Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy


Parents always want their child to look beautiful, no matter how old he was. But the kid up to two years is difficult to make an original hairstyle due to the fact that children of this age is quite restless. What hairstyle will suit for boys up to two years, and what characteristics of hairstyles should take into account when choosing, let's see.

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Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_3

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_4


Haircut for a boy first years of life should be beautiful and fashionable. This is connected not only with the desire of adults to see the baby's stylish, but also with the fact that it lays the sense of beauty in this age, children, and seeing his reflection in the mirror, they must contemplate themselves well-groomed.

Another important feature of haircuts for boys two years is the ease of care haircut. The kid is not particularly pleased with his long manipulation head. As well as a haircut in any case should not interfere with your little boy.

It is impossible to turn a blind eye hair. Immature eye muscles can suffer from bangs, which will constantly get into the eyes, and the child may develop strabismus. But also hair should not get into the plate when feeding, it will not only messy, but also can spoil the appetite of your daze.

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_5

Given the above, the stylists have developed a variation of the most popular children's haircuts, which are in demand in the adult members of the stronger sex.

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Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_7

All haircuts for boys the first two years of life can be divided into three main types.


These hairstyles have an average length of hair. They are characterized by perfectly straight lines, strict form. This includes options such as Canadian, the model, is British.

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Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_9

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_10


Here the hair is clipped over short, most of the hairstyles created with the help of machines. A classic sporting hairstyles are haircuts - tennis, boxing, hedgehog, playground.

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Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_12

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_13

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_14


Recently, quite popular add the usual haircuts a little creativity, for example, vybrivaya different patterns, vystrigaya asymmetry.

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Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_16

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_17

How to pick up?

Choosing a hairstyle for a baby depends on several aspects.

How your baby assiduous

This is perhaps one of the main aspects. For high-quality haircuts, especially for its creation it requires not only the machine, but also, for example, thinning scissors, require a fairly long period of time. The child in the 2 years are not usually very long can stay in one place, not to mention year-old kid. Therefore, the nature of your baby will depend on the complexity of the chosen hairstyle.

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_18

How much the baby afraid of noise

Machines for haircuts, especially some models, is quite loud buzzing. And when you bring it to the ear of the baby, especially if he is only 1 year old, it can frighten it enough.

If your child is impressionable, then you should choose a haircut that is completely performed by scissors.

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Hairstyle must carefully look and do not require special laying.

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_20

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_21

Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_22

Hair Type

The selection of your child's hair also depends on the selection of haircuts.

So, for the holders of thin hair hairdressers advise the use of "torn" haircuts that have different lengths of curls. And also for this type of strands, very short variants of hairstyles will come.

Even if thin hair have curls, then long curls are avoided on them, as they look far from aesthetically.

Hard hair gives more opportunities to choose a stylish hairstyle. Such hair will be suitable for short and elongated haircuts.

If your baby has pretty thick curls, then they cut them briefly in most cases "the hand does not rise." This type of hair is perfectly suitable haircuts type Bob or Kara.

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    Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_24

    Form face

      It is also a determining factor when choosing a hairstyle of your boy, regardless of its age.

      Baby with a round face is better not to choose haircuts with straight thick bangs. Asymmetric hairstyles are suitable for such a form, as well as "torn" cascade haircuts. Do not wear a direct sample and a large volume of the face, the discovered boys will be quite a volume on the painter.

      For boys with a triangular face form, it is better to choose a haircut with a volume of cheekbones, but do not forget that the curls do not have to climb.

      Hair color on the haircut practically does not affect. Therefore, no matter, blonde hair from your boy or dark, you can choose any kind of hairstyle based on the foregoing.

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_25

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_26

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_27

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_28

      How to stack?

      Laying hair boys to two years should be simple.

      A child can be afraid of a hair dryer, or he will not like warm air that will blow from the device. In addition, the effects of elevated temperatures may damage children's curls.

      The use of various styling tools is also unacceptable at this age, they can also damage the hair structure.

      All that you need to do so that the hairstyle looked well, you need to wash your hair after washing your head with a towel, apply a children's tool for easy combing if necessary and combing, giving strands the right position.

      Do not let the child lie down until the hair is completely dry. And then the hairstyle will carefully look even without the use of styling styling and styling instruments.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_30

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_31

      Beautiful examples

      Modern hairdresser's specialists offer a wide selection of fashionable hairstyles for the smallest boys. Here are some options for stylish head design in kids age up to two years.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_33

      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_34

      A half-fox with a creative swollen probor is at the peak of popularity not only in adolescents, but also in the kids of the first years of life.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_36

      Iroquim is one of the most daring hairstyles. In a child under two years old, he should not be too long, as you will be limited to the use of styling funds.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_38

      Gavrosh is also recruiting popularity, elongated careless strands will give your baby a pretty fashionable silhouette.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_40

      Horseing hedgehog has the same hair length - no more than two centimeters - throughout the head. It will suit the owners of hard hair, since on soft curls will require styling agents that are contraindicated to kids.

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      Haircuts little boys (photo 43): hairstyles for kids 2 years old, trendy haircuts for children one year old boy 16950_42

      Canadian with dense curbs - the original hairstyle when there is a beauty of curls, but they do not interfere with your tea.

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      How independently you can cut the boy, learn from the following video.

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