Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage


The dressing mirror with illumination is the dream of most women. It not only contributes to the creation of perfect makeup, but also helps to feel like a film. The only substance of such mirrors is quite a high price, but features allow you to make it with your own hands at home.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_2

Features and species

The makeup mirror with light bulbs around the perimeter, it is sometimes sometimes called Hollywood or make-up, helps to create high-quality makeup and evaluate the image entirely. The features can still be attributed:

  • Unusual and attractive appearance;
  • Universality. Initially, such mirrors were assumed only in the make-up artists, but now they are often used in apartments. In this case, this item can be selected for any interior;
  • mobility. To date, such mirrors can be used separately from the toilet table and transfer from one place to another;
  • The variety of colors and species will allow you to find the mirror your hostess.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_3

The main types are considered to be rectangular, square, round mirror, and occupies a special place in the mirror floor. A classic option is considered to be a rectangular or square make-up mirror with a size of 50x50 cm. If dimensions are allowed, you can choose a mirror and more.

It is important not to overdo the choice of size. Otherwise, from a harmonious and compact item, it can turn into a ridiculous accessory room.

Despite the classically accepted form, more and more often in the apartment choose oval or round mirrors. They will allow creating comfort and look more aesthetic. Such models will harmoniously look at any interior.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_4

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_5

The mirror in the floor helps carefully inspect the entire image from the head to the legs. The backlight will allow you to identify shortcomings in the image that cannot be seen under normal lighting. Such a model will find its place in the apartment. High-tech style, loft, minimalism. Especially if the frame is in black, white or steel gamma.

Such models can be found in a retail or online store, but often their prices are high. Then you can create a makeup mirror with your own hands.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_6

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_7

Stages of creation

For the manufacture of the Hollywood mirror, not as many tools can be required that can be easily found both at home and in the store:

  • directly itself mirror of the desired size;
  • Wooden bars to create a frame;
  • drill, pliers, screwdriver, bolts;
  • bulbs and cartridges for them;
  • dye;
  • sandpaper, measuring tape and industrial double-sided tape;
  • Copper wire and fork for wire.

In the manufacture of a reflective masterpiece, it is necessary to follow the safety rules, in particular, the selected shoes and clothing. It is better to choose clothes without unnecessary parts, locks, lightning, and shoes with rubber soles, as you have to work with electricity.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_8

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_9

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_10

After the necessary materials are assembled, and wishes for safe clothes, You can proceed to the process itself:

  • Mirror manufacturing mirror frame. Two vessels are required (you can choose another material, but the tree is more reliable and easy to install and dismantle), which are cut into the size of the mirror. Pulling the bars in such a way that their ends make up 45 degrees. The obtained parts should be carefully treated with sandpaper so that their surface becomes smooth. For reliability, the mirror can be fixed in the frame with an industrial tape.
  • Creating holes for light bulbs. In the manufactured frame, we make marks for future light bulbs at the same distance. In this case, the measuring tape and drill will help.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_11

  • Painting frame. After the surface gained the perfect smoothness and the necessary holes, you can proceed to the creative process. Traditionally, it is customary to paint the frame in monophonic classic tones: white, black, gray. Depending on the preferences of the owner and the interior of the room, the frame can be painted in various shades. After the paint is driving, it is necessary to cover the frame with varnish to fix the effect.
  • Creating lighting. It will be necessary to divide the wiring to the same areas, approximately 15 cm, and separate the white wire from blue. They bring them into the openings so that in the end it turned out 2 blue and white wires in one hole. Next, you should take cartridges for light bulbs and connect with wiring, observing the color and the necessary side of the cartridge screw. After that, you can fix cartridges on the frame with bolts.
  • Connecting the wire fork. In this case, it is important to observe the color matching of the wires. It will be necessary to connect one end of the wire with the holder of the first lamp, and the other end to connect with a fork.

After that, the mirror is considered ready, and it should be applied in action.

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_12

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_13

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_14


. After proceeding to work on a mirror surface, some rules and tips should be taken into account, To make the product perfect:

  • In the process of making the lighting, it is better to use several fuses. This will significantly extend the life of lighting devices;
  • Preference to give LED lamps, since conventional lamps begin to heat up at long work. Professional make-up artists and weather belumes work with such lamps to create a quality makeup;
  • Not the best option is to use luminescent lamps. Since their light distorts makeup, making it impeccable. With normal lighting, all disadvantages and shortcomings made in the light of such lamps will open;

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_15

Make-up mirror with your own hands (16 photos): how to make the product itself for makeup artist, dressing rooms with light bulbs for visage 16531_16

  • Before buying lamps, thoroughly thinking their color. Cold lighting lamps vividly allocate all the irregularities and flaws of the skin, which is necessary for the best masking. Warm lighting, on the contrary, muffled irregularities, and is more pleasant and comfortable for sight;
  • The choice of the number of light bulbs is individual, but it is worth remembering that two lamps should be located at the level of the person. This will make it possible to more qualitatively inspect your image;
  • When the mirror is located, you should create a comfortable distance between it and the person.

The dressing room with backlit does not necessarily buy, it can be created at home. It will turn out an individual and unique product created by its own design and representation.

A clear example of how to make a makeup mirror with your own hands, see the next video.

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