Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top?


Hair is the main component of a complete image of a woman. Their condition affects visual perception.

For example, well-groomed and tidy hair will always emphasize the beauty of a woman, regardless of whether it is painted or not. Sometimes when creating everyday or evening hairstyles and laying visually, I would like to give a larger volume and lungs of curls. In this case, overhead hair will always come to the aid. What it is and how to fix, consider in this article.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_2

What it is?

Overhead hair is strands of natural or artificial hair, which are attached to certain areas of the head. These strands are also called tries or lining. There are many types of lining, which differ in the way of fasteners, leaving and effect. You can find them in specialized stores that implement wigs or on the official sites of hair manufacturers.

For a woman, it is very important that the linings look like as much as possible and natural, even if they are acidic colors and woven braids.

The main goal is to look harmonious, well maintained, and that the cracks do not slip in the process of socks.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_3

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_4

Advantages and disadvantages

The following positive quality linings can be distinguished:

  • give volume and length without hair extension in capsules;
  • easy and simply attached at home;
  • minimize harm from socks;
  • At any time, they can be removed;
  • can be painted (natural only);
  • During the day they retain their form, withstand the impact of external factors;
  • you can curl;
  • It is not required to restore procedures for their hair after removing the invoices.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_5

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_6

Of course, there are also disadvantages to which you need to pay attention when choosing:

  • high price - than high-quality lining, the more expensive they will cost;
  • Locks dried for a long time after washing (about 9 hours);
  • require sensitive care to maintain the appearance;
  • Almost all types of lining need to be removed before bedtime to avoid damage;
  • Artificial strands are not amenable to staining and do not tolerate curls and straightening at temperatures above 130 degrees;

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_7

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_8

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_9


The modern beauty industry offers many types of overhead hair in a variety of output: braids, volumetric bundles, long and short. Also present a variety of shades (ranging from natural blond and black brunet, and ending with colored acid-yellow tries), and this is not a complete list.

Consider the types of false hair on the type of fastener.

On hairpin

These are strands of curls built in one tape, their beginning is fixed with clips in the form of small grills. They are very simple. First, in turn, several samples are made on the head. It is best to start with the Niza Niza himself, it will be easier to pin. The number of samples depends on the number of strands that will be attached. Then neatly glue the grinding of the lining at the roots of the hair.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_10

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_11

There is one more, a more reliable way of consolidation: attach the hairpin to the hair, which makes hair through it, and at the same time pressed to the head, then move it with circular movements, and stab in the very roots. Thus, the hair will be as fixed as possible.

You can not be afraid of the wind, rain, boldly shake your head, - nothing will fly away.

The strands should be not very strained, but not too free. It is very important not to feel discomfort, and if something went wrong, you can remake everything at any time without third-party help.

The hairpins attached to the hair are usually small and durable, they are invisible and will not be folded when used. These are also convenient - you can repeatedly use. The strands of the greatest length are necessarily attached to the back of the back.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_12

On rubber band

Here, the hair strands are fixed with a wide elastic band, they put on top of the top and are complemented by a fishing line, which is adjustable using the fasteners. They are attached very simple, without assistance. Top covered with their hair, and they can also be twisted on the curl and straighten.

It is quite comfortable in the sock, not slipping, so it is not necessary to run to the mirror and you don't have to correct.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_13

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_14

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_15

On sticky tape

These are the most "long-term" hair, and you will not need to be worried about fasteners for 2-3 months. In the care of unpretentious, they are not afraid of washing the head, withstand the impact of various kinds (wind, heat, frost, moisture). In width, they are short (about 40 mm), so they are very conveniently fixed independently at home with sticky silicone tapes. They are glued at the base of the roots, so the hair looks natural.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_16

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_17

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_18

An essential factor in this acquisition is the price. The high price is justified by the quality of hair, safety for native curls, hypoallergenicity and service life. It is very important not to rebuild your hair, because the roots at the base grow into several centimeters and the lining already look crooked and unnaturally, they become noticeable.

It is worth mentioning that Only the thermo-heads are suitable for the cheat, so be sure to read the instructions on the package. Or you can find curly curls that do not require additional manipulations except accurate combing.

In addition, overhead curls can be the most different length, starting with the square and ending with long strands to 55 cm. It all depends on your preferences and goals.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_19

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_20

How to choose?

The choice of hair requires a thorough approach, many factors affect it: quality, price, color, fastener type, length, naturalness or artificiality.

If we talk about natural overhead hair on the hairpin, they can be divided into 3 types: Slavic, European and Asian. Slavic hair is incredibly soft, thin, elastic, but they are the most expensive in the price segment.

European strands is characterized by the average density and thickness, they are cheaper than Slavic. Asian curls are the most dense, strong, thick, buying such hair will cost the cheapest. It should be remembered that Asian curls will not suit Slavic girls, because their hair structure is different. Overhead curls of this format will be too highlighted, differ from relatives, merge into one tone.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_21

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_22

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_23

With the color everything is much more complicated, it always needs to be chosen into the tone of your natural hair. It is best to do it in the store, while it is advisable to look at strands in the daylight - so you do not make mistakes.

The selection for rolled curls is simple - strands of different colors are scattered and mixed, so your hair will quickly gain a new appearance.

As for the price of overhead curls, it is worth noting that this pleasure is not cheap. However, if you plan to use overlays on an ongoing basis, you will need two sets so that hair care does not cause inconvenience. Some strands can be straight, others - cooked. It is a good alternative to not once again not spoil your hair.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_24

How to attach?

