Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types


Embroidery with ribbons is known since ancient times. And today it enjoys in high demand. It is found in paintings and panels, pillows and bedspreads. This type of embroidery can be engaged in both a novice and a professional needlewoman. What kind of fabric is suitable for embroidery with ribbons, which requirements for it are presented, about other selection nuances will be discussed in the article.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_2

Requirements for

If we consider as a whole, you can embroider with ribbons on various tissues. Usually the choice of material depends on the plot plan.

  • Many craftsmen like among the fabrics for embroidery with ribbons it is the canvas of dense weaving. It is quite comfortable in work, since a needle with a ribbon is easily located, in addition, the canva can be fixed on the chains.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_3

  • If the future picture is romantic, That is perfectly suitable fabric in warm colors, while quite thin.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_4

  • It looks very impressive with ribbons on linen fabrics. . You can use both painted options and natural (various shades of gray). Large flowers look at such materials. On the fabric of large weaving will be surprisingly to look at sunflowers.

A small drawing will look stylish on any fabric, even on the velvet. But initially you should consider the image to take the fabric of certain sizes and shapes.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_5

If the newcomer chooses, on which fabric it is better to do embroidery ribbons, then you should pay attention to the canvas or dense materials, since they are easier to work with them. Experienced embroiders can already be repelled from personal preferences. As the basis, you can even use textured, wax or smooth options.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_6

Experts can create real works of art with tapes using various materials, namely:

  • Cotton - Satin, Rogozhod, Muslin, Batist or Kiese;

  • linen - rough canvas, cloth of different density and a homogeneous basis;

  • woolen - crepe, tweed, jersey;

  • Artificial and synthetic - Chiffon and Ibucha;

  • Mixed.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_7

Review of species

For embroidery with ribbons, several types of tissues are used. Consider each of them in more detail.

  • Canvas . X / B Mesh-type tissue can be used as a stencil for any kind of embroidery, including ribbons. Ribbon canvas allows you to create masterpieces of various difficulties, while you can use threads and ribbons of various shades. Of course, it is Canva that is recommended for beginners in this direction, because in squares it is easier to calculate the location of the elements than on the smooth surface.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_8

  • Cotton . As you know, it is a natural fabric that has a pretty smooth surface. It does not arise difficulties when piercing the fabric, so embroidery look very carefully and effectively.

Because there are no diggers on cotton, it is better to use experimental needlewomen.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_9

  • Batiste . This material is represented in the form of a translucent fine cotton or linen fabric. It can be used as a finished cloth for embroidery with ribbons or to create a decorative finish. Since the batter is characterized by air and ease, it must be pulled in front of the embroidery to give the material of elasticity. In this form, it will be possible to evenly embroider the concentrated prints with ribbons.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_10

  • Linen . This material is natural, which gives it a natural density. On it you can make ribbons even without a hoop. Natural gray-beige shade is perfect for folk clothes. Linen clothing can be embroidered with a variety of ribbons, including silk.

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In addition, the embroidery ribbons can be engaged not only on monophonic tissue. A wide range of trained paintings has already been available on sale - a colorful drawing has already been performed on the fabric. Further on the finished print is made by ribbons. Prepared fabrics with a drawdride applied in high demand, as they are ideal for beginners.

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Child Nuances

To choose the right cloth for embroidery with ribbons, it is recommended to pay attention to the following tips from experienced needlewomen:

  • For beginners, it is better to use flax or canvas because they are dense and durable, with such materials it is easier to work;

  • From transparent materials it is better to immediately refuse, because the exhaust will be visible through them;

  • It is desirable to pick up the thickness of the tape and tissue so that they are comparable, then the product will look harmoniously;

  • It is better to choose narrow tapes, as they look great on different materials.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_13

Embroidery with ribbons is a very beautiful art that even a newcomer can master with ease. So that work brings pleasure, it is necessary to choose the right fabric, as well as ribbons and needles.

Simple tips and recommendations from experienced needlewomen will allow beginners to learn how to create beautiful embroidery.

Fabrics for embroidery with ribbons: What can be better choose for embroidery? Foundation with drawdrid and other types 17417_14

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