Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes


Praying the face of ice cubes has a beneficial effect on the skin, since the contrasting procedure enhances blood circulation and stimulates to the development of cells. This, in turn, leads to the renewal of the skin. Ice cubes affect the massagers, and if they are prepared from useful components, the effect is only enhanced.

In this article we will give some useful recipes, and also tell me when it is better not to abuse ice wash.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_2

Why do you need?

Ice cubes will help to remove swelling, bags under the eyes, regular procedures for such washing will strengthen the vessels in the eye area and get rid of you from black circles around them.

Sharp cooling narrows pores, so Izemona is recommended for those who have oily skin.

However, the contrast massage will be useful to almost everyone, since Its regular in the morning leads the facial muscles (With the exception of those who have an active cooperosis, such people first need to strengthen capillaries).

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_3

Ice wash is recommended to be carried out only in the morning; Those who approaches the procedure does not cause a negative reaction, they can do it up to two times a day. This is an individual approach, but it is always necessary to observe the main condition: at the very beginning it is necessary to carefully clean the skin, since the ice is able to clog the pores.

And it is impossible to make frostbite, the washout of one site should not take over 15 seconds.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_4

Loda will not only refresh the face, but also improve sleep. Here are some more advantages of a contrasting procedure.

  • Ice cubes will help in the fight against acne. It is enough to complete them into the clean cloth and pressed the affected area within 4-5 minutes.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_5

  • Women will like the effect of reducing wrinkles. To do this, the procedure is carried out daily, affecting the skin of the face no longer than a minute, and after immediately apply a moisturizing cream. Premature aging you do not threaten if you take this action for the habit.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_6

Loda narrows blood vessels, so when inflammation on the skin, you can not run into the pharmacy, but use the ready-made cubes from the freezer. They will not only reduce the ethnicity, but also redness. After that The inflammatory process will slow down and stop.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_7

Benefit and harm to face

An unequivocal answer to the question, brings the procedure for washing the ice benefits or harms skin, no. Among the cosmetologists and dermatologists there are various opinions on this matter: Some believe that it is necessary to temper the face and conduct contrast washness in the morning, because it is useful, others oppose, believing that it only causes harm.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_8

The separation of opinions exists among women who tried such hardening. In some ice washings cause delight for a long period, and they begin every morning from such a procedure, others are less fortunate, after the first time it had to recover a long time.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_9

Consider the advantages:

  • Ice baths for the face will help to wake up faster;
  • Such contrast washness narrows pores, and this is a big plus for greens of oily skin;
  • Ice cubes activate blood circulation and stimulate exchange processes in the skin;
  • Odnocity will fall from the face, the probability of manifestation of the capillary mesh on the face will decrease;
  • After the morning procedure with ice in the body, vigor will appear, and on the face - a natural blush.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_10

Negative consequences after such a cool massage:

  • First of all, the temperature differences are stress for the skin;
  • During the procedure, spasm of vessels, tissue fluids are departed, and the pores are closed, which leads to a violation of the epidermis;
  • After such a procedure, peeling may begin or red spots may appear, the ice dries the skin;
  • The owners of dry and normal leather are better to refrain from frequent ice wash, as they can get the opposite effect - blocking sweat and sebaceous glands after the temperature drop will result in loss of skin elasticity, its decreasing and fading;
  • It is necessary to refuse such a procedure for those who have a close to the surface of the vessels, so that due to the thin skin, it is not provoked by cooperosis.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_11

After a couple of three of such washes, you will understand, it fits it or not. And if you feel that in general, it is added to the skin, but the consequences remained on the skin, it is better to find other ways to cheer up in the mornings and get a tide of strength than creating yourself an additional problem on the face.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_12

How and when to wash it right?

A key role in washing has an ice cube. It may be ordinary water But necessarily boiled or mineral without gas, not from under the tap.

To wash, enough and one cube; If you first decided to try this method, you will need time to get used to the skin.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_13

Basic ice wash with ice.

  • Drive a cube on various sections of the face until melting begins, while not allowing skin supercooling . On one site hold a cube not more than 15 seconds, the total duration procedure is from 3 to 5 minutes. Thus will gradually come to the reduced temperature and contrast effect.
  • Fat cream caused before washing, Allows you to protect the top layer of the epidermis.
  • To catch the second chin, this part is also advised to go to ice. Wipe the whole face, in the frontal and nose do not delay the cube to not catch a cold.
  • Upon completion of washing Excessive moisture from the face wet soft towel or napkin and apply nutritious cream . Some prefer natural drying, but after that it is also better to focus the skin.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_14

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_15

Need to observe the condition of the skin - If there are no negative manifestations, washouts can be carried out twice a day, while it is worth remembering the hypoint and not to delay the procedure. Washing ice in the morning, you should not put pressure on the skin, movements should be soft and smooth.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_16

You can wrap the ice in the gauze and carry out a massage on all massage lines of the face, moving from the center of the chin to the ear of the ear, from the foundations of the mouth to the ear sinks, from the wings of the nose to the temporal part. Loda can be made of different shapes and with different ingredients.

Ideally, a special form for ice is suitable, but you can also use another form: small sachets, glasses (filling a third) and so on.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_17


The most common option is Washing with cucumber cubes. Predated cucumber, like Aloe, is considered useful for the face. Loda makes from the juice of these ingredients. Some dilute it with water to increase portions. Such cold facilities of the bath will get rid of peeling and help small racs to delay.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_18

But no less popular and frozen grazed bums from herbs.

  • With chamomile - The chamomile infusion is filled and spilled in forms, it turns out a great antiseptic, regular use of ice with such a composition will help the skin for a long time not to fade. This is a universal composition for washing.
  • With mint - Cooking recipe is the same as with a chamomile, only a great benefit of a mint ice will bring in the field of skin cleansing, in the summer the pores will be clogged, always on the cheeks there will be a blush from such washing.
  • With tail - Used to remove fatigue. Semi-lodge boiling water poured grass (2 tbsp. L.) And bring up to boil. The decoction is cooled, spilled by molds. Cubes with such a composition will necessarily return the skin a healthy look and freshness.

Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_19

          Other plants are suitable: Calendula, parsley, tea (greens preferably). Washed ice from freshly prepared berry-fruit juices, Only necessarily take into account allergic features.

          Features of ice wash: the benefits and harm of washing in the morning for the face. Ice cubes with chamomile and other recipes 16500_20

          You can learn from the following video about the benefits and contraindications of washing ice from the following video.

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