First of all, before you independently attach overhead hair, you need to distribute strands along the length. Start on your eye, what strand you will impose first and in which area of ​​the head. It must be remembered that overhead curls are attached to clean and dried hair. It is advisable to make a small nobody, however, this procedure is optional. In addition, you will need to divide the horizontal strands and secure the hairpins.

On Makushki.

This is one of those areas of the head, where you want more and density. Shorter hair is mounted in this area, such as bangs, lining or strands, which will be closest to the face. Such linings are perfectly suitable for the winners of the thinning hair with a short haircut. For the top there are special lining on silicone ribbons or clips in the form of a shock of curls. If it's strands, when fixing, they are covered on top of their natural hair.

The lining should not create discomfort, after putting on, check the fasteners. To do this, lean a couple of times on the sides, slightly shake your head. If everything is well adjacent and not falling off, it means that you correctly secured the lining.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_25

On a dark part

Usually in the parietal area, the strands are attached to the side, because if you attach them back, our own hair, while you wear them, run out on the sides and the whole secret is thick hairstyles get to the surface. However, there is an exception, for example, when you collect your hair in the tail. For temkeka, longer strands that merging with relatives are used.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_26

How to care?

Caring for overlays is required because it allows you to save the form and state in the best possible way. Since the hair is constantly being mechanical (combing, friction about clothing, skin) and thermal approximations (cheating, straightening), to care for curls will have to be regularly.

These procedures do not differ in difficulty. Combing hair needs a straight comb, starting with the tips and smoothly moving higher and higher along the curls. It is not necessary to put pressure and stretch, if the hair is confused, hook a little higher than this place with your hand and try to unravel without the help of combs.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_27

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_28

To wash natural linings, you need to adhere to certain rules.

  • Before the procedure you need combing strands.
  • Use shampoo for dry damaged hair.
  • Do not trite hair during washing.
  • Try to hold strands along the entire surface, so as not to overload them with the severity of the water.
  • After washing it is necessary to rinse the head with a towel. In no case do not wipe the curls.
  • Natural overlays are dried for 9 hours horizontal position, it is undesirable to use a hairdryer.
  • To give hair shine, elasticity and softness, use air conditioners, spray for combing. It is not recommended to use oils.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_29

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_30

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_31

For artificial hair, the wash procedure is slightly complicated, since they need to be carefully soaked in hot water tanks (previously brought to boiling).

  1. It is forbidden to apply the same shampoo as for natural hair. Here you will need a means for washing artificial hair, which can be bought in specialized stores. It is foamed in small quantities, then dip hair for 10 minutes.
  2. After that, they are washed with cool water 2-3 times, and it is important to make sure that the shampoo is completely washed.
  3. Then the curls are dried with a towel or hang on the rope. Hair dryer is used only in extreme cases, and only with cold air supply.

In general, the overheads are rinsed no more than once every 2 weeks with everyday wear. Water from the tap is too tough, so for the sake of saving the integrity of the curls it is necessary to wash them with food soda. Be sure to indulge the false hair with masks and various leaving agents - it affects their softness, elasticity and shine.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_32

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_33


There are cases when the hair color is not quite similar to your shade, and it can be fixed only by staining. It is worth noting that only natural strands are amenable to this procedure. It is best to trust a professional in the cabin, however, you can do at home. The hair should be clean and dry. Consider the step-by-step staining process in more detail.

  1. Prepare paint.
  2. First spend the test on one of the strands to see the reaction to the mixture.
  3. Apply paint from the tips, and try to evenly distribute along the entire length.
  4. Staining time is 2 times less than for native hair. If 20 minutes are written on the pack, do not keep paint more than 10. This is because artificial hair is more vulnerable to chemical reactions.
  5. Rinse the curls under running water until the paint is completely removed, be sure to balsam, which is stored in the package along with the paint.
  6. Dry the hair for 9 hours, hanging onto fasteners, and do not expose to a hair dryer.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_34

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_35

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_36


Most often, overhead hair is used to create hairstyles or styling so that the general image looks luxurious. Therefore, most likely, they will coach or straighten for further manipulations.

As mentioned earlier, there should be a mark on the packaging that they can be exposed to temperature effects. The heating temperature of the catch should not exceed 170 degrees.

The cheating occurs in the same way as on its hair. The strand is fixed and screwed up the catch, withstands about a minute. After that, it follows the main stage: removing the curl from strands, holding the twisted curl, puff up with a hairpin or invisible, and we are waiting for a complete cooling. Thus, the form is preserved, the curl is not disintegrated.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_37

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_38

Variants hairstyle

The easiest, casual socks of lining are straight loose hair. The second widespread option - curls cooked on the conical curl.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_39

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_40

French braids are another reason why you should attach additional strands. A beautiful magnificent braid due to the denotomy makes the image more interesting and universal, it is relevant and in the morning and evening.

Recently, it is fashionable to use a colored boxing canchelon, a blurred boxing braids. In addition, pigtails on top can be decorated with flowers from phoamyran or stones - it will look natural and unusual.

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_41

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_42

Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_43

      Shells or bundles are a wonderful idea of ​​how to use overhead strands. It is worth only to get invisible, hairpins, hair lacquer and patience, as the original beam in your version is ready.

      Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_44

      Overhead hair (45 photos): How to fix braids on a rubber band? How to choose overlays for the volume of hair on the top? 16705_45

      On how to wear natural hair on the hairpins, you can learn from the video below.

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