successfully with the skin, especially if we are talking about natural material, you will need to prepare the appropriate tools. For cutting, standard scissors can be involved, but only a special knife can cope with rough dressing , the edge of which is sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the long side of the tool.

An alternative to him can be a construction cutter. Sewing natural material manually will be appropriate a variety of sewn, but for more serious work will have to start a special sewing machine. For complex elements, it is better to prepare special triangular needles. Work should always be held with thimble.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_16

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_17

The threads are better not particularly thick, durable, but in no case are not cotton. Leather products are quite often exposed to precipitation, and x / b fibers are destroyed precisely from moisture. The optimal solution will be picked up a kapron thread. The markup on the skin is most convenient to apply with a gel pencil, and the elements are measured with a bright, and sometimes transparent ruler. Since the seams are always glued, it will be necessary to prepare a special tape, sticky on both sides, or a rubber variety of a fastening substance.

Leather for needlework: natural and leatherette. Work with pieces of artificial and other skin, choice of set. Thin colored leather and other options 17447_18

All about the skin for needlework will tell the video below.

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