Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews


Advertising slogans in advertising expensive hair products promise that your hair will be shiny and silky. It is a pity that such PR shares are not conducted when selling ordinary combs: the competent selection of hair brushes is simple as all ingenious, the way, to improve the chapel.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_2

What should she be?

Specialists can read a whole lecture on the effect of comblessness not only on hair, but also the scalp. And this is not an exaggeration: curls may suffer from an incorrectly selected accessory at no less than that of frequent staining or using styling.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_3

Many believe that it is, first of all, is carried out about the materials used in the manufacture of materials. But not so, everything is simple: the main slogan, which is to be guided by purchasing, is almost a medical prescription - "do not harm." You can make it possible not only with a disclosed scallop, which will ruthlessly extract hair instead of mild combing, the case is also in the purpose of the accessory, as well as the type of hair.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_4

That brush, which will be the "perfect pair" for a short-standing girl, is categorically not suitable for the owner of naughty curls. And women wishing to find an option to create a spectacular laying will definitely go with different roads with those who are looking for the most simple model for combing overnight.

To take into account all the above factors, it is worth staying in more detail on each of them.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_5

Best for combing

In the case of combs that are designed to perform their own direct function - to put the hair in order - the model range is not infinitely large. The main differences concern, perhaps only materials and forms, but they are still possible to classify them.

In the top comb, which will turn the tangled hair into neat curls, enter:

  • Massage brush. It seems that there is no option easier and better, because the model combines two functions at once - massages the skin of the head, which positively affects hair growth, and, of course, combbles.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_6

  • Brush to unwinding hair . The name speaks for itself - this model copes superbly even with wet hair and helps in situations when it is necessary to deal with chopans. The secret in the bristle, which is characterized by increased flexibility.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_7

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_8

  • Scallop . This type will suit the owners of short hair. Variations mass - and metal, and plastic, and wooden. True, the preference is worth the last: the metal is too much damaging the hair, and the plastic electrifies them.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_9

  • Comb for increasing hair. The owners of the chapels, lush not from nature, should look at the topics of accessories whose bristles is an intricate loop. Thanks to them, it is possible to put into account the increasing curls, without fear to snatch a whole strand.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_10

  • Comb with genuine bristle. Bonuses have such a brush abound: no static electricity in hair, soft skin massage, lack of damage when dealing with strongly confused strands. Stop sign only for those who have hair prone to fatty.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_11

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_12

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_13

Best for laying

Comb, which is in the arsenal of professional hairdressers, is incommensurable. It is not necessary to collect a whole collection to create attractive images, it is enough just to decide which laying to be done most often.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_14

If you need to give a hairstyle daily form, it is best for Brasing. With it and a hair dryer, you can make almost any styling: straighten the curls, create curls, put the tips or add volume. As a rule, it does not have to worry about the preservation of hair health.

However, you will have to adapt to the brash - not everyone can immediately get the desired result.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_15

If you need to take care of the haircuts of medium length or kara, then it is worth staying on a semicircular comb. On the protruding base there are long cloves, with the help of which the hair is perfectly pulled out or simply take a much more neat shape.

Plus, the qualitative comicing of this type has a massage effect on the skin.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_16

If it is necessary to give a lifestyle curls, a skeletal comb will be an indispensable thing. Another name is "fish bone." It is more often used immediately after washing the head, while drying the hair when it is necessary to make hair "lying right". Usually, after use, you can safely fall asleep - no pillow can spoil the effect.

The only minus of the model is categorically not suitable for weakened and inclined to dry hair, since the risk instead of a luxurious laying to see on the head lifeless strands.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_17

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_18

If you need to lay a bang, then you need to pay attention to the small round brush. It is quite easy to handle and care, so even the newcomer can cope with the stacking.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_19

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_20

We choose the material

Almost a key choice to be done - to decide on the material

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_21

Wooden rolling

Experts recommend paying attention to the tree models that are so useful for the skin. If you deepen in the topic and understand what kind of tree type helps while eliminating specific problems with hair, then the result exceeds expectations. So, to those who are familiar to the perchot problem, it is worth looking for a cherry or beam brush. If you want to quickly repel the luxurious mane - birch, which contributes to the acceleration of hair growth and is considered to be better for bails.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_22

With all indisputable advantages, wooden bumps have no cons, but nuances. Whatever attractive seemed to be a bright painted accessory, it is better to refuse it in favor of unpainted wood. It is also necessary to draw attention to the processing - it must be perfect. Otherwise, the comb quickly comes into disrepair, absorbing everything - from the skin to the lacquer for hair.

