Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure


Lush and curly curls - the dream of every girl. Curly hair in any situation looks stylish and effectively, and also give a woman lightness, airiness and romanticism. Unfortunately, nature was awarded not all the representatives of the weak sex with this feature of the hair. Modern manufacturers of cosmetology products, together with stylists, developed an artificial method of giving the hair of a curly and volumetric structure - vertical chemical curling. The main feature of this procedure is the possibility of it not only in beauty salons, but at home.

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_2

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_3

What it is?

To give confidence in your abilities, improve the mood, to improve your personal life and make advocates in career growth will help not only beautiful outfits and the right makeup, but also a competently selected hairstyle. For many years, curly strands, obtained by vertical curls, have been a win-win option.

Vertical chemical curling - resistant vertical chemistry, for the manufacture of which special vertical curiors and chemicals are needed.

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_4

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_5

The technology of creating a given hairstyles lies in the effects of chemicals on the surface of the cuticle and the disclosure of the scales on the surface of the curls. This manipulation makes it possible to give the hair the necessary form. For closing the scales and save curls for 6 months, you must apply fixing agents.

For the proper selection of chemical, it is necessary to take into account the type of hair, their condition and structure. The smallest curls of the curls are applied by biological products based on natural components.

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_6

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_7

To save Kudrey for more than 6 months, experts are recommended to curl unpainted hair, which long periods have not been straightened.

The execution time of this procedure depends on the length and thickness of the hair and can exceed 4 hours.

The cost of the procedure depends on the following factors:

  • size, structure and status of curls;
  • type and brand of chemical composition;
  • Professional hairdresser level;
  • The popularity of beauty salon.

Before visiting the cabin, you need to know which curls come to face:

  • oval and round - dense curls;
  • triangular - Soft waves with light curls.

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_8

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_9

Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_10

    To reduce the negative influence of chemicals on the hair structure, hairdressers recommend using vertical biowaway, which includes amino acids.

    Distinctive features - lightness, airiness and short period of operation.

    This chemical procedure requires compulsory analysis of the condition of hair and scalp. Experts allocate the following main stages:

    • Estimation of elasticity, strength, density and type of strands;
    • Checking the skin on the absence of wounds, injuries and various diseases;
    • Check for the absence of allergic rash, redness and edema;
    • Determination of hair reaction to fixing drugs.

    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_11

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any cosmetology procedure, the vertical chemical curling has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


    • Form resistance for more than 6 months;
    • the ability to use on the basis of various haircuts;
    • obtaining uniform strands along the entire length of the curls;
    • the possibility of creating the effect of wet hair;
    • a significant increase in the volume of hairstyles;
    • giving the form of a face of softness and femininity;
    • Changing the composition of the chemical agent depending on the type of hair;
    • the ability to conduct a separate twisting of the resulting roots;
    • saving time and money for daily laying;
    • Reducing the level of oily hair.

    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_12

    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_13

    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_14


      • Changing the hair structure;
      • fragility and dryness strands;
      • the emergence of the sequential ends;
      • significant reduction in hair length;
      • Mandatory use of moisturizing and restoring compositions.

      Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_15

        Experts do not recommend making a chemical twist in the following cases:

        • reception of hormonal means;
        • chronic diseases;
        • menstrual cycle;
        • hypersensitivity of the immune system when contacting the stimulus;
        • Increased body temperature;
        • high level of hair loss;
        • exacerbation of various ailments;
        • the presence of henna or bass pigment on the hair;
        • long presence of stress and depression;
        • very thin or rigid curl structure;
        • During the tooling of the fetus and during the feeding the child's breastfeeding.

        Technology implementation

        To create playful curls, specialists use special wands-bills:

        • cylindrical;
        • curved;
        • cone-shaped.

        Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_16

        Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_17

        Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_18

        Cocklesss differ not only by appearance, but also material manufacturing, as well as length and thickness.

        The most popular are curios in the form of a cone.

        The choice of this product has influences the structure of the hair:

        • For long and dense curls - large bumps;
        • For lush strands of medium length - middle curlers;
        • For thin and short hair - Little Cockballs.

        Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_19

        Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_20

            To obtain small and dense curls, it is necessary to use small curiors, large devices will be suitable for creating bulk curls.

            If the client has a bangs, a hairdresser can use bumps of different diameters.

            If it is impossible to visit the beauty salon This procedure can be performed without leaving the house. For vertical chemistry, you must purchase the following items:

            • Special clipper for curling;
            • the required number of tumps (depends on the length and volume of the hair);
            • rubber or polyethylene gloves;
            • Hood.

