How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine?


Each girl dreams of perfect manicure. But sometimes the result disappoints. And the color of the varnish is suitable, and the manicure is performed immaculately, but something does not please the general picture. The reason for this may be an incorrectly chosen form of nails. From it largely depends the final result. Let's figure out how to find your shape, as well as how to make it yourself.

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_2

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_3

Select form

Previously, the masts of the manicure was allocated only four basic forms. These were: Square, triangle, oval and circle. Today the choice is much wider. Yes, some of them are very similar to each other, but still have the right to independent name and existence. The choice of form depends on many factors. If you doubt what kind of form you fit perfectly, look at the bottom of the nail. What form has cuticle? It can be oval, and square, and even triangular. If you repeat its outlines on the free edge, then the nobs will look very organic.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_5

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_6

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_7

You are very lucky if the cuticle has an oval shape. There are practically no restrictions for choice. But do not forget about other features (fullness and length of fingers). If the base is represented in the form of a square, then your ideal form will be a square and a little rounded form (soft square). Well, for the holders of the triangular line of the cuticle, the pointed forms should be chosen (almonds, stale). To determine a good way, whether the selected form is suitable for you, a special form or tips can serve. Ask the masters just to attach it to the nail bed. So you clearly make sure the correctness of your own choice.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_9

In addition to the above criterion, the experienced master takes into account the following nuances:

  • Does manicure perform on natural margins, is it used to cover the shellac, or the nails will be increasing;
  • The individual features of the structure of the brush and fingers are taken into account (whether it is from nature long and thin and plump and short);
  • Compliance with the selected form by the latest fashion trends.

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_10

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_11

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_12

The round shape of the nails will suit the owners of a short nail plate. If you try to repeat it on long nails, there may be a feeling of rudeness and severity. For owners of thin long fingers and oblong marigolds do not choose the style of the style or another long sharp option. This is visually lengthened fingers, and they will become similar to the "Spider's paws". The same long and pointed at the end. The form of a soft or ordinary square will look harmonious.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_14

The sharp shapes of the style of the style or blade will perfectly complement the image of the ladies with thin fingers, but having the middle nail length. In this case, visual elongation will only benefit. Among other forms, you can also safely try on the peak and almonds (the length should be more moderate). Take into account when choosing a certain form and sphere of your own employment. Since most professions in the modern world requires working with a computer, then it is necessary to take care of the convenience of manicure.

The ideal option is the shape of a soft square and oval. Too pointed forms will slip from the keys or rolling as a result of a constant shock of the key. The classic square will also be unreliable, since sharp corners will be cling and faster.

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_15

The actual form of almonds perfectly looks at the nail plate of medium length. In this case, the magnitude of the free edge should be greater than the average. On short marigolds, the shaped and pointed to the end the form will look ridiculous.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_17

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_18

As for an unusual bevelled form (when the free edge has a pronounced bias in one direction), it can be embodied on extensive nails. This option is quite vulnerable, so the nails should be very strong. The exoticity of this manicure also requires a certain courage from its owner. It is chosen by bright nature, as well as impressive and extravagant ladies. In addition to these basic rules and criteria, do not forget about the personal preferences of the client. The choice in this case will be due to temperament, personal preferences and its own idea of ​​beautiful.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_20

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_21

Required tools

For high-quality manicure, a good tool is required. The real masters of their case know about it and never save on it. Let's try to list the basic items that you need.

  • Forceps. They are used to remove the cuticle, as well as other outlook on the skin. This tool should be well sharpened to carefully cut the burded layer, and not tear it off.
  • Scissors for manicure. Many mistakenly use them to trim the free edge. But this is a rather gentle tool that will quickly deteriorate (fasten) when working with rude materials (nail). They are needed to remove the cuticle along the growth line.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_23

  • Pilochka. Ideally, you must have 3 files with varying degrees of rigidity. The coarsest is used for extensive nails. Softy for natural. They are not only given the final form, but also lines the nail plate. The choice of manufacturing material depends on individual characteristics and preferences. Pilking can be ceramic, glass or metal.
  • Wooden wand. It is needed not only to remove dirt from under the nails, but also for the cuticle. She plays a particularly important role if you perform an unedged manicure. Then, with its help, the cuticle not only set the form, but also move it to the desired distance.
  • Brush or big brush. With its help, you can easily remove dust from the hands and nail, resulting from the resulting. Professionals have a special fan that sucks even the smallest particles, at home will have to be content with a conventional cloth for wiping dust.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_25

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_26

  • Cuticle cream. More and more masters refuse to break the hands in the bath before the start of the manicure. So that the cuticle has become soft and militant, they prefer to apply a special cream on it.
  • Baf. It will be needed at the final stage of nail preparation. With it, you can easily polish the marigold and make them smooth and smooth.

