Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews


The secret of beautiful hair lies in proper care. Today there is a huge number of different manufacturers offering high-quality cosmetics for the care of either type lames. But in this wealth of useful funds, we often forget about such a simple thing like a comb. Properly selected brush in skillful hands can work wonders.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_2

Benefit and harm

Combs with natural bristles are perfect for daily use and have many advantages:

  • Most models easily fit in the lady's handbag, so you can always have a hair care agent at hand.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_3

  • Solve such combs and the problem of confusing hair. Natural bristles easily separate hair from each other without harming them. Specialists and experienced hairdressers argue that such a device can create a stunning effect of neat "crumbly" hair.

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Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_5

  • In the process of combing, these tools do not provoke the activation of static voltage, destructively affecting the hairproof. Especially relevant such a problem in the winter and demi-season period, when various hats go into the course. After their removal, the hair often "stand up" and too fasten.

Vilki in natural brushes smoothed hair scales, which awakens the natural smoothness and shine in them.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_6

  • Natural bristles are elastic, so in the process of combing not only hair, but also the skin of the head will not suffer.

Such a device can be used even on wet or matted hair.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_7

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_8

In the conditions of a mad rhythm of life, hair strands often lose their attractiveness and health. This is due to permanent drying with a hair dryer, as well as the effects of various cosmetics. Highly harvest is capable of applying the usual comb, which we used to use regularly.

Most fixtures activate static electricity, which provokes various hairproof diseases. Due to the permanent roofing, the structure of the hair is collapsed over time, and the curls themselves are treated.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_9

Models with natural bristles do not possess these disadvantages. They have an excellent massage effect during combing. It is very useful not only for the scalp, but also for hair lows.

With the help of such a thing, there is a uniform distribution of sebum from the roots to the tips.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_10

But comical with natural bristles have a number of shortcomings:

  • For example, with their help it is not recommended to care for hair prone to fatty. In the process of combing from the roots, you risk distributing the skin fat along the entire length of strands. Such an unpleasant effect may occur even after washing the head.
  • Such devices can provoke fast hair pollution. This can happen not only with fat, but also normal strands. Such a disadvantage is due to the fact that the handle from the nonlabed tree very easily absorbs dirt and fat, passing them in the process of combing by hair.
  • It is not recommended to contact cheap models from plastics, as they quickly confuse their hair and electrify them.
  • Natural bristles will not cope with curly or too thick curls.
  • Over time, wooden handles fail. They are subject to cracks and deformation. Such defects may well lead to strain structure of the hair.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_11

Types and form

There are several varieties of comb with natural bristles. Consider them in detail.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_12

Broching comb

One of the most sought-after models is broching comb. Most often, such a device is used to create a beautiful styling.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_13

It has a circular shape and has several varieties:

  • In stores you can meet the classic comb, thermo and a hair dryer.
  • Long hair will be more suitable for large diameter brushes, and short - smaller.
  • To choose from the chapels of individual strands, it is worth contacting a small round comb.
  • Classic Brashiki is designed to create spectacular styling in tandem with a hairdryer.
  • Thermobrins are distinguished by their convenience, since heating occurs along the entire length of the comb.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_14

Many ladies appeal today with hair dryer. They proceed from the flow of warm and hot air. Such little things help fashionicam easily and quickly create beautiful ensembles on their head.

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Comb for nosha

The comb is very comfortable for a nobody with natural bristles. With this tool, you can create a beautiful high hairstyle. The magnificity of the champions is achieved due to the effects of flexible bristles, not injured hair and its structure.

At the end of the creation of a hairstyle for a comb, you can simply comb. She will not fluff, and electrifying hair.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_16

Models for the nosha are equipped with a narrow body and a pointed plastic tip. They are quite suitable for the formation of smooth stacking, such as a horse tail.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_17

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_18

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_19

Massage comb

Some of the most popular are massage combs. They have a beneficial effect not only on their hair, but also on the scalp. They are wide and square or oval.