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_21

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_22

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_23

            The chemical curling procedure consists of the following steps:

            • Head washing with shampoo applied by hair type;
            • Washing hair with a terry towel;
            • applying a fat cream to the skin near the forehead;
            • Processing strands with protective lotion;
            • separation of curls to the required number of strands;
            • Hounding the curls to the selected bills starting from the occipital part of the head;
            • application of chemical composition and head coating with polyethylene or cap;
            • maintaining the number of time specified in the instructions;
            • applying a neutralizing drug for 5 minutes;
            • Rinse the hair with ordinary warm water;
            • remove bumps;
            • Dry curls.

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_24

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_25

            Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_26

              Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a test for an allergic reaction, for which you need to apply a small amount of the composition on the wrist and withstand 10 minutes. After this number of time, washed off the drug and make sure there is no redness and stains.

                The fixing chemical composition can be purchased in the finished form or create yourself.

                To create a drug in the home conditions it is necessary to mix 1 part of the shampoo with the same amount of perhydrail and add 7 parts of pure and warm water.

                Before winding the strands, it is necessary to carefully examine the coar fastening scheme, which depends on the quality of the hairstyle and the tidy of curls.

                For medium and long hair, the coolant technique has common features, and for short locks there is a special clip of the curlers.

                Methods of winding under long hair under long hair:

                • the visual separation of the head on the squares starting from the occipital part;
                • The square of the square must correspond to the diameter of one bed;
                • Highlighting hair curves without tensioning hair strictly in one direction;
                • Only after fixing all the occipital strands can be processed to the temporal area, and then to the dark and the frontal.

                Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_27

                  With very long curls, you can use two bumps for one strand.

                  Before winding the hair of any length on curlers, you need to lock the curl in a special hole at the base. It is possible to simplify the procedure using a special progressant. Ignoring this stage will lead to the deformation of the structure.

                  Fixing on short hair has a number of features and is carried out in a head circle. It is necessary to start work from the top and descend to the nape and temples, capturing the area of ​​the pattern.

                  Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_28

                  Special attention should be paid to the vertical chemical twig on long hair with bangs. This procedure has a number of features that need to be taken into account when performing the procedure:

                  • Hounding in the temperature zone is carried out from the top;
                  • Fixation of hair curlers on behalf;
                  • Cheating bangs is permissible only if its length reaches the middle of the nose.

                  The prerequisite is to change the length of the hair and the type of haircut is possible only before the chemical curling.

                  Detailed video tutorial on chemical hairstyle Look further.


                  For long-term conservation of the created hairstyle, it is necessary to comply with the set of rules for the care of it after chemistry.

                  Experts recommend the first wash of heads to spend only 3 days after the procedure. Moisturizing masks, balsams and lotions will help restore the damaged hair structure. A positive effect on strand is to use the beam of healing herbs and acidic water.

                  Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_29

                  Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_30

                  Among the large number of rules for the care of chemical twists, experts identify the following:

                  • After washing the head, hair should be carefully squeezed and laughing with a dry towel;
                  • combat only absolutely dry curls crest with rare teeth;
                  • The use of the hair dryer is permissible only in cold or warm mode with the nozzle diffuser;
                  • To create a new image, you can use thermal curlers;
                  • Fasten the created hairstyle is allowed by all fixing means;
                  • Coloring of strands can be carried out only by natural means;
                  • To protect curls from solar radiation, we need to wear hats in the summer;
                  • introduce drugs containing fatty acids into the daily diet;
                  • carry out regular and timely compatibility of the sequential ends;
                  • To prevent the appearance of the sequential ends, it is necessary to use products with liquid protein.

                  Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_31

                    Professional stylists categorically prohibit sleeping with wet curls, use a hairdryer at a maximum temperature, combine curls, use a massage brush and apply painting pigments earlier than 20 days after chemistry.

                    To carry out hair styling, experts recommend using special types of pole:

                    • cylindrical;
                    • spiral-cylindrical;
                    • conical;
                    • spiral-conical;
                    • oval;
                    • triangular;
                    • Square.

                    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_32

                    Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_33

                      These devices will help make curls with elastic and beautiful.

                          For the safe conduct of the chemical curling procedure, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, special hairdressers capes and create an additional ventilation system indoors. It is strictly forbidden to use metal tools.

                          Before entering the street or visit any event, all women spend a huge amount of time to create the desired image. This procedure takes not only time, but also forces. To solve this problem, stylists offer to use a vertical chemical twist, which is a long-term laying, and special chemical preparations are used to create it. Like any stylistic and cosmetology procedure, curling has both positive and negative sides.

                          Before using this method, you must make sure that the hair has a healthy structure and are able to transfer chemicals. To obtain quality hairstyles, it is necessary to turn to professional masters. At home, when creating curly curls, only special means must be used.

                          Vertical Chemistry (34 photos): Chemical curling technology for short, medium and long hair, Caling for curls after the procedure 16627_34

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