Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home?


The procedure of home manicure is impossible without high-quality tweezers, scissors and bodies. However, even the highest quality tools sooner or later come into disrepair, so they have to be sharpened. Although it is more convenient to entrust this procedure by a specialist, some people are trying to independently solve this task.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_2

Features of technology

In principle, the technique of sharpening of all manicure tools is approximately the same. It is necessarily removed with the backlash, the discharged parts are strengthened, and then the restoration of the cutting parts itself occurs. If necessary, rusty stains are also removed.


In a situation with impressions, sharpening begins on the inside so that the cutting edges are the same. Following the outdoor side, the tips of the blades are adjusted and finally the latter are processed where they come into contact. The entire process is completed with polishing.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_3


Paths preparation occurs in a similar way. It is worth mentioning about a pair of options for home sharpening this tool. It can be done using:

  • devices intended for knives;
  • sandwich attached on a nail plate sawmill;
  • An ordinary foil leaf folded several times and sliced ​​strips.

In all cases, the procedure is completed by cleaning sharp edges and washing the tool.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_4

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_5

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_6

Sharpening types

There are two main methods of sharpening manicure tools: either try to do it yourself, or contact a professional. In addition, the tools are processed either manually or at the factory when using special tools. The first method is considered better, as in the second "conveyor" case, the blades are different and not too high-quality sharpness.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_7


Before you begin to restore tools with your own hands, it is necessary to master some skills and acquire suitable equipment. As a rule, the following tools are required to bring in order standard manicure scissors: machine, bars and napkins. The optimal machine must have a diamond circle of fine abrasiveness, an alternative to which a needker can become with the same spraying. Bruks, most likely, will be required two types: Grinder, demonstrating abrasiveness of 2 thousand grits, as well as a pair of polishing bars with abrasiveness of 8 and 12 thousand grits. Wipes for polishing are made of felt.

For convenience, the repaired device is worth developing - it will be more comfortable to sharpen individual blades. The sharpening itself passes easy: the grinding unit is connected to the smallest speed, after which the edge of the device must be carried out in a circle from the beginning to the end of the tool. The correct "spot" of the contact will be from 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters. At first, the inside is sharpening from the inside, and then outside, after which the scissors are collected, wipe and polished.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_8

Home processing is quite complex for an unprepared person. If you make a mistake with technology, you can either provoke the appearance of a jar, or to drive or even break the edge.

In addition, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to remove the backlash (the gap between the cutting parts), and also eliminate the "tightness" of movements. Finally, at home, only knives and scissors get sharpened, although some craftsmen cope with nipples.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_9


Speaking of professional sharpening, it should be recalled that some tools should always be treated with the hands of specialists. We are talking about scissors with a serrated edge and guns. In general, it is much easier to contact a professional having all the necessary equipment Since at once it turns out to put the entire set of tools used. The specialist first affects how smoothly the blades smoothly are closer and unfolded, and the backlash is not formed between them. At the next stage, he removes burrs, twisted the weakened details and, finally, sharpens the blades from two sides.

If the procedure was correctly carried out, the ends of the scissors will be with the same parameters, will be tightly and easily faced each other.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_10

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_11

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_12

The quality of sharpening is checked with a cloth or napkin. Ideal scissors will cut the material very gently, leaving behind the smooth, non-torn line. It is important to mention that the sharpening machine can be either mechanical or laser. Laser allows you to simplify the procedure, but the tools processed on it are faster than wearing.

The reason for this lies in the fact that the beam significantly reduces the thickness of metal surfaces. It is more complicated on the mechanical machine, but the device will last longer.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_13

How to swing in at home?

To sharpen the houses of the nippers, it will be possible to do without a diamond circle, it will only be enough to buy a file with a homogeneous grain and tightly closed notches. If this procedure has to be performed for the first time, it is better to start from a rehearsal on some old device. First of all, you must, opening the nippers, check if there is a backlash. With a positive response, the rod is installed on the riveting of the joints and is worked with a hammer.

At the next step, the hinge compound is cleaned by sandpaper on both sides. After that, you can go to the sharpening with a file. Treatment begins with the inner edge. The movements at the same time should be smooth and moving in one direction. Then the same movements need to pass the corner of the blade and move to the outer edges. In the latter case, movement becomes reciprocal.

At the last stage, grinding the "cheeks" by movements, again, going to one direction. The sharpened product is polished by a bar, and the hinges are riveted.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_14

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_15

In the case when the sharpening of manicure scissors is carried out, the technology is not greatly complicated. However, two grinding stone with an abrasive capacity of 600 and 1500 grit will be required. The first thing is as well as with tweezers, the backlash is checked. This gap is cleaned with the help of hammer and special tails gradually. In order for the blades smoothly and diverged, it is worth an additionally lubricate the tool with a special tool on both sides.

Then the scissors are disclosed, fixed in this position and sharpened with a 600 grit stone. Movement is on itself and only on the side of the upper plane. The resulting scratches will be removed using a 1500 grit stone. He should also move. If after sharpening the ends of the blades began to be incorrectly shied with each other, then it is necessary to adjust one of them with the help of pliers.

You can check the scissors by trying to cut the stranded sheet of paper smoothly in the middle. If it turns out to be flat and neat, then the sharpening is carried out correctly.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_16

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_17

The presence of a grinding machine will allow the manicure scissors in order faster. The scheme is used by the same: the backlash is fixed at first. To do this, a rather durable rod is installed at that point where the blades are connected, and the hammer tips gently on its other side. First, the blades sacrons from the inside, and then on the other. The machine should work at a minimum speed, and the edge of the blade is carried out on it in one direction from the beginning to the end. After that, the tool is wiping and polished by Bru with abrasiveness of 8 thousand grit.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_18

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_19

How to check the quality?

To make sure that scissors are sharpened in a manner, they will definitely be tested. Ideally, the blades of the device must be smooth and with even edges. In addition, the absence of a backlash, smooth and simultaneous stroke of blades is important. Check scissors are more convenient with the help of a tape for which you need to pull on both sides. If the tool exactly will reduce the material, it means everything is in order.

Compact plugs and tweezers must have smooth, smooth blades that are closed without any gap. To determine their status, it is sufficient to move the handles up and down. As an inspection, the plaques will need to eat a polyethylene package.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_20

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_21

Useful advice

To use the tools as soon as possible, it is important to adhere to a few simple rules. In any case, you cannot try to clean the scissors or tweaks, tapping them about a solid surface, for example, about the table. It is better to simply use a clean cloth and gently wipe the blades from the hairs and dust.

Do not forget about the timely sterilization of devices, which can be done on your own either by contacting the specialists. It is better not to use liquid solutions for this purpose, but a special chamber.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_22

Special cases are needed for storing tools, and place the devices in them can one separately. Contact surfaces can lead to unpleasant consequences - blotted edges. For the same reason, the tools are not allowed to lay out the blades down.

Each time after the manicure procedure or pedicure procedure, it is necessary to process items: clean the joints, rinse, dry and garbage. In addition, it is important to monitor the appearance of the backlash, declaring, or, on the contrary, excessive tightness.

Tools are not recommended to boil - it is better to use special solutions intended for disinfection.

Shoot manicure tools: on a professional machine. How to swing down nippers and tongs at home? 17069_23

However, you should not leave them in liquid too long.

On how to sharpen manicure tools at home, see the next video.

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