Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them?


In the process of working on cutting products, the tailors uses many special tools and devices. One of these is a ruler. There are several types of this instrument. There are also certain rules for using the portno line.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_2

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_3

What it is?

The portno line, or pattern, is special devices with which the tailors work in the process of creating patterns. They are used at different stages of product creation: when applying marking, stripping and sewing. The rules are indispensable when performing simple and complex operations to which:

  • construction of drawings;
  • Adjustment of ready-made patterns under the features of the figure of that person who will wear a thing;
  • quilting;
  • Creating the most smooth lines in the places of tissue sections.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_4

The rules are used for cutting and sewing a wide variety of products - from covers for car chairs to soft toys.


There are several varieties of Portnovsky Linek. The goal of these devices is one, but the functions can be completely different.

Types of Portnovsky Lines.

  1. Straight ruler It is the most primitive of all existing patterns. Its main purpose is to build straight lines.
  2. Corner line. It is easy to guess that this device is designed to create corners in the pattern. The tool is familiar to many since the lessons of geometry.
  3. Large line - This is a more complex model. Used only in cases where it is necessary to comply with some scale. For example, 1: 2.
  4. Drop and saber - These are already more complex tailor tools. They are very often used to create a preach.
  5. Runner line It is intended for drawing smooth lines. Especially necessary for the bottom of the product.
  6. Flexible leaf - Indispensable in the cutting of clothes, because it allows you to build almost any curve on the surface.
  7. Pocket templates and other narrow patterns Most cases are used only by experienced tailors and seams.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_5

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_6

In fact, very varieties are very much. There are both classic models and those that have been developed relatively recently for the convenience of work. Unites all the fact that they had markup in millimeters, meters and centimeters.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_7

As a rule, it is applied with a very stable paint. At the same time, the marks themselves are additionally engraved on the tool itself.


The ruler or pattern can be made from different materials. The main ones are wood, metal and plastic. Wooden models are considered more expensive and high-quality, have an attractive appearance. Their disadvantage is relatively high cost and in the fact that they start to get dirty over time. It was not easy to wash, since when moisture gets into moisture, the tree is deformed, so after such a processing to use the portnis rules it will be simply impossible.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_8

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_9

Metal products are comfortable and inexpensive, but now they are practically not released. Metal patterns could often be found in the times of the USSR. Now plastic came to replace this material. If all the same tailor uses metal patterns, then when working you need to take into account two features: the tools are easily bent and can be deformed, about sharp corners easily hurt.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_10

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_11

Plastic Portnovsky rules are now popular more than others. The fact is that plastic is the cheapest and most common material. Their advantage is low cost and variety of colors. The disadvantage is in a quick breakage.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_12

How to use?

The use of templates is provided in the process of cutting the future product. But after the first fitting, it may be so that the product needs to be adjusted. In this case, it is also impossible to do without Portnovsky patterns.

Newcomers are recommended to start with the easiest and classic patterns. It is absolutely not necessary to buy the whole set immediately. For simple products, only the direct portno line, squares and patterns for building a prugi will be required. As a set of experience and the transition to the creation of more complex products, you can gradually buy new patterns.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_13

Interesting moment! Experienced tailors often use the so-called flexible milestone. His feature lies in mobility. That is, with it, you can build almost any curve.

The process of using anyone patterns is simple: it is necessary to put it on the desired section of the pattern, securely fix it (usually it just adheres to free hand) and with a pencil or a special chalk, the desired line is performed.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_14

It is very important that in the process of building the lines of the leases did not come down from the initial position. Otherwise, the pattern will be corrupted. Experienced tailors are also strongly recommended to use deformed patterns. The fact is that with the help of such tools, it is very difficult to build the necessary straight and curves lines.

Purchase portno line should only be purchased in specialized stores, where the quality of the products will be appropriate. In poor quality patterns, the markup may be erroneous, which will leave the imprint at all work.

Portnovo line: large-scale rules-patterns for sewing and line 1-2 meters, wooden and others for cutting. How to use them? 17439_15

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