Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings


Mantras - an amazing thing that allows you to touch the highest good. Mantra texts are written in Sanskrit. Some are tuned to attraction of a positive aura in love relationships, others - to create family comfort, and the third - to raise the inner strength and spirit. The words of Mantra with laconic musical accompaniment affect the performer from the psychological and spiritual side, balance its consciousness.

To purify the mind and body recommended Mantra Hare Krishna. In words, she is known to many, but its features and principle of action are not familiar to everyone.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_2

Features and meaning

All religions support the opinion that mantrop sound vibrations contribute to the activation of spiritual energy. Maha-Mantra is a bright example. This great prayer allows you to clear the mind, get enlightenment and peace of mind. Maha-Mantra is composed of the names of Sanskrit gods. And that is noteworthy, each name has a certain meaning in which the intimate meaning is concluded. Hare is a direct appeal to the Divine Energy "Radha". "Krishna" is the name of the Divine, which means "the one who attracts everyone." "Rama" - translates as "the one who gives the pleasure of life."

These three words are major in Maha Mantra. "Hare" in this case is the concept of the energy of a single infinite source for all and each. With the right execution of Mantra Hare Krishna, universal powerful energy is called on, which helps dissolve the harmful habits of a person, save it from negative emotions. Regular repetition of these magical words contributes to liberation from concern and fears that interfere with normal life.

Mantra Hare Krishna is very beautiful performed by prayer. Even listening to it, a feeling of flight, lightness and bliss, given by the Divine Forces, is created. And this happens infrequently. Especially if the listener is an avid skeptic. Sometimes such people are not at all believe in the existence of higher forces, but the translations of prayer texts and their origin find a completely rational explanation.

Regular performance or reading Maha Mantra carries a series of how many people seem to be incomprehensible:

  • eliminates bad habits, cleans the mind from evil thoughts, destroys negative emotions;
  • saves from depression, stressful state and anxiety;
  • Heals from mental suffering and flour;
  • delivers a feeling of spiritual ecstasy;
  • gives a feeling of joy, calm and peace.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_3

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_4

It is such happiness - get cleansing, forget about the negative. It is these products that lacks every person today. Many can not cope with internal fears, which is why they turn to a specialist. But not always the doctor of mental problems can help the patient. Only knowledgeable professionals will advise you to listen to Mantru Hare Krishna, remember her words and singing. Moreover, the words in the text Maha-Manta are only 16 and remember their order can even be able to:

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Frame

Rama Rama Hare Hare. "

By the way, Maha Mantra, or the more famous name "Hare Krishna", is not a specific property of Krishnaitis. This prayer is practiced in different religious trends, both in India and abroad. Historians and archaeologists managed to find a lot of evidence that Maha Mantra was performed in ancient Rus. Only instead of rosary the elders used their long beards. A well-known art historian and ethnologist S. V. Zharikov said more than once.

Unfortunately, not a single person can provide accurate translation of Maha Mantra. And if you think about, there is nothing surprising. The text of the mantra is written in Sanskrit, and each individual word maha prayer has several values.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_5

Modern society is accustomed that Mantra Hare Krishna is directly related to Krishnaitis. Representatives of this religious flow argue that their translation is literal, but many cultural scientists are ready to argue with them and provide many facts of their delusion. The translation from Krishnaitis itself sounds as follows: "Oh Lord, about your inner energy, a loan to me by serving yourself." For Yarya Sugurizians, the meaning of these words is not impaired, and some and at all causes an unpleasant feeling. The reason for this is confidence that a person should not be a slave and is not obliged to serve any deity.

The last part of the translation of Maha Mantra from Krishnaitis has a very interesting and very unusual meaning. This interpretation refers to the purest soul ministry. Not idolatry, but maternal feelings. Creating idols, especially in the Divine sense, will never be able to feel spiritual grace. But Mothers who serve to their children are constantly experiencing the benefit of the Most High. They take care of their hearts about their children, give them clean love, protected from misfortunes and help them. In the text Maha-Mantra, the word "ministry" has synonym for "care". Accordingly, the text will sound as "teach me to always remember and take care of you."

The main meaning of Maha Mantra is to keep memories of God in the heart. And if you figure it out when the mention of the Divine will be warm in the heart, the presence of his spiritual power is felt. Of course, in the modern world it is very difficult not to experience suffering, depression and negative. However, if you try, it will be possible to put a block from all troubles, smile and breathe full of breasts. All negative information is going in the head, it also affects the condition of a person. But if the mind is cleared, then the distance to the Divine Force is reduced several times, and therefore a person can directly open up the Most High. Those who want to live in the Divine Commandments and want to know God, should regularly repeat the Mantru Hare Krishna. But this does not mean that once repeating it, purification will occur. Some practiced Maha Mantra for years. But the most important thing is that gradually they notice how life changes, the surrounding aura is improved and the life balance is restored.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_6

How does it work?