Massage brush without difficulty, even strongly confused hair. You will get a lot of pleasant sensations, combing a similar model.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_20

Combs with cloth

Products with genuine bristles cannot cope with too thick hair, so specialists have created another modification of such combs. It is equipped with nylon or plastic teeth.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_21

Children's race

Children's brush can make the most gently and carefully combing hair. But for a child it is worth choosing a model with softer bristles.

Complete with such instruments often go children's scallops.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_22

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_23

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_24


Bristle in comb cracks can be made of a variety of materials:

  • The most popular and in demand are models with a bristle boar or pig. They differ small cost and have a hard pile. Similar combs can transform thin and lifeless strands.
  • Devices with horse pile are softer. They are easily coping with static tension. These combs can be used both adults and children.
  • High costs are distinguished by models with a bristle from whale TSA. They fit the ladies even with dense curls.
  • Combs with combination bristles combine natural and artificial pile. Their quality leaves much to be desired, since the ratio of materials to check is almost impossible.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_25

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_26

The material from which the handle is made (base) combs is plays a latter role. Plastics models can electrify the hair, so it is better to choose instances with wood handles.

The most successful choice will be a comb with a non-tailed surface.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_27

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_28


The popular brand Dewal gives modern young ladies high-quality and inexpensive models with a bristle from a wild boar. There are in the arsenal of firms and devices with nylon teeth.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_29

Not bad instances offers Salon Professional. Each buyer will be able to choose a suitable accessory with different pile. High-quality models with a bristle from horse-haired are used in the greatest demand.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_30

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_31

High quality makes a well-known brand Hairway. The branded are comblessly equipped with wooden handles covered with a layer of polymer material that prevents slipping in their hands.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_32

How to choose?

Before buying, you need to find out which pile was used in the manufacture of the brush. It is not so difficult to distinguish the natural bristle from artificially. Just pointed your attention on the bundles.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_33

If the comb has a thin pile with a slightly reddish tips, then in front of you the model with natural bristles. If the villi is thick and short, then it is an artificial bristle.

Pay attention to the shape of the brush. For the youngest children, small devices are perfect, having a rounded shape. Lovers of Nacho are worth purchasing narrow and long combs with a pointed tip.

Choosing the perfect thing, take into account the leisure of the chapels. For example, rigid boar bristles will be too aggressive to affect thin and rare hair, and too soft porks will not be able to fully comb thick strands.

The opinion of the trichologist about combs with natural bristles, as well as practical advice on their choice, you can learn from the following video:

Who comes up?

Models with soft horse bristles can be used by ladies with dry, normal, thin, short and painted curls. Also suitable thing with combined villi. It is not recommended to contact the products with boar bristles.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_34

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_35

These adaptations are not suitable with fatty hair. But there is one exception to this rule: if you have a middle-length strand, then use the comb, but very carefully. Try not to touch the roots.

Products from whale outer or a funny pile are suitable for ladies with long, thick and curly curls.

How to care?

Extend the life of such combs is very easy. Clean them every day. It is recommended to regularly rinse the brushes with clean water and shampoo. Keep the device in a dry place, especially if its handle is made of wood.

Any bristle can be washed with a regular sponge of foam rubber. Some ladies do it with an old brush for teeth, which can remove all dust and dirt from the pile.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_36

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_37


Today, beautiful hair is the key to an attractive image. The girls appeal to the most different means to keep the health of their hair and often choose combs with a natural pile.

Ladies mark the excellent effect that these devices have. If competently pick up a thing under your hair type, it is able to transform curls and make them healthier and shiny.

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_38

Frame with genuine bristles (39 photos): how to choose a model for hair comb, round with a bristled boar and with horse hair, reviews 16539_39

Lovers of lush and high hairstyles do not represent the creation of spectacular laying without such brushes and comb. They allow you to quickly and easily form volume ensembles on your head.

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