Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews


Matting napkins are now very popular among girls. They are suitable for women with any skin type. Such a cosmetic product is useful to have at hand to put makeup at the right moment.

What it is?

The first matting napkins for the face were created in the United States. This invention was designed for astronauts. Napkins were planned to be used to purify the skin from pollution during flight. The first products were made of fine absorbent paper. With their task, they coped fine.

Later, French specialists became interested in this development. Scientists from France managed to create a special composition suitable for removal from the surface of the skin of excess fat. On its basis, cosmetic napkins with a slight matting effect were made.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_2

Initially, this new invention used only celebrities. After all, they constantly had to be under the sight of the camera. To always look well, they used matting wipes for the face. Over time, when the process of producing these cosmetic products has become cheaper, matting napkins won popularity from ordinary people. You can now buy them both in specialized stores or pharmacies and in simple supermarkets.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_3

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_4

Matting napkins are sold in a small hermetic box. Napkins are used to remove bold gloss from face. They have many advantages.

  1. Practicality . Products with a matting effect can be used in any situation when it is not possible to wash or refresh the makeup. They are very compact, so it is easily placed even in a small bag or clutch.
  2. Security . Matting napkins are a disposable and hygienic product. Therefore, they are even suitable for girls with sensitive skin. Powered napkins in a hermetic convert. Therefore, it is not worth worrying that they are in contact with other objects in the cosmetics and dirty.
  3. Efficiency . Women nicely pleases the fact that the effect is visible immediately after the use of the product. Therefore, the process of recovery makeup takes literally a couple of seconds.
  4. Universality . You can use matting napkins as guys and girls. They help not only notify makeup, but also remove excess fat from clean skin.

Light matting napkins girls usually use instead of powder. This allows not to overload the skin and do not spoil makeup.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_5

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_6

What are there?

Now there are several varieties of matting napkins. First of all, they are divided into two categories on manufacturing material. Make them from rice paper or from a special film with an absorbent effect.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_7

The basis of the cosmetic product is impregnated with powder or specially selected matting agent. These products are not dried face and do not lead to the appearance of rashes on the skin. Some napkins can be additionally impregnated with special shining microparticles. Their use allows making makeup more beautiful and bright.

As part of matting napkins, flavors or essential oils may also be present. This makes the product use of particularly pleasant.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_8

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_9

The best brands

Many brands are engaged in the release of matting napkins. The most popular are several well-known companies.

  • Mary Kay. . Products of this brand are very popular in Russia. Products are sold in compact packages that are easily placed in cosmetic bag or pockets of a small bag. They quickly remove excess flavored shine from the skin, do not spill makeup. In the range of brand products, you can find products for any skin type.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_10

  • "I am the" . Selecting inexpensive napkins for yourself, it is worth paying attention to the goods of this manufacturer. They are sold in compact cardboard boxes. Napkins of them get very comfortable. However, at the same time, many girls note that they have a rather rude texture. Therefore, they will not fit people with sensitive skin.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_11

  • Cettua. . Napkins from this brand are distinguished by light brown color. They are perfectly coping with the removal of excess skin fat. The surface of the person after their use becomes tender, smooth and pleasant to the touch. One piece of paper is usually enough to handle the whole face.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_12

  • L'Etoile Bon Voyage. Products of this company are popular both among young girls and amid adult women. Care facilities can be used both to prepare the skin in front of make-up, and to remove an unpleasant shine throughout the day. The composition of Bon Voyage paper napkins is very good, so they can be used to people with sensitive skin or leaning to allergies.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_13

  • Shiseido. . Branded products are available in convenient packaging with rubberized base. They are convenient not only to wear in a handbag, but also use. When creating this product, alcohol was not used. Therefore, matting napkins do not spoil the skin and do not cause an allergic reaction. One piece of paper is enough to remove excess shine. Buy products from this brand can be almost any cosmetic store.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_14

  • Ginza Classic. Products of this manufacturer are ideal for removing oily shine from face. The use of napkins allows you to refresh the makeup. In addition, a person feels much better and cheerful. Unlike products with a powder, these modern napkins are not clogged at all and do not cause allergic reaction among girls. Separately, it is worth noting that they are sold in the form of a roll. To remove the fatty shine from it, it is necessary to tear down the suitable piece. Manufacturers argue that one large packaging is enough for 110-120 applications.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_15

