Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews


The manicure is a complex of hand care procedures, the main stage of which is the removal of the cuticle. Thanks to this manipulation, the nail looks more aesthetically, acquires the correct form at the base, which visually makes it more. If earlier the cuticle was removed exclusively by circumcision, today they use special files. They are presented in a wide range, which allows you to choose a tool for both professional, and for home use.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_2


Unedged manicure is gaining more and more popularity - it is not surprising, because it is much safer and easier to perform in contrast to the editing method. For such a procedure, a special hatch for the cuticle is used, with which it is possible to carefully treat the separation roller, and eliminate the grip skin from the nail plate. Working with such a tool is very convenient and also safe, because the likelihood of skin injury is eliminated.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_3

Cuticle removal and saws have a number of advantages:

  • Fast and convenient nail processing;
  • No need to use additional tools;
  • high safety;
  • lack of risks to infect customers with infectious diseases;
  • Slowing of tissue regeneration.

It should be noted that the flow of fine cuticle can be painful, and in the absence of sufficient experience, skin damage is not excluded in its removal.

Therefore, it is recommended to make a manicure from professional masters, and before independent work, it is necessary to carefully examine the rules for working with the instrument.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_4


The modern market offers several types of caps for the cuticle, Each of which is characterized by material, abrasion, durability and efficiency.

  • Laser. The tool is made of steel, on the surface of which, with the help of a laser, notches are made in the form of cells. The sawo has a slight weight and size, which allows you to carry it with you. Differs high strength and durability.
  • "Clever". The metal product has a spraying, thanks to which it is possible to carefully handle the separation rollers, without fear of damaging them. When performing a manicure, an exclusively burned cell layer is removed. This type of peel is suitable for superstitious and thin skin.
  • Crystal. The pink is made of glass, so it is rather fragile. It is recommended to store in a case. The working surface of the tool is distinguished by relief, as there are microcards on it. Crystal file effectively eliminates the cuticle, while the treated surface looks smooth and neat.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_5

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_6

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_7

  • Ceramic. This is a glass tool with low abrasiveness, with which you can not only get rid of the cuticle, but also remove the flap and rough areas of the olock rollers. It is advisable to wear such a pink in a case that comes in the kit.
  • Diamond. Professional cuticle caps have a diamond spraying, at the expense of which they acquire high strength, efficiency and durability. Preferably, they are used by professionals in manicure salons.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_8

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_9

How to use?

Unedged manicure is easier and easy to perform. In addition, manipulations are carried out quite quickly, which is very convenient. Thanks to modern filings, you can save on the services of a professional manicure wizard, if you learn how to correctly remove the cuticle. The technique of using the tool is pretty simple and looks like this:

  • Pusher or the plastic end of the peel should be moved to the cuticle to the base of the nail and slightly raise it;
  • Then it is necessary to apply the working facility parallel to the cuticle or at an angle of 45 degrees and start over the skin of the skin and flap sections;
  • Movements should be promoted, as when lying nails, it does not need to be in a hurry and have a strong pressure on the tool;

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_10

  • If the cuticle has grown onto the nail, then it also needs to be carefully cut;
  • The processing of the separation roller occurs gradually, capturing small zones;
  • The processed areas are wiped with an antiseptic and moisturize with oil.

It is important to consider that in front of the manicure it is impossible to drench and make baths for sprinkling - the procedure is carried out exclusively on dry skin and takes 10-15 minutes.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_11

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_12

Brand review

The modern market offers a wide selection of innovative pylons to eliminate the cuticle, but among them there are several brands that managed to gain world glory. They produce goods and for professional, and for home use.

Shere & Nagel. - The first German company that released the "intelligent" pylon to the world market, with which you can quickly and easily bring nails in order. The tool has a diamond spraying on the working facility and smooth ends, due to which its use is not only convenient, but also safe.

Solinberg. - Budget saws whose quality is not inferior to more well-known brands. The peculiarity of products is that their surface has a diamond microcremage and, unlike the previous version, the deadly layer of cells is more gently removed. The files of this company are suitable for owner of gentle skin. In addition, they have compact dimensions, low weight, high strength and elasticity.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_13

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_14

Mertz Manicure. - The perfect option for performing a complex manicure. The brand produces diamond and laser tools that delicately eliminate the cuticle and the flapped areas of the skin. It should be noted that such pecks can also be used for nails.

Zingere - Universal tool for manicure, as it is suitable for both the cuticle and nails. Its feature is the presence of a trimmer, which is a V-shaped sharp blade. It is intended to remove organized skin. The product has two operating surfaces with different abrasion, which allows you to perform opil and grinding.

Zero. - Laser angular saw, the sides of which also have abrasiveness. Due to the unique structure, you can make a manicure of any complexity and easily process hard-to-reach areas. Such a pedel prevents the nail rustling and slows the regeneration of the cuticle, so the re-procedure will not be needed in the near future.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_15

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_16

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_17

Criterias of choice

Since the range of pylons for the cuticle is quite diverse, then it is not easy to make a choice. First of all, you need to decide on the assignment of the tool. For example, for professional use, it is necessary to choose durable, durable tools with high abrasiveness, while for personal use, budget products are suitable for compact size with small abrasive. This option is especially good for those who do not have experience working with a cuticle saw.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_18

Metal tools have the highest quality.

They are not afraid of mechanical damage and serve up to 10 years, but in inept hands can cause injuries of near-gas rollers.

Ceramic and crystal saws are a more gentle option. With their help, you can more accurately treat nail and rollers. But it should be noted that such tools require careful storage and transportation, as they are rather fragile products.

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_19

Cuticle Pink: What to choose a laser, ceramic or diamond? How to use it to remove the cuticle? Reviews 17086_20

Innovative caps for removing the cuticle quickly won popularity. Reviews about them and among professional manicure masters, and among simple users extremely positive. All celebrate the convenience and ease of operation of the tool. Sometimes there are complaints about unpleasant sensations during the recycling of the cuticle, but this is usually associated with skin sensitivity or improper use of the tool.

About how to properly use a cuticle file, see the next video.

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