Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme "Age" and "Manifa"


The condition of the hands of a woman and the manicure chosen by her not only emphasize the individuality of the created image, but also talk about the inner state of a state of weak gender. Starting the procedure for decorating nails, customers of beauty salons tell the master about their individual preferences and wishes about the color range and the shape of the manicure. The wishes of visitors sometimes cannot be embodied in connection with the peculiarities of the structure of hands and fingers, as well as the shape and size of the nail plate. Experienced specialists are obliged to warn the client about the possible consequences of the incorrectly selected style or color, and are also required to advise the output from the current situation.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Varieties and their features

The right choice of nail shape for one or another manicure is one of the main tasks of beauty specialists, from which the aesthetic appearance and the relevance of the entire image will later depend on. Professional masters highlight several forms of nail for manicure.

  • Clear square - The most popular appearance for which the clear side and horizontal lines are characteristic, as well as sharp corners. Nail length - medium, hand shape - elongated, with an elongated nail lies. Experts recommend to form this shape on a dense and rigid artificial basis to prevent twisting and rolling with sharp corners. Square manicure requires timely and regular correction due to uneven growth of the horny plate.
  • Soft square - Improved square shape, which is suitable for short and medium plates and has a low percentage of deformation of the angular elements.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • Oval square - Compromise type of manicure, which visually pulls his fingers. The main feature is the rounded edge of the nail plate.
  • Oval - Basic variety that repeats the line of the nail plate. Forming on medium and short nails.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • Round. It is used for a short plate, the length of which is not more than 0.1 cm. Perfectly repeats the finger line and requires a regular adjustment.
  • Almond-shaped. It is formed only on long fingers with narrow nail plates. An important feature is the absence of sharp parts and form a rounded line from the nail growth point.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • Triangular. It is used only for narrow and long fingers. The principle of manufacture is similar to the almond manicure, but has an acute angle at the end. This form has low resistance to mechanical damage and is used on artificial plates.
  • "Ballerina" - A new direction in the design of the nails, in which the edges are directed to the center and cut off with a smooth horizontal line. This form is subject to mechanical damage and twisting on thin nails.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • Sleepy - One of the molds of the square, which has a bevelled edge and is suitable for narrow plates. The direction of beveled edges depends on the designer thought of the artist. The main condition is the presence of a rigid nail plate.
  • "Stylet" - The original form, which is popular among young clients and has several directions: Gothic, faceted, sample, leg. An important feature is an elongated and pointed form performed only on an extensive basis.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • "PIP" - Universal and practical form for which you can use any kind of nail mural. The nail plate is made in the form of an arch with a bend in the center.
  • "Age" - Modern direction in the nail industry, which is manufactured on the basis of French manicure. Experts cut the square shape and make a sharp wedge on the top. Corners may be different types.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

  • "Bridget" - Harmonious combination of classic style and paradoxicity. Distinctive features are two faces, three planes and a sharp corner. To create a complex form, a specialist should have extensive experience and practical skills.
  • "Butterfly" - An original form that is rarely used for daily use and has an extended shape with rounded sides of the vertex. Manicure in the form of butterflies is used to create creative stage images.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Specialists are not recommended to use square, triangular and beveled schemes on thin natural nail plates. These forms are suitable only for the artificial bases or natural surfaces that the gel or acrylic was applied. Separate attention should be paid to the new form of nails with the name "Manifa". This model resembles a fan or an arched skirt and can have both one level of triangles and several. "Manifa" is not intended for everyday use, but is a creative embodiment of fashion trends.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Tips for choosing

The structure of nail plates of each person has its own individual features. Sometimes the nails on one hand can be of different shapes, thickness and structures, as well as having differences in the nail bed and the bend line. These defects acquire a pronounced character on long nails. Select a form depending on the type of cuticle:

  • oval - universal type to create all forms of manicure;
  • Square - the best option for creating a square shape of the nail plate;
  • Triangular - type of cuticle, for which triangular or pointed nails are suitable.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Experts allocate several types of fingers:

  • short;
  • long;
  • thick;
  • Thin.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

For thin and short fingers, it is necessary to give preference to classic forms, it is not recommended to use a square manicure that will make hands with rude and nonesthetics. Long fingers need to decorate a square manicure with a rounded edge, which is practical and durable. To lengthen short nail plates, it is necessary to use oval forms. Triangular nails and feline shapes give elegance with thin and long hands, but have low strength. For natural nail plates, experts do not recommend using long nails, and advise to stop their choice on a short or medium length.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

If the nails have a small thickness and density, the masters are advised to refuse even from the middle length due to the probability of twisting free edges, the appearance of chips, cracks and non-psychic deformation of the manicure. The structure of hands and nails is the main factor that affects the choice of the shape of the manicure. Only long fingers with oval nails are universal, at which even the most unusual design solutions harmoniously look.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

The correct shape of the nails should vigilantly pull the length of the brush. The choice of length is the direct influence of the generation and home responsibilities. The manicure in no case should become an obstacle to the execution of everyday occupations. In the case of deformation of one of the nail plates, it is necessary to reduce the length of all nails.

