Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa "Assorted" and other beads, green and gold, beige and pink


Japanese and Czech beads are rightfully considered the most popular worldwide. Products made in the Czech Republic have more loyal cost, so do not have competition. In the article, we will describe in detail about the varieties of Czech beads, its use, find out what manufacturers this type of product can be considered the best.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


If the main difference between the Japanese and Czech beads lies in different costs, then from the mass Chinese production products are distinguished by truly high quality.

  • Products do not lose shine and color over the years. Decorations and in half a century will look as if they just bought them.
  • Due to the extensive range, the Czechs have developed a color card, Thanks to which it is impossible to make a mistake in choosing a shade.
  • The beads of each of the series are perfect in the sizes. In the sets, all elements are the same, do not require identification and seizure of defective beads.
  • Wide selection of shapes, Sizes and colors It helps to always find your buyer, even with the most capricious taste.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


The title of one of the best countries of the world for the production of Beaded Czech Republic became no coincidence. Love for glass, hard work and bold talented development for 800 years helped Czechs to achieve great success in this area. Glasses from Bohemian glass, crystal chandeliers and today are considered the riding perfection. As for beads, it was possible to get ideal beads due to tough competition with Venetian products.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

At first, the Czechs came up with Potash (wood ash) to the glass, which strengthened its properties and made more compliant to face and grinding. Then the masters have become not easy to produce products from ordinary stained glass, they covered the beads of multi-colored shiny enamel. Already by the XVII century, the Czechs went around all their competitors.

Today in the Czech Republic, many manufacturers produce beads and glassware, but Preciosa is considered the most popular itself (founded in 1915), in its catalogs you can find 400,000 items of this product.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


Czech beads surprises with its diversity in shape, all sorts of shades, the presence of brilliance or homogeneous matte surface . To understand this abundance, all Czech manufacturers label their goods in five categories and only the company Preciosa. - in three. Let us dwell on the color range and product configuration.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

In bloom

The color map of the Czech bead offers millions of shades. The most popular options include green, pink, beige, red, brown, yellow tone. Juicy and bright beads in any manifestation well combined with white, black, gray flowers, metallic with silver shades or a golden palette. We are in demand are emerald, lilac, purple, pearl, terracotta products.

The color is formed and complemented by all sorts of coatings, smelling shades that give the product of patina, responsible for translucency or pearl shine. Based on the color solution, the following options for Czech beads can be distinguished.

  • Natural ("ceramics"). Glass is used in all sorts of natural shades in the absence of any shine. Due to the color density resembles ceramics.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Natural color transparent . Natural colors are also used, but the beads are performed from a transparent material, the peripheral covering layer does not apply, so the products look easier and air.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Metallic . Galvanic spraying allows you to get metal shades that can manifest themselves in silver, gold, bronze, brass, steel, and not only in gloss, but also in the matte version.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Alabaster . Attracts juicy expressive colors of the glaze, the beads seems produced from a sophisticated porcelain.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Rainbow . Beads can be any shade, which is rainbowing it makes a special layer that creates a feeling of bundling color palette.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Iris . This variety in its irresistible manifestation looks irresistible. The colors is similar to the overfids of gasoline spots, spilled in the sun, for this it is called "gasoline".

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Transparent with silver lines and color middle. The original and very spectacular variety of Czech beads, made of transparent glass covering internal silver filling. The hole is beautifully designated by a color tint.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Ceylon . Beads pastel shades has a translucent structure. The inner hole is painted into a saturated bright color.

The product has a cold shine, the definitions are suitable for it - pearl, pearl.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Striped beads. The original type of product having a strip of different thickness and colors. Such beads are easy to use in products requiring the decoration of the binding application of several shades.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • With pearl sheath . Beautiful bead color connecting the mother of pearl, honey and dairy shades.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Color chalk. The opaque beads has a all-possible saturated color palette, without the presence of a gloss, pearl and any other shine manifestation.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

On brilliance and frost

In addition to the color presented in transparent and opaque options, the beads are divided into two groups - brilliant and matte. The first may contain a pearl, glaze, and the second is distinguished by a dense matte spraying, giving the product a road and stylish look.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


The matte version is highlighted by a certain loss, the so-called soft noble roughness. Dusty rubber surface is obtained thanks to the technique of matting used in glass processing. Matte beads looks very effectively and can have different shades.

  • The dark violet round bead tone with a white core and a red scattered spot resembles the fruits of black currant.
  • The muffled shades of the matte product have an expensive presentable view.
  • An embroidery beads of homogeneous color attracts a beautiful chocolate coating.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


The beads covered with enamel and containing a characteristic shine are called porcelain, wax, pearl, glossy. It has a wide scope of application - from clothes and decorations to decor and folk art. Here are the most popular glossy products.

