Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading


To prevent unhappiness, trouble, to overcome any obstacles, they treat the lord of the Great Prana and Heavenly Water - Saturn. In Vedic philosophy, it is called Shani and identified with life force and cosmic energy.


"Overcoming the negative energy of Saturn, we connect with these top benevolent forces," written in the book "Ayurvedic Astrology". The highest strength in this case is what is connected with the God of Sham-Kara (Shiva), the Creator of the World and Favorable.

Vibrations that are formed from the sound of the planetary prayer are converted into the life-affirming rhythm. Mantra Saturn cleans the path of man from negative energy and adjusts it to overcoming the troubles that have arisen in life. The very influence of such a prayer is to achieve support for the highest deity, which in the end gives regularly pronounced sacred words of a person by luck for realizing his undertakings.

The practitioner of such a mantra becomes happy, loved, it is given to him.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_2

Here are just a few examples of how Mantra helps to Shan:

  • increases the concentration of attention;
  • develops loyalty and attracts dedication;
  • contributes to the establishment of volitional qualities;
  • produces patience;
  • makes man prudent;
  • helps to gain the quality of the head;
  • Softens the output of negative emotions and replaces them to positive.

Such an impact is possible only due to the appeal to the highest strength, which is controlled by Saturn. The God of Sham-Kara does not tolerate lies and egoism and is distinguished by justice and rigor. When performing the practice correctly, a person will discover new opportunities for himself.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_3

In the astrological map of each of us, strong and weaknesses are indicated. Another feature of the prayer to Saturn is that it is better to contact him when it stays in space in the zone of vulnerability of our astrological space.

The multiple pronunciation of sacred words to the Saturn address improves emotional state and eliminates consciousness from negative information. Sound vibrations help clean the karma and orient only on a positive attitude.

To whom first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the planetary prayers of Shani:

  • Those who fell into the stressful situation and for a long time cannot leave it;
  • People who have increased anxiety, there is a nervousness, and whom the eternal fears are persecuted;
  • Those who cannot sleep normally or who have bad relationships in the family, in a team at work, with other people's environments;
  • suffering from lack of optimism and lack of vital energy;
  • wishing to improve their well-being and go to the growth of the career ladder;
  • All for the general healing of the soul and body.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_4

The sacred words of the prayer of Shani have such a feature - to have a good impact on the state of health. Practice helps to strengthen the immune system, purify the body, deliverance from diseases. Chanting in honor of Saturn directly affects the subconscious.

It expands its borders and changes the look at what is happening, and this is something more than the transformation of the human environmental conditions. Meditation with the simultaneous reading of Mantra in honor of Saturn teaches to notice good and helps to see the real world without distortion.

This practice will add energy, cheerfulness and confidence in their abilities, and will also help the spirit of becoming purposeful in their desires. It is necessary to tune in to achieve the desired through prayer, send the flow of chakras to the key you need.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_5

What days to read?

In the Hindu practice of appealing through prayers to planetary deities, Mahadash is pronounced on the days of Antardasha. Mantra appropriately to pronounce when a person does not leave a sense of anxiety when they are mastered by experiences.

Mantra Saturn is pronounced on the days guided by him as a patron. This makes the courses, begin to each them followed on Saturday during the period of finding the moon in the growth phase. You can read on Friday, but after sunset.

It is suitable for this and the day for which a personal horoscope indicates that he is favorable. Most chants on Saturday for 2 hours and 40 minutes before sunrise.

With sincere treatment, Saturn will help to succeed at work, to achieve career growth, to win in disputes and takes the ability to not feel pain.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_6


There are various prayer-appeals to attract attention to yourself of higher strength to achieve what you need: family happiness, success, love, well-being and so on. This mantra of Sani Saturn is most common, she gives enlightenment and wisdom:

Om Namo Bhagavate Kurchade'evaya

The meaning of the translation is that voicing this mantra honors the god Kurmadeva. There is another variation of this mantra:

Om Hrrim Sriim Shanischaria

But the Bija is a seed prayer Saturn, this mantra must be pronounced 108 times a day:


There is still a continuous prayer for Shan:

Northwalna Sam Bhasam

Ravi Patram Sam Gray

Tea Martpnda Sambhutam

There are Namami Shanischaram

The translation of such: "Abupply inclined before you, about a leisurely Saturn, the blue face of his similar antimony, the elder brother of God's pit, born from the God of the Sun and his wife's wife."

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_7

But how the tantric mantra sounds Saturn:

Om Aim Hrrim Sriim Shanaischaraya Nahama Ohm

Before contacting Snov, you need to clean your karma, for it does not tolerate egoism and can punish off. Strict Shany gives only that a person deserved. Cammary Development - a mandatory element of appeal to the Vedic personification of the planet Saturn.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_8

Reading rules

Mantra Planetary Divine is read 108, 1080 times and more. To achieve a complete effect, prayer-appeal to Saturn is pronounced at least 100 thousand times within 3 months. According to other data - at least 24 thousand times in 40 days.

To pronounce the sounds, a complete concentration is needed, and to be convenient to read, take advantage of the clear. The classic version of the ballot is exactly 108 beads. It is very convenient to keep account: 1 Bead - 1 voicing of the mantra.

To achieve complete harmonization of Saturn, it is not necessary to interrupt the practice of reading mantras. You need to voice the planetary prayer in the cheerful spirit, with a good attitude. The sound in the vibrational mode act soothingly, you have to try to "catch" a pacification and completely renounce the existing realities with all the problems.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_9

You can consolidate the effectiveness of your appeal to Saturn the following actions:

  • fast on the Saturdays, there is no free food on this day, clean the chakras from negative thoughts, work and do good;
  • provide support to those in need and get rid of karmic debts during all courses of reading prayers to Shanny;
  • Do not show anger and aggressive attitude towards people, love the whole world as it is.

During the period of reading the Vedic songs, neither thought nor the body should be engaged in alcohol or drugs, from bad habits to refuse. Only observing all the rules can rather clean the karma and get the favor of Saturn for filling the human aura with solar positive energy and light.

When the phase of the enlightenment of the mind is reached, the body will receive the rehabilitation, and it will be filled with vitality. The practice of reading the planetary prayers will help to charge positive, get the support of the highest strength and become a little happier.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_10

Observing all the recommendations, after the first week, the practitioner of the Vedic chant in honor of Saturn will receive the result: He will begin to sleep better, food will be better to digest, and each time get rid of the negative will become easier. It will improve well-being and mood, most importantly, do not interrupt daily practices.

No time to pronounce sacred words yourself? Then the mantras can be listened to the audio format during household speakers or for a walk.

Mantra Saturn: How to read text 108 times? Mantra Shani and others, right days for reading 17340_11

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