These are basic tools. But the masters, this list can be supplemented with specialized devices such as a grinding machine, a table lamp, a fan-vacuum cleaner, instruments for sterilization of tools, UV lamp, various brushes and trimmers, tweezers, powder and other.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_28

Preparation for the procedure

First of all, you need to prepare a note, and already give them the right form. To do this, it is enough to make a manicure to the usual way for you. If there is a special tool in stock, then make a hardware manicure, otherwise you can make a classic cutting manicure.

Prepare all the necessary tools that will be needed when conducting the procedure. It will save you from the bustle and searches for the desired saw or tongs in the process. Start a manicure only if you are sure that you have the required amount of time in stock. Hasted the manicure (or not finished at all) will look untidy and will come into disrepair. Another important point that we have already mentioned is good lighting. If there is no special lamp, then spend the procedure in daylight near the window.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_30

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_31

Basic rules when creating a form

As we have already found out the above, the choice of the form of the free edge largely depends on the natural design of the nail plate and the individual characteristics of the brush structure. But the skillful master is able to transform even the most expensive marks and give them an ideal form. At the same time, natural disadvantages can be compensated or hiding due to the reinforcement of the nail gel or design.

But there are also unshakable rules that should be adhered to if you want to create a beautiful and neat manicure at home. The main thing is to act step by step and do not miss the creation steps. After all, if you, for example, skip the degreasing stage, then the decorative coating will be badly kept, and the manicure will soon be unusable.

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_32

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_33

So, here are the main postulates that are used by the masters when creating a manicure.

  • Manicure will look organically if all the marigolds have the same form. Today you can meet fashionistas, which specifically make focus on one or two marigolds, asking them different from the other form of free edge. But it is rather an exception than the rule. Such a choice is supported by a certain design.
  • The same length. Often you can find a situation where the girl broke one of the already thrown margins, but does not want to even equal to him. As a result, she leaves him short, and the rest are long. It will not give beauty and sophistication, on the contrary, will look ridiculous. There are only two ways here: either cut the rest of the nails to the minimum length, or build broken marigolds. Only so your manicure will be aesthetic. Do not think that the length of the nails is the main indicator of beauty.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_35

  • Determine the nail length correctly. Each marigold has its own size, so it is incorrect to navigate only for the length of the free edge. After all, if you make the same length of the free edge for the middle finger and the little finger, then in the end they will look different. Measure the length from the lower point of the cuticle and to the tip of the nail (with a free edge inclusive).
  • To correctly define the shape and length, use one finger as a reference. It will be the length of the nail bed, on which more than the rest. Only the little girl can be less than the remaining 3-4 mm (the thumb is either equal or more 1 mm). Unnamed, index and medium simply must be equal to the length so that the manicure looks organic.
  • Another rule is the orientation to the end result. In your head should be a clear picture of what form in the end will be marked. This will help to spend Opol in the right direction.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_37

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_38

  • Do not hurry. This is important not only so that you do not miss important moments and did not miss the shortcomings, but also for the nogot itself. If it was very intense, it is possible to damage the nail plate. As a result, it will start to get out.
  • Provide yourself with good lighting. An ideal option will be a table lamp, which can be directed to the desired side and under the desired angle. Such are used in beauty salons. The master is important to see every marigold and his smallest details.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_40

Technique execution

Masters of nail design give the shape of nails with a sawmill. Its abrasiveness depends on whether a manicure is produced on natural or extensive nails. As for the technique of execution, then for each form there is its own technique. Moreover, even one and the same form can be lit into various masters on their own scenario. We will analyze the main types of forms and technology of their creation.

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One of the most natural and laconic forms. If you do everything right, then the shape of the free edge will repeat the outline of the finger. This form looks perfectly on short marigolds. Squeeze all the marigold to the same length at right angles. You will get the right square. It is from such a form that makes it easier to create a circle with an ideal length and slope. Now, moving from the center to the sides, start cutting sharp corners around the edges.