Color gamut is another informal factor that affects the length of the manicure. For all dark shades, it is necessary to choose short forms, and Franch is not recommended to be applied to a square surface. The geometric nail painting cannot be applied to the almond surface. Square nails are unacceptable to decorate rhinestones. This form is harmoniously combined with a french. Before the start of creating the original manicure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will definitely help find the right decision. In specialized journals, you can find a large number of photos and practical advice on creating a beautiful and high-quality manicure.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Technology for creating the desired form

After the final choice of the nail shape, the salon workers begin to conduct preparatory work, which consist of several stages:

  • softening the surface of the hands using special baths;
  • Removal of cuticle and burr;
  • Filling the nail plate from the corner to the central part.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

Filling the nail in one direction will prevent the stratification of the structure of the horny plate. For natural nails, you must purchase a glass or rubber file. Thin nail plates are treated with a ceramic tool with small spraying. The use of metal sawmills can lead to a decrease in the structure of the plate due to the increase in the temperature of the tool during the execution of work. Universal working instruments experts consider glass or crystal, which will remove all irregularities and stains.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

In elite beauty salons use tools with diamond or sapphire spraying. To prevent the skin from entering the surface or in the wounds of pathogens of various diseases, specialists handle the entire tool with a special solution. To create a square form, you must have a nail plate length of at least 0.3 cm, which is resistant to mechanical damage. All edges are carefully aligned, and the corners are smoothed. To create a holistic image, you need to remove the cuticle directly and focus on the corners. To lengthen the short plates, it is necessary to eliminate the free edge.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

The creation of a almond form consists of several stages:

  • creation of a square form;
  • picking corners to obtain a trapezium;
  • The rounding of the vertex in the form of the almond walnut circumference.

Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    The creation of an oval form implies nail feeding on each side and the rounding of the vertex. The working tool should be located under the appropriate angle of inclination. The manicure in the form of a style is made on the basis of an oval shape with a round edge, which must be gradually commemorated before obtaining an acute angle. The edges of the "Ballerina" form must be picked up strictly under an inclined angle, and the upper edge is given a horizontal direction. Beginner masters need to carefully examine all the advice of professionals on the right choice, creating and correction of a beautiful manicure.

    Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    Straight line in the center of the nail - the main line of the future form, which passes through the entire finger. This line will be separated by the plate on the equal parts, which must completely coincide and be symmetrical. In case of incomprehension of data, half a beautiful and aesthetic form will not be created. The main rule of high-quality manicure is the presence of the same number of marked on each side. Inspection of the back of the nails will allow you to evaluate the quality of the created nail form.

    Secrets of specialists

    In case of impossibility of creating the desired form on a natural basis Experts recommend creating an artificial nail plate, which has a number of advantages:

    • obtaining the necessary shape and length in a short period of time;
    • lack of an allergic reaction;
    • durability;
    • resistance to mechanical damage;
    • High aesthetic indicators.

    Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    The main disadvantage is a regular visit to the beauty salons to perform timely correction. To impart the necessary forms with artificial nails, the wizard uses special templates made from teflon, metal or paper. Creating extensive nails is performed by the method of fastening the bottom or top shape. Experienced masters of beauty salons should have not only professional skills for competent selection and creating the desired shape of nails, but also psychologists. The long study of the specialists of this area revealed the direct relationship of the form of the nail and character of a person.

    Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    Oval shape is suitable for romantic and dreamy customers who have an unstable nervous system and frequent mood swings. For decisive, bold and focused people, the correct square shape of nails is suitable. This category of persons has the quality of the leader who knows how to hide its emotions and feelings. Good, responsive and open people prefer a rectangular shape. These customers are open to everything new and unusual, it is necessary to offer the latest innovations and interesting ideas. Round Nails are a sign of creativity and creativity, which constantly strive for communication and give joy to others.

    Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    The short length of the nails prefer the custodian of a family hearth, for whom care for children and her husband stands in the first place. The weak floor representatives with long nail plates are fatal women who want to move along the official staircase.

    Fashion is a special world that constantly dictates its rules and trends. Designers and decorators are always in the creative process of searching for new ideas, shapes and images. In specialized journals, you can see new trends in the design of nails. Strictly following new trends and directions, you should always maintain your individuality. Experienced professionals will help you make a decision that will decorate your hands and help creating a fashionable image. This procedure should be done only in high-level beauty salons, where experienced specialists work, who responsibly belong to the fulfillment of the task and care about the health of their customers. Choosing a new shape of nails or an unusual color gamut, it is necessary to remember the feasibility of this innovation, about its compliance with the lifestyle, work and general style.

    Nail shapes for manicure (38 photos): Features and names of various forms of nails on hands, manicure scheme

    On how to choose a manicure on the form of nails, see the next video.

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