Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials


Many girls face one and the same problem every day - hair comes on the face during the washing or removal of makeup. Of course, at first glance, it seems insignificant, but in fact the hair is very much interfere with the conduct of water and cosmetic procedures.

How is good that today there are different devices with which you can solve any task! In this article we will talk about this invention like a washboard for washing.

What it is?

The dressing for washing is a special accessory manufactured from different types of fabric. It is intended for the "Minutes of Beauty" become even more pleasant. A rim, as it is also called, puts on directly on the head, and its main task is to hold hair So that they do not fall on the face during cosmetology and water procedures.

Those who use this accessory, argue that he is actually incredibly useful: she put on a bandage on his head, the curls secured and you can safely wash the mask, to do or remove makeup from the face.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_2


To date, the modern market for hair accessories is filled with various bandages on the head. Different options are offered.

  • With ears. They can be feline or hare. This is already someone else like it. There are also ears there are different sizes. A rim with ears prefer real fashionists and girls who love to attract attention to themselves in an unusual way.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_3

  • With bows - Great and small size.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_4

  • In the form of a crown. The bandage may be monophonic or on it may be an inscription in English "Queen". This is an accessory for real queens, self-confident girls.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_5

  • In the form of a soft hoop. Most often used for washing and removing makeup.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_6

Also different inscriptions can be on a bandage-bent. For the manufacture of inscriptions, beads, rhinestones, pearls, printed pattern are used.

It is worth noting that recently some girls began to apply such accessories not for their intended purpose, but simply as a supplement to the image.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_7


The material that is used to sewing the bandage on the head may be the most diverse. Its types are used that are durable, soft, well stretch and do not create pressure on whiskey.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_8

  • Fleece. Such rims are in demand from the consumer. The fact is that the material itself has excellent qualities - it is elastic, high-quality, soft, lightweight, wear-resistant, hypoallergenic. All these parameters contribute to the long service life of the product.
  • Polyester Used, but much less often.

The type of material from which the hair rim is made on the operation of the accessory, the cost. Each of them has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account during operation, for example, when washing.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_9

Fashionable colors

As for the color design, the assortment is very large. Here the manufacturer tried to glory and made the dressings of various colors. Most popularity among fashionistas enjoy such colors of rims:

  • White;
  • beige;
  • mint;
  • lilac;
  • Gray;
  • pink, powder, coral;
  • black;
  • Blue, blue;
  • peach;
  • Raspberry, red.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_10

A large selection gives the opportunity to choose exactly the hair rim, the color of which is the most acceptable. And considering that The bandage can be worn as a casual accessory, you can buy a rim in such a color that will be perfectly combined with clothes.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_11

How to choose?

To the choice of hair rim every representative of the beautiful floor applies seriously. There are certain criteria that will help determine the purchase.

So, choosing a dressing need to consider:

  • Accessory color;
  • The material from which the attribute is made;
  • Its use is directly for home use or as a clothing element;
  • manufacturer;
  • price.

Broke dressing: Choose a rim with ears on the head for removing makeup from the face and other varieties. Colors and materials 16504_12

The perfect option is to buy a few hair bandages. One can apply at home during the washing or making makeup, and the other is to wear on the street as a stylish image supplement.

The video below shows a popular bandage for washing.

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