  • Drops. . Beautiful glossy material is used in creating stylish female jewelry.
  • Alabaster . Enamel, providing an unique porcelain glitter, endowed with pleasant unusual shades - berry mousse, olive, mustard, dark peach, pink-cream.
  • Brilliant transparent beads with color internal line . The color of the transparent glass and the color of the color of the core does not match, and the effect of a double shade is created. For this, the product is often called "chameleon".

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

In form

The shape of the bead is only slightly inferior in a variety of its colors. Many options have their own name. To the selection that we present you, the types of beads of different configuration have entered.

  • Round . The most common type of product reflected in 25 collections. In the dimensional row, it is divided into 15 variants marked by the magnitude of numbers - the smaller the beads, the higher the numerical indicator. A large variety is different and a coating layer: you can meet ceramics, melange, pearl, metallic, gloss. These include such species like Alabaster, Rainbow, Iris, about which we told above. Round beads use in decorating interior parts, shoes, clothes.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Bohemian faceted. The form of this type of bead resembles a barrel marked with edges. Thanks to the grave, the surface refracts the rays of light and surprises with its unusual brilliance. This feature is used to create icons, interior paintings, during the restoration of vintage costumes of historical significance, beads suitable for decorating bags and other things from genuine leather.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Oblong . Refers to the type of glass chaser, to its own types. The product has a rectangular shape with a circular hole along the entire length. The configuration allows you to perform textured work, so the londe is often used to create women's jewelry. It combines well with other types of beads.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Farfal . This type of bead has a second name - "butterfly wings", obtained for a peculiar form, similar to the eight. For the first time, Porpal released Preciosa in 2005.

To date, loved products are in great demand, and the rate of products is only increasing.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Twin . Beaded is endowed with an oval form. It differs from the other names by the presence of two holes. Twin is produced in a large assortment of various shades. Neon collection is particularly popular.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Solo . In the form of beads, it is similar to Twin, only this oval has a single hole made with one of the sides. The craftsmen love to combine solo and twin, as they are externally similar, but are attached differently, which peculiarly affects the surface of the figure of the drawing.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Drops. . The beads resembles tiny droplets. It has a beautiful glossy surface. Holes are not cited perfectly, but have a barely noticeable displacement. The Drops beads are also called decorative, it can be found as a decor placed on clothes and shoes, it is also used in weaving female jewelry.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Glass . It looks like thin tubes with different types of surface - smooth, with edges, twisted (twisted). Dimensions in length are very different. The color scheme is infinitely rich, sometimes sets are compiled in mixed shades. It is used to create jewelry and decor of clothing.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

  • Cutting . The bead shape looks like the long tubes cut into small pieces - 2-3 mm. Its edges do not have a familiar smooth line, and resemble a chopped product. The surface of the bead can be smooth (round) or have a face (cylindrical). There is also a twisted version with a cut at an angle of 45 degrees, which is capable of refracting light, create fantastic glare. Such material is used to decorate evening and concert dresses.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


Czech beads has a large selection of sizes, and they are all systematized by numbers. Each digit means the number of beads placed one after another one inch.

Classification occurs in the diameter of the product, the calculation is carried out in millimeters. All collections are represented by the 11th rooms, each of which contains a certain millimeter range, for example, from 1.5 to 4.9 mm.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Best manufacturers

The most famous Czech manufacturer today is the company Preciosa ornela. It produces both mixes in the sets of "assorted" under different rooms and clean collections of homogeneous products. Jablonex Until recently, she was the largest firm in the Czech Republic. Goods with such a name and today you can still meet in stores. In fact, Preciosa has bought assets from Jablonex, and today products are represented by a single manufacturer.

In the Czech Republic, you can buy products and smaller firms - Filoun Jiri, K + M - Komada Vaclav, Black Diamond, Jm Koral, Estrela E S-Press.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa


Beads looks great, his demand does not dry out over time, and today it has a wide scope of application.

  • In decorative and applied art. Masters embroidered from beads icons and paintings.
  • In the design of interiors, Related to environmental and ethnic styles, all types of country and some eastern destinations. Products from beads (flowers, toys, animal images, trees, panels, portraits) are used as decor.
  • This type of product is widely used to create chic female decorations - necklace, bracelets, pendants, pendants, brooches, hairpins, diadem.
  • Beaded the expensive festive outfits , Concert suits, hats, shoes.

Handmade performed by beads has a high cost. The craftsmen acquire a product in bags weighing 5, 50 and 500 g. Beads can be purchased with a cloth, a subframe, a scheme and threads.

Ready set saves time on the selection of material and drawing up or searching for schemes. But but the exclusive thing is the unique one in its kind.

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

Czech beads: Colors and size numbers, description of beads from the Czech Republic. Preciosa

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