  • Faberlic. . These popular matting napkins easily remove excess fat and refresh the skin. They do not spoil makeup. Therefore, they can be taken with them on trips or on business meetings.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_16

  • Missha. . Products are available in Korea. Napkins have a dense structure. They perfectly remove the fat shine. A plot that concerns such a piece of paper is immediately becoming matte. Products are consumed quite slowly. Sold napkins in bright and comfortable packages. This also attracts buyers.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_17

  • Oriflame. . This is another brand producing inexpensive products. Napkins on paper based are easy to use. They are easy to get from a special envelope. Convenient packaging allows you to always wear it with you.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_18

  • Chanel. . Like the rest of the products of the legendary brand, the napkins from Chanel is the goods of the luxury. They are packed in a comfortable envelope. Additionally, the manufacturer provides velvet case. It helps to protect the packaging from pollution. Paper blotters from this brand are treated with high-quality impregnation. To choose something suitable can people with any skin type. The only minus of such napkins is their high cost.

Buying products from a proven manufacturer, you can not doubt it.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_19

Child Nuances

An important role in choosing napkins is played by other moments. People who first buy such a cosmetic product should listen to the following advice.

  1. Girls with sensitive skin are recommended to buy products without flavors . The use of blotters with an adhesive can lead to redness of the skin or acne appearance. In addition, a strong smell can cause dizziness or mix with perfume aroma.
  2. Preference is always worth paying napkins, which does not have alcohol. In this case, they will not cut the skin. So it will eventually peel and covered with rash.
  3. ATTENTION When choosing a napkin, you need to pay and what package they are sold. It should be neat and compact. In this case, it will be easy to carry with him in a cosmetic bag or a purse.
  4. Very comfortable in the use of blotters that are packed in a special case with a small mirror. It is convenient to use them in order to correct the makeup and put yourself in order.
  5. If there is a powder in the composition, it is important to ensure that its tone fit to face the face . In this case, the napkins will not spoil makeup and do it inactive.
  6. When choosing a product, it is very important to pay attention to its shelf life. The use of overdue matting napkins can lead to an allergic reaction or acne appearance.
  7. The size of napkins also plays an important role. The smaller each of them in size, the faster it is spent.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_20

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_21

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_22

Properly selected napkins are convenient to use. It is very important to remember that the purchased novelty should not be stored in a cosmetics for too long.

It is best to use it in the first few months after purchase.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_23

How to use?

Deciding with the most suitable product, it is important to learn how to use dry napkins with a matting effect. It is done very simple.

To begin with, one napkin needs to get from the package. It must be accurately attached to the skin. Led to a piece of face or rub it. So it is possible to spoil makeup very easily or cause redness of the skin. After use, the napkin changes the color slightly. Having absorbed excess skin fat, it becomes darker.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_24

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_25

Usually one napkin is enough to handle the whole face. But if necessary, you can use another piece of fine paper. You need to use napkins no more than 1-2 times a day.

It is necessary to use them in the heat especially accurately. The sweaty face must first be carefully blocked with a paper handkerchief, and only then treat a matting napkin. In this case, it is not necessary to use too many blotters at a time.

If necessary, after matting, you can additionally use easy powder.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_26

You can use napkins at home. At home, they can replace tonic. Usually they are used in summer, when the temperature is constantly high, and the skin remains fat for a long time. The use of napkins allows you to refresh yourself in a couple of minutes.

It is also necessary to remember that the napkins do not clean the skin completely. Therefore, it is important to provide it with additional care using a foam for washing and high-quality scrub or peeling. In this case, it will always look beautiful.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_27

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_28

Review reviews

Most girls and women using matting napkins note that they are very comfortable and practical. At the same time, they also noticed that It is not necessary to use them too often. This may lead to the fact that the skin will become too dry.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_29

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_30

The girls concluded that Do not buy too expensive napkins. Even simple budget products are suitable for skin care. The main thing is to choose a remedy suitable for yourself, and also make sure that the skin reacts well to it.

Matting napkins are a real Must Have for most girls. They allow you to easily and quickly get rid of the oily shine on the skin, as well as bring the makeup in order. Therefore, they should always have at hand.

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_31

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_32

Matting napkins for the face: what is it and how to use them? Best napkins with powder and without oily skin, their composition and review reviews 16519_33

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