Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away?


In the desire to be irresistible, modern fashionists often make one cosmetic procedure after another. This applies not only to the skin, but also hair. We are accustomed to enjoy the novelties of progress, so a considerable part of women resorts to hair botox procedure. And if you consider that many want to certainly paint the hair after Botox, you need to dwell on this issue in detail, having understood that it is a botox therapy for hair and what time should pass to staining.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_2

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_3


Botoksotherapy is a new procedure for the sphere of hairdressers, characterized by high efficiency. It is completely painless, aimed at restoring the structure of strands. In its process, the hair is replenished with strengthening and protective substances with sealing of curls from the inside. The drug components are amino acids, a vitamin complex (including the components of the group A, B, C, E), as well as keratin and intra-silane. Botoxication allows you to smooth the curls, make them silky and obedient, returning their life shine.

In this case, it is not fundamentally before staining or after it is performed by the procedure itself. However, it is extremely important to wait a certain period of time, after which the hair will not be subjected to additional stress.

Despite the fact that after Botox, the hair looks beautiful and well-maintained, they need some time and rest before the next effect on the structure. It is especially important to take into account those who often paint hair.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_4

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_5

Botoksotherapy today has not been studied to the end, although its effectiveness is already marked by both specialists and their clients. A distinctive feature of Botox is periodicity: this procedure will have to be repeated regularly. Its effect is holding order 3 months. Botoksotherapy contributes to the restoration of hair bulbs, it is the method of combating baldness. At the same time, Botox on her hair is kept differently: it depends on the compliance with the rules of staining.

In general, the technique does not have side effects, but in view of the fact that it has not yet been fully studied, its conduct is not recommended for critical days, individual intolerance to the components of Botox. In addition, it is undesirable to do in old age, as well as during pregnancy. As for the implementation of therapy in old age, it is ineffective. And also can not be resorted to the botoxotherapy if there are damage to the skin of the head. Another feature of the procedure is the fact that After it, it is not recommended to make styling, assumed to collect strands in tight beams or tails.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_6

When can I use hair paint?

The minimum period of time is 7 days from the moment of perfect therapy. However, it is necessary to weigh everything in and against: the combination of two cosmetic procedures is extremely undesirable. If it is so important to paint the hair, it can be done before Botox for about 2-3 weeks. If you ignore this restriction, you can cause significant harm to the health of your hair. We must not forget that the desire of the client is the law, but the real professional will insist on the waiting time of the required period of time.

Ideally, after a botoxotherapy, it can pass more than 20 days. It is so much time is necessary in order to be able to paint the hair completely along the entire length. The same time will be enough if you want to perform a lightening.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_7

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_8

What will happen if you do not wait time?

As for the effect of staining, in the case of an insufficient time interval between the two procedures, the effect of becast therapy will be reduced to zero. In addition, the combination of two procedures may lead to the fact that the desired shade will not be obtained. As a result, the curls will look slightly and untidy. Considering how much money and time was invested in creating a beautiful and healthy view of Locks, the mood will deteriorate, because all efforts will be in vain. Fewing hair is explained by the presence of intra-silane in Botox, which can destroy molecules responsible for changing the shade.

If Botox is applied immediately after painting, it can cause a strongest allergic skin reaction . It may be expressed in the form of inflammation affecting the whole scalp. In addition, itching may appear, the appearance of dandruff. In the presence of individual intolerance, taking into account the fact that the drug absorbs into the blood, in rare cases, the appearance of allergic rash in the field of face and even the body is possible.

Regardless of the desire to quickly paint the hair, you need to consider the opinion of the specialist. Neither in the cabin, nor house can not reduce the minimum time interval between the two procedures.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_9

Opinions of professionals

Highly professional masters of beauty salons are not recommended to resort to hair coloring immediately in front of the botoxotherapy of the hair. This is explained by the mutually exclusive effect of two salon procedures: the dye pigments are loosened by the structure of the hair, while Botox seals them. The opinion is that soon rescue after coloring through Botox is useful, is erroneous. Sealing each hair is useful for hair, including painted. In addition, the technique is favorably reflected on painted hair: they are getting rid of the drainage, their tips are seized. However, immediately after painting, hair should relax from the negative impact of chemicals. And the point here is not even in the fact that the paint is harmful: there is no salute, which would not harm the structure of the hair during staining.

Staining a few weeks after Botox will allow you to restore the hair structure, prepare strands to the color and make it more gentle. This is especially important for those who paint hair often, because each painting dries their structure. Hair restored from the inside over the entire length will be easier to transfer staining.

Experts pay attention to the structure of the hair: for hard, thick and elastic hair requires more time. At the same time, it is necessary to additionally feed curls during their rest of the color, which will increase the efficiency of the Botoxic.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_10

Is it possible to apply paint at once?

At this question, experts respond unequivocally: no. Not a day, nor two, no four will not enough, because the hair after dyeing looks essentially only until the first washing of the head. During the time, while the curls are departed from stress, they must be prepared for Botox. For this, the masters are recommended to resort to the use of special shampoos with a gentle effect, as well as air conditioners and equipment for laying.

If you paint the hair immediately after the botox therapy, they will resemble a sane shop, blowing smoothness and silkiness. It should be understood that staining, regardless of the drug, is a chemical process, it is capable of changing the physical characteristics of the hair. As a rule, while strands become porous, subject to fragility and negative impact of ultraviolet rays. Despite the fact that immediately after staining, they look beautiful and shine, in fact, painting harms their structure.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_11

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_12

What and how to paint?

If the time is exjected, you can proceed to staining hair. It is important to understand that in order to achieve a beautiful shade, hair paint is preferably chosen to 1 ton. As for the use of satellite balms, they need to be abandoned at all: there are cases when the effect of their application was far from the desired. And also worth picking up, which can not be painted after Botox, the hair of the henna or bass. It is strictly prohibited.

It is impossible to use paints, which contain ammonia. For dyeing hair, pick up the dye of a gentle type. And also worth paying attention to the fact that after the botoxotherapy you need to use paint with hydrogen peroxide. If this ingredient is not, the paint will not give the desired shade. The fact is that after the botoxotherapy, each hair will be compacted and enhanced, the hair tube will be completely closed, so the options without hydrogen peroxide give the necessary pigment will not be able.

Analogs with this substance can penetrate inside the hair, delivering the pigmented components there, to the maximum extent retaining its structure, which is important to maintain not only the external attractiveness of curls, but also their health as a whole.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_13

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_14

Where better to do?

Despite the fact that the staining procedure can be done at home, a professional master will be performed better than it. This is due to the fact that, having experience, it will more evenly paint the hair, pick up the faithful shade and the composition of the paint. The fact is that we do not think about the fact that the chemical effect of each dye individually. Pigment reactions that reduce the action of the bottle are not excluded. A qualified specialist will initially evaluate the condition of the hair and only after that selects the desired composition of the dye with a gentle effect.

Other consequences are also possible. For example, the wrong choice of paint can cause a pathological change in the structure of strands. They can become rigid and disobedient.

Coloring hair after Botox is better in the cabin, trusted to a professional master with a good reputation. This will reduce the time spent at home to perform all the necessary manipulations. And also painting will be uniform, the tone will be selected correctly, without the effect of yellow and rust.

Is it possible to paint hair after Botox? How much better to make staining? Is it possible to dye right away? 16748_15

About how the procedure of botox for hair is underway, see the next video.

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