Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel


The time of the ages of women tried to look elegant and beautiful, while spent the whole states on the outfits and accessories to them. Now it has become much simpler, because universal beige universal sandals appeared in service with the beautiful half. So, consider all aspects.

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_2

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_3

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_4

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_5

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_6

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_7

Material of manufacture

How to choose a couple of shoes when stores are bursting from the variety of models of beige sandwicheels on a heel, differing in style and mind? First of all, it is worth determining the material from which one or another model was performed. Most often, manufacturing such materials are used:

  • Grinded leather. Footwear made from natural grinded leather hygienic, durable, looks solid and comfortable with sock. Grinded leishes include suede, velor and sprocket;
  • Polished leather: Beige lacquer leather sandals look at the leg very richly, stylish and elegant. Ideal for evening or any other celebration;

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_8

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_9

  • Leather Always in fashion, very practical and current material. Footwear from genuine leather will serve you for a long time and suitable for everyday socks and for solemn cases;
  • Artificial leather. Sandals from it will be economical. Thanks to modern technologies, they are not inferior according to the characteristics of shoes from natural materials, but still it is worth remembering that artificial materials are less hygienic and comfortable.

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_10

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_11

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_12

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_13


After we decided on the material, it is worth thinking about the shape and height of the heel.

Beige stiletto sandals are suitable to create an elegant image. Such shoes have quite positive moments: they visually, lengthen their legs, giving them slightness; Suitable for evening dresses, classic crog trousers and various skirts; They look stylish and at ease, at the same time, do not distract from the image as a whole; Appropriate for any athex.

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_14

Beige sandals on thick heels - have a more stable heel shape, and thanks to the manufacturer, lungs, although they look massively. Sandals are suitable for everyday socks - they complement the outfits created from short skirts, shorts, sundresses, summer dresses and trousers.

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Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_16

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_17

What to wear

Black color is a wonderful replacement of the usual black and white combination. Beige shoes will complement the ensemble from the clothing of light tones and a black jacket. The end of the outfit will be decorated with pearls and a small shiny bag. Moderate beige bottom shall be satisfied with a rich black riding. You can consider an alternative image created by the beige blouse and black pencil skirt.

Due to the similarities of brown and beige colors, it is necessary to select the things of an extraordinary cut, which will fill in the lack of paints. Accessories Choose in brown tones, and decorations are golden.

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_18

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_19

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_20

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_21

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_22

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_23

A variety of outfits in beige and blue color creates the possibility of a set of bows. The feminine image will help create the top and bag of blue, and the dress and sandals of beige color. An excellent addition to it will be jewelry under gold with pearls. It is also not necessary to neglect gentle shades of purple, which are combined interesting and stylish with beige sandals. Do not forget about jeans that can also complement such shoes.

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_24

High heel beige sandals are suitable for creating a naughty tones, which allows you to create a smooth transition between colors. And also in the ensemble with bright color, beige sandals remain relevant. To create an elegant image, the best addition to beige shoes will be air and flowing fabrics.

Do not complement beige shoes outfits created from fitting skirts and beige dresses. This combination creates an unnecessary effect of a naked body.

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Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_26

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_27

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_28

An alternative will be a dress in warm pink or peach color. The combination in which beige sandals and gentle-pink clothing are used, create an outfit for dates; Shades of blue - suitable for friendly meetings; Bright yellow, dark green or denim outfit - for everyday image. Regardless of the color, you will create a feminine and elegant image.

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Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_30

Seasonal trends in the fashion world are constantly changing, the shape, model and style of sandwiches will be improved. But Beige sandals remain at the peak of popularity. They can be worn for several seasons, while maintaining a trendy and stylish look. This is exactly what the importance of choosing the most comfortable, comfortable high-quality sandals.

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Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_32

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_33

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_34

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_35

Beige sandals on a heel (36 photos): What to wear, models on a thick heel 1725_36

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