Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract?


Men and women as two different hemispheres are so different, but at the same time cannot exist without each other. They even have energy proceeding perfectly from each other - in the clockwise clockwise, others are against. The fact is that At different floors, the chakras are divided into passive and active. With proper management, they can make a happy life of two absolutely different people.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_2

What it is?

Chakras are constantly in a state of rotation, and translated from Sanskrit this word means "wheel" . It is circulation that attracts or produces energy, performing many functions: responsible for health, sexual attraction, behavior and stress resistance. At the same time, the chakras should work balanced, because it affects the full, effective relationship between a man and a woman.

Accordingly, each of the representatives of both sexes is made in different ways.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_3

Chakras interaction

There are 7 key energy centers that make energy in a certain bed.

Chakra Molandhara

This energy is most often active in men, and women are mostly passive. This fact is associated with the fact that it is located at the bottom of the body and is responsible for safety, survival, continuation of the kind. By nature, the man - the breadwinner, family support, is responsible for the well-being and preservation of close people. The main task of Molandhara is protection. The imbalance occurs when a woman activates its chakras, starting to perform male responsibilities and functions. Then a man is difficult to confront and its energy goes into passive status. And as a result, the development of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system or potency.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_4


Responsible for sexuality and inherent in the female floor. It is in women that this energy is fully produced and is given to a man in the form of pleasures, comforts, comfort.

The direct task of a woman is to feel the desires of her man and be able to create conditions that contribute to the satisfaction of the necessary needs.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_5


This is a cash energy emanating from a strong floor. Men are responsible for the spread of energy material impulses, which give the opportunity to use the benefits to women. Excellent creatures have the right to provide a man to earn the opportunity to earn, and subsequently, for the full work of Chakras, take decorations, gifts, money from him.

The more the woman asks, the stronger the energy resource is being developed. The refraction of the manipura takes place when weak floor, without hoping on the second half, carries the cargo earning of funds alone. Self-sufficiency of a woman quit male energy, and it becomes passive.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_6


Refers to love female chakra. The level of activity in excellent creation is completely excavated. Who, as not a woman knows how to love with all his heart and give her "heart" energy to a man. Feeling in relation to themselves the manifestation of tenderness, care, caress, he is ready to give in return much more.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_7


Men's chakra of self-expression, where the strength of his own "I" and confidence in the forces . In women, this energy is dorming, being in passive condition.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_8


Female intuition chakra. Active exclusively at the beautiful floor. Not in vain say that a woman is a neck, but a man is a head. Where the neck turns, and the head stretches. That's why Men just need to listen to their halves, to their thoughts. Only in this case will occur organic energy exchange.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_9


Universal chakra for two half. It is connected with the universe, which is able to exchange energy with the male and female floors. There are no differences and privileges for it.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_10

How to attract a partner?

For a woman, it is important to find your power source. After all, a devastated body with a lack of energy forces is unable to warm up with its warmth and love. A man can learn a sufficient charge of energy only from the opposite sex and is looking for the place where it is excess.

Experts recommend pumping anahata (heart chakra). She will help a woman to meet true love and maintain a warm relationship for many years. It happens that the process of work the anahata is broken and it is required to restore. When this happens, incredible abilities will open, which will help to feel compassion and love for people.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_11

To achieve healing, you need to distract your thoughts from moments that do not like, and concentrate on gratitude literally to everything that is in life: to friends, parents, children, work, roof over your head. After some time, the chakra will begin to catch equilibrium and recover.

At the same time, several other effective techniques should be followed to heal the central fourth chakra.

  • Meditation - It will help to establish a stream of energy in the heart muscle. You need to choose an individual way for thinking, while weathered in comfortable clothes and find a place to privacy.
  • Affirmations - Customize positive energy and encourage positive emotions to manifest. Approval in notes may sound as follows: "I love myself as it is," I am grateful to everyone "," I love everything around. "
  • Listening to your favorite music - Opens the human soul, turns over consciousness and strengthens the effect of reducing the energy balance.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_12

Anakhat is almost in the heart of the human body. It is she connects spiritual and physical threads. Having learned to love and understand yourself, you can attract a partner for happy and full-fledged life.

Male and female chakras: energy exchange between a man and a woman, interaction and how they work. How to open a chakra to attract? 17325_13

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