With regular execution of Mantra Hare Krishna, the reading can feel the effect after a few days. And first of all, peace of mind arises. Vedes argue that the words of Maha Mantra make people feel spiritual ecstasy, which is incomparable with any worldly sense.

The power of Mantra Hare Krishna is imprisoned in cleansing meditation. The sound vibration of Maha Mantra makes it possible to forget about the troubles and anger that the performer oppresses. Powerful energy covers a person with legs to head, restoring his peace of mind. The next sign of the action of Mantra Hare Krishna is to change the interests. A person who regularly practitioners such a chant, begins to lose interest in detrimental habits. In this case, we are talking about alcohol, lust, gambling.

Further benefit from Maha Mantra completely depends on the person. Some restores family well-being, others have a mutual understanding with colleagues, and thirdly has a common language with children.

Many parents, when in their Chad, the transitional age comes, begins to read Krishna Hare Krishna. And what is the most interesting, divine energy, given to the parent from above, fills the soul of the child and protects against different troubles.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_7

How to read correctly?

Mantra Hare Krishna does not require special conditions for execution. It can be acted lying on the sofa, being in line in the store, staring on a bench in the park, making work on home or dealing with personal hygiene. No action is considered a violation or insult divine energy. And yet, to get a larger effect, a certain standard of execution of Maha Mantra has been developed. First of all, the time of execution. It is best to practice Mantru Hare Krishna in the early morning when the window is still dark, at dawn or before sunrise. Such early time is chosen not just like that. Before the Sun arrival, the person's mind is in maximum relaxation and peace of mind, which means it is much easier to focus on the pronunciation of the Divine.

Of course, not every person can rise early in the morning. In some, it is connected with the physiological feature of the body, others - with work. Today, many people work in the night shift and, coming home, they only dream to get to a soft pillow and a delicate blanket. Accordingly, the morning angry, they will probably miss. The second factor for obtaining a quick result is the correctness of meditation. Otherwise, this process is called "Japa-Meditation". Preferably, a practitioner person to perform a mantra accepted lotus pose. It is important that the back is smooth, spine straight. The eyes can be closed or left open, it all depends on the person.

Before the start of the meditation, 3 deep breaths and exhalation should be made. Thus, it will be possible to completely calm down, relax and tune in for the upcoming action.

By the way, the breathing exercise must be done before any meditation.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_8

Before you begin to chanting the deity, you need to fulfill Pancha-Tattva. Surely many are incomprehensible that it is and what goals are haunted. In general, this term denotes the 5 embodiments of God, in which he was on Earth in the XV century. It was just a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with his four associates. Pancha-Tattva involves the spread of the rules of the company of the Mantra.

After pronouncing Pancha-Tattva, you can proceed to the practice of Mantra Hare Krishna. You should consider the number of mantracks follows the rosary to be present in the hands of a person. Clear can be bought or done yourself. Their distinctive feature is the presence of 109 beads. Each separate bead requires the repetition of maha-mantra from beginning to end. Thus, for one meditation should read the text 108 times. 109 Bead does not require reading, it is necessary to either finish meditation, or turn the rosary and start chanting in the second round.

Newcomers for one circle of angry spend about 15 minutes. Persons who regularly practitioners Mantra Hare Krishna cope in 7 minutes. The number of circles also depends on human capabilities. Those who wish to receive dedication from the spiritual teacher, chanting the mantra at least 16 laps for one meditation. Jap-meditation requires focus on the sound waves of prayer. The less the person will surround the distracting factors, the more correctly meditation passes.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_9

How to keep rosary?

Rosas are used in many religious movements, but Krishnaitis gives this element a special meaning. These rules are easy to observe not even adherents of the Vaishnava movement. The rosary needs to be taken in the right hand. The first bead is adjacent to the middle finger and slightly pressed large, after which you can proceed to reading the mantra.

After reading the first text, the first bead is shifted with a thumb. The second one comes to her place. And so until the very end. Throughout the reading of the mantra, the index finger should be slightly bent so that it does not interfere with the process of moving beads.

This method of interacting is very simple, and most importantly - it does not allow a person to get confused in the number of repetitions of the utter mantra.

Mantra Hare Krishna: Text Mantra Mach. How to read a very beautiful mantra right? 16 chasing circles and meanings 17329_10

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