Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules


Vedas are calling not to be limited only by the word "thank you" in certain situations, and develop and cultivate sincere gratitude, coming from the bottom of my heart, which is happening in life. For only this leads a person to its complete transformation and will definitely make richer.

And to feel such an attitude and come to a real understanding of what is happening, to understand what and who needs to be thanked, the techniques of yoga and the practice of singing mantras can be used. It will open the heart chakra and will allow you to learn to be grateful always and everything, and first of all - God and life.


According to Eastern philosophy, only small children are directly maintained with the universe. However, as we grow up, we all lose this connection and are separated from the original sources, which should be fueled throughout life.

This makes us poorer in the spiritual plan, often due to the lack of such communication and physical exhaustion occurs.

The main feature of gratitude mantra is a healing practice that returns a person to the origins through its own sensations and awareness.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_2

Teachers of Vedic Sciences argue that if at least 1 time a month practicing pronunciation of gratitude prayers The healing of the soul will come, a person will return to himself true and reunite with the Mother Universe. They give the following clarification about what it means to be grateful: it is necessary to find a place in your heart to whom you are talking about. But it is not necessary to do it for someone, but for yourself, first of all to feel it.

A feature of such prayers is that they can be pronounced both out loud and to themselves, in silence. After all, there are no verbal formulas in words, you need to say thanks as you feel from the soul. And remember: it only needs you, and not to someone else.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_3

Gratitude must be drawn:

  • to the universe for gave the Creator;
  • to parents, one can separately to the father and mother;
  • to her family (grandfather, grandmother and other ancestors) is our invisible support;
  • To children: their own and strangers, for all children are our little educators, teachers;
  • to old men who are our mirror and personify wisdom;
  • to women who help to take all that exist in every person independently of the floor (men's and women's energies are in every living on earth);
  • to men for support, strength and love;
  • to guardian angels and higher forces;
  • to offenders and those who made it hurts for the fact that through them you have become better;
  • to those who gave you good;
  • To his teachers (for someone it is parents, grandparents, school or university teachers, spiritual mentors, and for someone it's just life).

The cycle should be grateful to yourself, we are talking about acceptance, recognition, forgiveness, about unity with the world and harmony in the heart.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_4


Mantra of gratitude will help fill life by abundance and love. At the time of the pronunciation of such prayers, the action of the Space Law is included: "People multiply for themselves what they praise." It is not forbidden to praise and own abilities and opportunities, but you can not forget about God.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_5

One of the most potent Mantatri Mantra. It is practiced in all countries people of different religions. In this prayer, which is considered universal, we appeal to solar energy and goddess of Gayatri. It is read 3, 9 or 11 times. Here is an excerpt from it:

Om Bhur Bhuwah Swaha

Tat Savirts Jam

Bhargo Dchimakhi Dchimakhi

Dhylo yo na prachodaty

Translated this sounds like this:

Oh, the Most High, the creator of the Universe,

Giving life

Eliminating pain and suffering and giving happiness!

You are the highest light that destroys sins.

We meditate on you so that you inspire

Envelled and led our mind in the right direction!

"The whole essence of the Vedas in this mantra," say the practice teachers. It should be repeated regularly, with sincerity in the heart, devotion in the shower and faith.

Then the karma, mind, body, can be removed from fears - this path will certainly lead to the development of intuition and spiritual mind.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_6

Pretty well known and prayer to the Divine Dhanvantari. This mantra for recovery, against illness, giving a man power to heal other touch hands . For this you need to make practices daily for reading 108 times.

Aum Shankham Chakram Jalauki

Dadhad Amrita Hhatam Chara Dobrysh Tuturbih

Sukshma Swatchha Tihridamshuk Parimilasan Mauram Ambouting Netra

Calam Broadwayjvlangam Katya Tara Vilasach Chara Fithambaradiam

Wanda Dhanvantarim there Nickel Ghada Van Praudha Davangley Lylam

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_7

Mantra of gratitude to his offenders may sound like this: "Om Mani Pama Hum". The last syllable should sound especially clearly. This mantra is repeated every time unpleasant thoughts or negative emotions. She heals the soul from offense, jealousy, anger and contempt.

You can contact your enemies through prayer and with the following words: "Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu", which means the wishes of happiness to all living beings.

At the end of the practice, you need to thank all those present in your life, and especially those who have ever betrayed or offended, did painfully or caused your disharmonious sensations.

Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_8

Reading rules

    During singing mantras, not only the pronunciation of words is important (this happens on exhalation), but also a single tonality, and the same rhythm. For the practice of mantras, the right breathing is important, concentration and it is necessary to try to enter the state of full thanks.

    You can read Divine Prayers not only out loud, it is done and whisper or about yourself mentally. If there is no opportunity to pronounce a mantra 108 times, then make it a number of times that is divided into 3. Knocks will help you not to get down from the account.

    Do not forget to make a list of thanks to the universe: for children, wife or husband, for work, for the house and thank every day for everything good that you have, and what happens in your life. Peel into deep gratitude and plunge into the magic of the sound of the Divine Mantra.

    Mantras of gratitude: the text of gratitude to the universe and other mantras, reading rules 17342_9

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