Plastic Combs

Plastic brushes are huge popularity. There are several reasons for that:

  • Form and color gamut - for every taste;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • A wide range that allows you to find a compact option that will fit into the miniature ladies' handbag.
  • In addition, there were models with special impregnation, which transform the usual procedure into real aromaradstone.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_23

The only one, but a serious user claim to plastic combs - electrified hair after combing. Plastic and hair are poorly compatible, although today you can find brushes that do not cause such an effect.

Metal rome

Combs from metal are characterized by high strength and wear resistance, and also do not require specific care. But it is constantly not recommended to use it - the metal is too "rude" in relation to the soft female ladder, as well as to the skin of the head.

It is categorically not suitable for women with painted hair and those who are looking for a brush for laying.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_24

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_25

Silicone Combs

The mansion is the silicone comb, who confidently conquer the positions in the modern market. In contrast to their plastic fellow, they have an antistatic effect, and therefore do not have a negative impact on the hair.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_26

Often they are used to evenly and gently apply vitamin formulations or nutritional balms, however, and for daily use, silicone is well suited. It is his bristles that are considered the most flexible.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_27

Nylon rome

Nylon brushes are considered to be a good option for every day, as well as suitable for creating hairstyles at home to all women - an exception is the holders of kudryashek. Unlike combing with natural bristles, nylon accessories have an affordable price, but they do not play high quality too much.

They not only carefully come around with leather and hair, but also considered very durable.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_28

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_29

Professional rome

If we talk about professional combs (there are models that enjoy hairdressers), then the confidence of the masters deserved ceramics, carbon and ebony. Any of such models has a fairly high price, but meets high requirements: does not electrify hair, does not release toxins under the influence of hot air. The ceramic brush can also ionize the hair, and the ebonite is indispensable when painting or chemical twist.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_30

We select on the type of hair

The straight hair is excellent combed with a brush with natural bristles, and curly - silicone. In the first case, only the quality of the acquired accessory is important (it is worth carefully learning the brands and products), and in the second key role the material. The curling curl requires careful circulation, and Silicone combs strand without damaging it. Plus, after the combination procedure, Kudri will not turn into a shapeless socket, and they will be beautiful.

Scallops with rare teeth will also suit girls with wavy hair.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_31

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_32

For problematic hair there are separate recommendations:

  • With increased skin fat, it is worth resorting to the use of wooden comb, providing its proper care (daily wash).
  • For thin and weakened hair, a brush from natural materials will also be suitable, which will massage the head, improve the bloodstream and help accelerate growth.
  • The same Council is applicable in cases when the hair falls out.
  • But the hair prone to dryness is shown the most gentle bristle, elastic, like silicone.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_33

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_34

Child Nuances

The amount will not replace the quality, but it is important to understand - if the girl is used to long curls, then you need to choose two models at once. The one is intended for conventional combing, and the one that will be auxiliary tool when creating laying.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_35

But the owners of bold short haircuts can not be worried about the quantity - one high quality ridge is quite enough. Pay attention is only on the length of the teeth. The shorter hair, the less should be the length.

Is it worth saying that during a hike shopping should not look into dubious shops? Just as it is not necessary to chase atomic discounts: brushes with a natural pile or from natural materials cost cheaply by definition. This also applies to the brain: A high-quality accessory can do in a round sum, but will last long and will not damn curls. And in the case of hairbrushes, or by any technically equipped brushes, it is worth trusted with well-known brands - will not be submitted.

On how to make the right choice of comb hair, tells the following video:


Despite the inconsistency of feedback, beautiful sex representatives are unanimous in one: an ideal comb can be found only by samples and errors. Some lucky, say, with a hairdresser who managed to advise the best accessory, and someone got used to use a specific model of a particular brand. This is a kind of confirmation that the choice of brush needs to be started not from the study of products, but from the study of their own hair.

Many many buy combs in stores like Iherb, and focus on feedback left there. Such an approach is always welcome, because you can evaluate both the pros and cons of each model.

Which comb is better for hair (36 photos): how to choose, the best and useful for thin hair, which it should be, which hair do not harm, reviews 16536_36

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