Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this?


In recent years, the procedure of keratin hair straightening is gaining more and more popularity, this is not surprising, given that, as a result of shielding, hair becomes smooth, shiny and dense. It is noteworthy that if in previous years, it was possible to fulfill such a procedure only from experienced masters in hairdressing salons, today the technique is available for performance at home.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_2

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_3


The keratine straightening of strands is necessary to all women who seek their curls to always be impeccable - smooth, shining and at the same time did not require everyday application. It should be noted that this is not the only effect that can be achieved by resorting to keratining. So, if you have too thin, easily confused hair, then under the action of the composition, the problem quickly disappears - your strands will be perfect throughout the day.

Keratin is a natural squirrel in the cuticle of each hair. It forms a horn shell, thanks to which the curls remain straight and smooth for a long time. During keratine straightening on strands, they affect the drug, the composition of which is practically identical to natural keratin, which is why it is often referred to as "liquid hair".

Keratin has the most beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, moisturizes and nourishes them, and also removes from external adverse factors. Even if the hair look perfectly, they will not at all hurt the additional dose of keratin, But it is important that the preparations used are the highest quality, and the application technique was respected as accurately as possible.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_4

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_5

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_6

In recent years, the demand for home keratinization teams began to be used, however, it should not expect that the result of straightening at home will be the same as during the procedure for experienced masters in beauty salons. The main differences between home and professional procedures are as follows.

  • The hairdressers use more concentrated and strong drugs and sets - they are designed to be used by specialists with extensive experiences that can increase and reduce the concentration of compositions taking into account the peculiarities of the chapels. Such masters are familiar with the safety standards and all the intricacies of the use of certain solutions. The compositions for home applied are composed according to the rule "not harm", their impact on hair is minimal, so the drugs are only slightly smoothed curls and feed them.
  • The straightening spent in the salons usually lasts about six months, and if you add it to the right care, then smooth hair will please you even longer. Home keratinization requires adjustment and updates every 1.5-2 months.
  • The cost of the procedure is quite significantly different. So, in the hairdresser you will have to pay several times more than with homemade straightening.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_7

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_8

Advantages and disadvantages

As it is known, hair initially contains about 80% of keratin, however, constant use of detergents, staining, chemical curling and styling with hot temperatures lead to gradual washing of protein. As a result, the hair becomes faded, dull, begin to fall intensely, they are intimidated and completely combed to comb.

Keratin penetrates the structure of each hairs, fills emptiness and feeds from the inside. Due to the exposure to keratin curls become more dense, and the surface of the hair is covered with a solid film that holds the curls in the desired form, and also reliably protects them from adverse external conditions.

From other advantages of technology note:

  • significant improvement in the status of curls;
  • disappearance of split tips;
  • elimination of hair dryness;
  • Facilitate combing and laying.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_9

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_10

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_11

At the same time, each subsequent procedure only enhances the effect and improves the view of the chapels. However, it did not cost without minuses, Keratining has some drawbacks.

  • Despite the fact that keratin contributes to hair regeneration and even the most weakened gives aesthetic appearance, for rare and thinned curls, the weighting associated with the exposure of keratin, often leads to their falling out.
  • The loss of volume - as a result of straightening the hair, completely loses its pomp and loses in the amount of about 50%. However, such a deficiency can be easily leveled if not to apply the drug on the root zone, retreating the head of the head a couple of centimeters.
  • It is the opinion that after keratining the hair is too quickly dirty, it is a common misconception. When using high-quality curls, on the contrary, it will be much longer to remain fresh and smooth. Moreover, as evidenced by reviews, after Keratining, some girls refused everyday washing of the chasis.
  • Keep in mind that the composition contains formaldehyde, however, its concentration is minimal and safe for the human body, but the future and nursing mothers are better to refrain from the procedure, especially at home.
  • A significant lack of keratin straightening at home is associated with the fact that the protein literally falls into the hair under the influence of elevated temperatures. In the absence of experience, women often apply too little drug, which leads to damage to the hair rod and deterioration of the state of strands.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_12

Required funds

For straightening, you need a keratine composition for home apparent. The drug should choose weigly and competently, the composition should not only straighten the curls, but also to heal them, nourish them and moisturize. It will be right to consult with a professional master, and the means themselves acquire only in specialized trading enterprises, where they sell cosmetics for professional use.

Do not take drugs with low cost - keep in mind that the quality composition can not cost too cheap.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_13

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_14

Means for home keratinization today are presented in a wide range, the products of the brand Cadiveu Professional Brasil Cacau, Honma Tokyo, as well as Cocochoco Iron Free Kativa, are most popular.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_15

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_16

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_17

Replace professional funds with masks prepared on the basis of folk recipes. Natural components have a property deeply penetrating into the structure of the hair rod, smoothing the curls and give them a well-groomed look. However, they will immediately mention - such funds have a short-term effect, not more than 10-15 days. High efficiency is different:

  • lemon juice;
  • Deep chamomile pharmacy;
  • Apple juice;
  • tea brewing;
  • table and apple vinegar;
  • rum or brandy;
  • essential oils;
  • gelatin.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_18

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_19

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_20

The ability to straighten curls have oils. To achieve the greatest result, you can take olive oils, as well as castor and repeal in the proportions of 1 x 1 x 2, slightly warm in the microwave or water bath and put on strands to the insulated cap for 60-90 minutes. Such a mask should be applied weekly.

