Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews


The girls very often want to change something in their appearance. Update and refresh the image helps staining hair. Many beauties choose highlighting, since this method of staining allows you to change your appearance. Melting calculations will help to produce a staining procedure by independently, not paying for help to professionals.

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What is it and what is called?

This accessory is made of plastics. Over the one party has broad teeth, on the other, a pointed end. Such an unusual form allows you to highlight the necessary strands of the hair with the help of a sharp tip, as well as to evenly apply paint on strands using wide teeth. Other models are available on sale, but there are no significant differences.

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Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews 16564_4

Occasions for timing hairdressers-professionals are rarely used. They are more intended for use at home.

Melting calculation is a very important tool. This process requires uniform paint to separate strands, which should be at the same distance from each other, as well as to be one width. If you stick to this rule, then the timing process will be performed correctly.

Today there are a wide variety of models that have different names. The calcination "Fence" is used to highlight strands. She received such a name due to extraordinary form.

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Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews 16564_6

It has asymmetric teeth who externally look like the top of the Kremlin fence.

Another type of calcination has hooks. Such tools have rare cloths that help create strands of different widths to achieve the desired result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Melting calculation has many advantages, the main thing of which is that it ensures the uniform distribution of strands. Locks of the same width and thicknesses remain on the calculation due to the presence of a hook or teeth. After separation, the strands follows the other hand to remove the hair, then take foil and paint the curl paint.

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A uniform distribution of paints through her hair also plays an important role. Thanks to this tool, the same and uniform color is obtained.

The indisputable advantage is the available price. The calculations from the well-known brands cost from 50 to 300 rubles, and the campaign to the specialist for highlighting will cost much more expensive.

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Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews 16564_9

Many girls know that it is difficult to make it difficult to make it difficult, since paint should be applied evenly. Altogether with this task it is difficult to cope, it is better to enlist the support of someone from relatives or invited a girlfriend.

Typically, hairdressers professionals do not use this kind of tools when painting. Their choice is not based on the fact that the calculation is bad or useless. They can simply create uniform strands to the eye, not spending time on applying additional tools.

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Modern variety of calcinations for highlighting allows you to find the most comfortable and convenient option. The sweeper is greatly popular. In appearance, it is similar to a small scoop, as the edge on which the teeth are located, is a little curved up.

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Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews 16564_12

Often girls prefer the tool for staining called Striper. This model has two parts: one side includes teeth and open cavities, and the second is represented in the form of nozzles for convenient paint on the curls.

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This tool is perfectly suitable for staining the hair of a short or medium length. It is worth buying newcomers who still do not have torture skills.

Collenged with rare teeth choose girls with short haircut. It will ideally allow not only to create a sample, but also carefully select the necessary locks for staining.

The massage model is not suitable for melting, but it also needs to have about himself, because the hair must be well converted to this procedure. The massage model is ideally cope with the task, keeping the softness and magnificity of healthy hair.

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How to use?

The process of staining with special calculations at home is simple.

It is worth producing according to the following algorithm:

  • To dry the hair, you should mix the required amount of oxygen and blue powder to form a homogeneous mass.
  • Before painting, hair should be thoroughly combing.
  • Using a tool for plating to highlight the strands that will be painted.
  • On the calcination should be applied a small amount of paint and paint carefully and evenly every curl.
  • The paint must be left on the hair from about 10 minutes before half an hour. Time depends on the desired result. The lighter shade want to get, the longer it is worth keeping paint on her hair.
  • After dyeing, it is necessary to wash off the paint with warm water.
  • In mandatory, the strands should be treated with a regenerating balm.

But each model has its own characteristics, therefore nuances arise in the use of one or another outlet.

For example, Melting with the help of the calcination "Fence" will occur as follows:

  • You need to start with the creation of one wide strand, which will be in width identical to the calculation.
  • Under the strand that will be painted, you should start scallop using the principle "bottom up".
  • Due to this action, part of the hair will remain on the upper cloves, and the other - on the lower.
  • With the help of a finger, you need to hold these two levels, and carefully start the foil under the upper cloves, paint them and wrap in foil.

The blade is simpler and more convenient to use:

  • To begin with, it is necessary to separate the hair strand for lining.
  • The blade with the teeth should be placed near the roots of the hair.
  • Carefully apply paint with a brush, while shifting the shovel in the direction of the parallel brush.
  • Such a procedure is worth producing with each strand.

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For short hair, an ideal tool is a striker, which also requires a specific action algorithm:

  • You should put the nozzle to the part of the calculation, which contains the teeth.
  • Gently apply paint over the nozzle.
  • Remove the nozzle and quickly from the roots to the tips to spend part of the calculus with the teeth.
  • When the hair is painted, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the paint, to dry well and comb with the help of massage calculation.

The visual process of using comicing comicing can be viewed in the following video:


Famous brands manufacturing professional hairdressers tools offer a wide range of comfortable and practical painting tools:

  • The German company Dewal offers a stylish model with hooks, which is perfect for staining strands without special skills. The calculation is equipped with two rows of hooks. They are located at different distances.

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The usual zone includes frequent cloves, and an acute tip is designed to divide the curls.

  • Belgian brand Sibel presented to his fans with a spatula with a spatula in order to simplify the process of applying paints at home. The Spanish company Eurostil produces modern straights, rubber hats and practical blades.

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Framing Comb (22 photos): how to use straight-permol and rare teeth, raccatory and massage, reviews 16564_18

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  • The Harizma brand introduced the public a luxurious model from nylon with teeth along three sides.

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  • Many stylists familiar with L'Oreal products. It offers a special expert model with the paint, consisting of three teeth. They should be filled with paint, then arrange the tool perpendicular to the sample and you can start racing from the roots to the tips of the hair with soft and smooth movements.

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Girls leave a lot of reviews regarding the dollars. Sometimes they are surprising inconsistency. But the choice of each tool is individual, because it is worth considering the structure, length and luggage.

Newbies on defillment are noted that the process of teaching the use of such a calculation takes for some time. Professionals are confident that the coloring for staining is very convenient and practical, but still use the classic tools familiar to themselves.

Many girls liked the model called "Fence". She perfectly shares strands. They are smooth and equal, which do not require additional adjustment.

Many girls respond positively about stipes, but it is better not to make staining on their own, but invite a friend. The essential minus of this model is that it is not suitable for long curls.

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Many buyers of oscillations for lining remained satisfied with both the result and tool. It is necessary to have a little practice and patience, and this calculation will become an indispensable to your assistant.

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