Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue


The right choice of combs is the key to healthy and well-groomed hair! Most of our contemporaries continue to prefer combs from natural materials artificial. Of course, a tree or kaban of a bristle carefully take care of our hair, however, for such combs, in turn, you also need to carefully care - often wash, correctly dry, regularly change.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_2

Our innovative age is worth paying attention to various novelties of the beauty industry. The first comb that comes to mind due to the above is Tangle Teezer. This product has conquered five years ago by buyers around the world. But it turns out, progress does not stand still, and finally, we have the opportunity to enjoy an even more perfect product created by British experts to maintain the beauty of our hair - this is airmotion.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_3

Features, pros and cons

If the tangle teaser is not quite similar to a comb, but rather on the garlic for pets, then Eirmoushen has a much more presentable appearance. She has rather stylish and bright decoration. Comb light and ergonomic, her handle lies well even in a small maiden handle.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_4

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_5

Consider the advantages of the practical application of AirMotion in detail:

  • The base is not beaten, because it is made of durable plastics;
  • The handle redesses the pressure rendered on the scalp during combing;
  • The handle has a rubberized surface, which does not slip out of the hand;
  • relaxes and relieves stress with the scalp;
  • Due to the special structure of the brush, improves blood circulation, activating sleeping bulbs and accelerating hair growth;
  • makes the combing process is absolutely painless;
  • has a good massage effect;
  • Even confutable and wet hair is easily combing;
  • waterproof, suitable for use in the bathroom;
  • Soft bristle does not damage the hair structure;
  • combines hair of any length and density;
  • places naughty curls;
  • does not "stick" hair, giving volume;
  • makes hair stronger and dense;
  • Helps in the prevention of the seeds of the tips;
  • It is suitable for applying leaving and painting hair on hair;
  • The three-level arrangement of flexible and simultaneously elastic TRI-bristle cloves provides gentle contact with hair;
  • has excellent antistatic effect
  • Unpretentious in care.

Thus, it can be concluded that all the shortcomings of previous generations of innovative comb are taken into account in Eirmouchess, it can be recommended to all those who want to professionally care for their hair without leaving home. Of the minuses you can only be called not too affordable price, and perhaps not a very wide range.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_6

In more detail about the functions and features of the car Motion, you can learn from the following video:

Models and color solutions

Combs size Airmotion: 23.5 × 9.5 × 3.5 centimeters. It has stylish and bright decoration. If at first models were limited to only two color solutions - traditional white (White) and Given Pink (Pink), now it can also be bought in bright blue (Blue) and cheerful yellow (yellow) version. And this is the color of the rubberized finish, and the base of the comb - classic black. Now every family member can have their own Eirmouchess.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_7

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_8

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_9

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_10

Tips for choosing

Buy the Frame Airmotion best of all among the official distributor, in order not to stumble upon the fake. Too low price (less than 1000 rubles) should alert. Original airmotion packed into a rectangular translucent box with holes on the sides . On the package, in addition to the title, there must be comprehensive product information.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_11

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_12

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_13


Reading reviews about AirMotion, you begin to catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to meet at least some mention of the shortcomings of this accessory. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is simply not possible to detect. All owners are delighted with their impressions from using Eirmouchess.

It seems that this is one of the best brushes ever created for hair care.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_14

How many commendable one can be read on the Internet handle Airmotion! After all, Tangle Teezer did not induce us the presence of this, at first glance, not a particularly necessary element. Also endless di-grashes come in the process of combing. Girls note that with the advent of the new accessory, they stopped using balms, air conditioning, masks and sprays. They are simply not needed, because the new comb on independently copes with all the problems arising when caring for hair.

Rasska Air Motion (15 photos): Models Pink, White, Yellow, Blue 16542_15

She carefully, painlessly, without pulling out and not stretching hair, cares for any, even the most disobedient hairstyle. Some happy winners of the Airmotion breaks even celebrate active growth of new hair due to regular massages.

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