The smoothing property is distinguished by balsam from apple vinegar (2 tbsp. L.), Mineral water (2 tbsp. L.) And pure olive oil (1 tsp.). The resulting mixture is smeared on the hair and leave half an hour, after which they wash off with detergent. By the way, from apple juice, mineral water and table vinegar, you can make a good rinser, after the use of which the hair becomes silky, shining and easily combed.

For dry curly hair, a tea welding can be used, mixed with sugar - the composition is applied to the wet herder and leave. However, it is important not to overdo it here - otherwise, the hairstyle will look untidy and merging. Therefore, there is no more teaspoon of sugar to a cup of welding.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_21

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_22

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_23

The most effective popular rectifier is gelatin. This substance is a collagen of the connecting protein of animal origin. When it is added to the mask and balms on the hair, a protective film is formed, which acts as keratin. Most often 1 tbsp. l. Gelatin is dissolved in 5 spoons of water, thoroughly stirred so that it dissolves all, add a little air conditioner for hair and applied for half an hour.

Gelatin wraps have a really strong effect, however, keep in mind that masks on popular recipes never straighten up and do not restore curls as professional salon techniques do.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_24

How to do?

We will not stop on folk remedies, in the classical execution, keratin rectification implies the use of professional funds, so we will analyze the step-by-step instructions for holding hair alignment by our own forces.

You need to prepare:

  • Shampoo with deep cleansing effect;
  • keratinic composition;
  • Iron to straighten curls with ceramic coating;
  • hairdryer;
  • round brush of large diameter;
  • Comb with rare teeth;
  • Tassel, cape, clips and gloves.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_25

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_26

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_27

We will analyze the instructions for this technique at home gradually.

  • First you need to clean your head well, it is advisable to make it 2 times to completely wash off the remnants of any contaminants and previously used styling agents. After washing, the flakes are completely revealed, so the hair absorb the active substance to the maximum.
  • The hair is slightly dried by a towel and a little hairdryer so that the strands remain wet.
  • Hair is divided into separate curls of 3-3.5 cm and fixed by clamps.
  • The composition is applied with a tassel or spacing. With independent execution, the first option is preferable, so applying will be more uniform. If you have an assistant - it is necessary to apply the sprayer.
  • The means are missing each strand in turn, retreating from the roots by 2-5 cm. The composition should be applied thick, and then the hair is combed and left for 20-25 minutes.
  • After that, keratin is washed off with water without using shampoo and dried with a hairdryer (with a cold mode) with a round comb.
  • After that, it is necessary to set the iron by 230 degrees and start directly to the stretching of each strand, while the iron should be carried out at least 5-7 times, with strong waviness, 8-10 goals are allowed. Similarly, the protein will be distributed inside the hair rod as uniform as possible.
  • At the end of the straightening, the head is washed with warm water, the moisturizing balm is applied for 10-15 minutes, wash off and dried with a hair dryer.

Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_28

    So that keratine straightening was more efficient, you should be aware of the frequently encountered errors that occur with the home procedure.

    • Keratin preparation can not be applied to the skin and the root zone.
    • It should not be smeared on the hair too much composition, but too much a lot of it should not be - the hair should be fully combed. If there is a surplus tools to remain, then they are better to comb on the tips of strands, it is in this place that the hair is most exposed to adverse factors and especially in need.
    • Using drying with a hairdryer, you should not install hot mode, when driving keratin, under the influence of high temperatures, becomes active - then the straightening does not occur.

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_29

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_30

    Duration effect

    There is no unequivocal answer to the question of the duration of a keratin straightening, there is a lot of herein it depends on the initial condition of the hair, the characteristics of the procedure and the drugs used. So, an important role is played by the length of strands - than the hair is longer, the sooner the effect goes. An important factor is the structure of the curls, if they were injured, then it is necessary to repeat the keratination in a month.

    Hard curly hair is pretty hard to straighten, they can begin after the first washing of the head, and the monthly one will have to repeat such a procedure. But even in this case there is no guarantee of obtaining the desired result. Threaded and dry strands hold keratin for several months, but it is impossible to restore hair in one procedure - The procedure will be needed to repeat after 3-4 months.

    The best keratin is held in healthy straight hair that needs to get rid of small curls. In any case, it should be borne in mind that the household procedures will be much less long than salon.

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_31

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_32

    Hair care after procedure

    In order to keep the keratinization on the hair as longer as possible, You should adhere to several rules.

    • To wash your head, you need to use shampoos without sodium chloride, salts have the property of destroying the protective shell, then the effect of straightening falls quite soon.
    • Within three days after keratining, you should not wash your head and carry out any other hair manipulations.
    • If in the morning you found that the strands were "bombed" - they should be tentate it with a hot iron.
    • The sea and ultraviolet radiation also flocks keratin, so going to rest, you should protect your strands as much as possible. Also be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a keratin straightening procedure again.

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_33

    Keratin hair straightening at home: how to make it at home gelatin? Simple recipes. What is needed for this? 16616_34

    On how to conduct keratin hair straightening at home, see the next video.

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