Watch that the rounding does not switch to the alignment of the nail. Moving from the finger to the finger, compare the results obtained and adjust as needed.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_43

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_44

Square and soft square

If the nails have a different length, then it is necessary to start them. It may also be difficult if before you had a pointed form. The cutting edges will not create the right square. Here you can advise or choose a minimum length, or give preference to a soft square with rounded edges. Opol is made at right angles. The edges should have a clear parallel among themselves, that is, even the slightest slope in one or the other side is not allowed. All this will be visible.

For rectangular, the corners can be left quite sharp. This is especially important for long marigolds. If you prefer a middle or small length, it is better to make a soft square. To do this, just a little spool sharp corners, keeping a flat line on the main cut.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_46


Oddly enough, but this form is also pumped out of the square. Act as described above. The main task at this stage is to cut the right square. Next, start cutting the nail at a low angle. At the end you have a pretty sharp tip. Its form is adjusted at the last stage, sprawling to the desired value. You can start creating almond forms and without resorting to an intermediate square form, but it is much more complicated. After all, you will need to adjust both the length, and the tilt, and clearly stick to the central line so that there is no skew to one of the parties.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_48

Stiletto (pointed marks)

A sharp marigolds that are still often called "feline" require a rather impressive length of the free edge. It makes sense to create such an exquisite shape on short nails (and it is impossible). The main rules for giving the nail style form will be the correct definition of the central high point of the nail. When you pick up all the marigolds to the desired length, you can start creating a pointed shape. To do this, move is necessary from the middle to the edges. Do not rush, otherwise you risk cutting too much. As a result, you should have a shape with the aligned edges, leaving in a sharp tip. The more smoothly the transition from the smile line to the edge, the manicure will look.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_50


There are no special secrets and difficulties. It is only worth sticking to the unshakable rule of a short nail. That is, the length is determined by the magnitude of the shortest of the marigolds. When the magnitude of all marigolds is adjusted, you can proceed to discharge the form itself. To do this, move from the center in the edges, creating a smooth arc (or oval). At the highest point of the nail should not be sharpening, but the long straight line should also not be.

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Nail plate correction

In addition to the correction of the shape of the free edge, sometimes it is necessary to change the nail plate itself. The fact is that not all nature gave up a beautiful bend and the correct structure. The most affordable way to change the nail plate and the tasks of the correct growth trajectory is to build up. It should be noted here that the procedure must be performed by a professional. Only he can qualitatively perform his work and provide the necessary correction.

The correction effect in this case comes due to the rigid fixation of his nail in a certain position. Gel or acrylic simply will not give it to grow in the usual direction. Additionally, arch modeling is also used.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_53

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_54

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_55

With it, the desired bending is set. As a result, the marigolds have the right form. Its change takes time to get used to grow in a given direction. But no one forbids to get rid of extensive nails for a while, to rest a little.

In addition, special devices often use special devices from the ingrown nail and correction of the plate. These are brackets and surgical steel. With it, the edge is lifted and fixed. With long-term wearing, the form and trajectory of growth is corrected. In many ways it looks like a brackets that are installed on the teeth.

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How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_57

How to make nail shape? 60 photo How to properly give the beautiful nails at home? How to step by step nails with a grinding machine? 17020_58

Tips Masters

Take advantage of professionals.

  • Dry surface. The surface of the nail before the procedure should be dry. This rule is especially true if you apply sprinkling. To create the correct form, it is necessary to wear good as a form, since its form can change slightly under the influence of hot water.
  • Do not saw extra. If the marigold already has the desired length and shape, then it is not necessary to further expose to mechanical effects. Come on the surface of the nail plate in the bladder to polish it. The same procedure should be done with a cut of the free edge. This will prevent dissection and breakdown in the future.

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  • The use of quality materials. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase everything you need, then it is better to contact the salon. After all, using materials and low-quality tools, you risk just harvest yourself. In the future, the correction of such errors will go much more time and money. Masters choose expensive quality materials not only because of their practicality, but also safety.
  • The frequency of the procedure. Do not forget to make a manicure on time. If you prefer staining natural margins with varnish, then the procedure will have to be carried out quite often. When using shellaca or extension, the operation time increases. But even in this case, it will have to update it every 3-4 weeks, as their nails will grow.

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Beautiful manicure is possible to create both in the cabin and at home. It is only worth following certain rules and use quality materials. Do not worry if you do not work first time. After all, experience is also of great importance. It is worth practicing a little, then you will get very neat and beautiful.

About how to properly give the shape of the nails, see the following video.

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