Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews


Modern cosmetology uses different methods of face rejuvenation. One of them is the pulmonary tightening. This technique is unique and has a number of features. Therefore, before you decide on such cosmetic intervention, you need to understand the essence of the process itself, distinguish between its varieties, to have an idea not only about the testimony, but also about contraindications.

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What it is?

Mesonitis are part of the procedure called Tredlifting. There was such a cosmetic procedure in our country relatively recently. Maisonitisis are special polydio-allergenic devices based on polydiocanone. By its structure, the substance used is a suture material that is resolved independently. It is also called 3D, liquid threads that are solved under the skin for six months after administration by a special scheme.

It is safe for cells and the body as a whole, successfully applies in medicine for more than 30 years. For moisturizing the zones of impacts, these threads are covered with polyolic acid. The material is in thin needles that are injected under the skin. As a rule, the thickness of the used mezzani does not exceed 0.3 mm. Needles used for similar lifting are characterized by flexibility. This is necessary so that the specialist can process the skin in different layers.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_4


The method of face lift method itself relates to non-operative and originates from Korea. It is based on the method of acupuncture with the principle of impact on 14 energy channels. According to this method, the use of Maison People will allow to open stressful, incorrect nutrition, diseases and poor ecology channels. The use of these threads, indeed, has a pronounced effect, as they start in the tissues of the collagen generation needed to power cells.

Due to the minimum thickness of the injected threads, which in diameter is comparable to human hair, it proceeds painlessly. Threads allow you to create some frame, which allows the skin to look tightened and beautiful. The fibers envelop the thread under the skin, so the lifting effect occurs. In addition, it contributes to getting rid of skin from age-related pigmentation.

The severity of the effect will be noticeable almost immediately, which is one of the main factors of the popularity of the technique. It is universal and can be applied not only for skin skin. Threads are attached on the basis of needles and implanted into the skin after a specialist removes the needles themselves.

The procedure is characterized by the duration of the effect, which in different cases holds 2-3 years.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_6

However, in order to improve the condition of the skin, not only the type of threads used is particularly important, but also features of the patient's skin, the number of needles installed and the sections themselves. Maisonction action double directional. Due to the introduction of threads at equal gaps in the necessary zones, they create a supporting mesh for the skin, so the effect of such a technique is more noticeable in comparison with other cosmetic manipulations. In addition, the production of collagen is carried out in places of installation of the threads, due to which the skin is leveling, the gain of natural rejuvenation.

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Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth briefly indicate the main advantages of this method that make it in demand from modern women. In addition to the fact that it is non-operation and does not require anesthesia, it can be combined with other cosmetic manipulations. So, it is compatible with botulinitherapy. The advantage is the fact that to achieve the desired effect, the course of procedures is not needed: one session is enough.

The method allows you to install mezzani in different areas of the face. At the same time, it positively affects its condition. After that, blood circulation is improved, deeply folded skin folds are smoothed, small irregularities pass at all.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_9

However, with all the effectiveness, the technique has disadvantages. Its value depends on the number of needles used. If there are few of them, it will not hit the budget, in the case of a latitude of large sections, the price does not seem small. Despite the fact that the procedure is considered painless, in some cases it does not only create discomfort when the needles are introduced under the skin, but also marks pain. In addition, in rare cases, complications, hematomas are possible when rehabilitation of the skin.

One of the significant factors is the choice of a qualified specialist who has permit documentation for this kind of cosmetic manipulation. If a non-professional takes place for work, it may lead to serious consequences.

Methods for installing threads does not tolerate even the slightest violations. If it is wrong to do it, the skin will cover the fights or will become edema.

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It should be noted that the threads used for the cosmetic procedure may have not only different lengths, but also the structure. Regarding length, specialists more often use varieties of 38 and 50 mm. As for the variants of the threads themselves, they are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the skin. Today, in cosmetic practice, the yield lifting of three species is used. It is important to understand their differences, since each type of threads is aimed at solving specific tasks.

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Such threads are called basic, this is the main and most common raw materials in the implementation of Tredlifting. The structure of this material is distinguished by smoothness, such a thread suspension is considered prophylactic. It is explained by its possibility of slowing the processes of aging of the skin. This type of lifting is used to strengthen different problem areas of the skin, including not only the face, but also the neck area.

Such threads are smooth and have a wide range of length (from 25 to 90 mm). They are applicable to the correction of the facial oval, as well as the decolte area. These thread are the simplest of all existing. Line is nothing but a monofilament suture material of a simple installation. This is a tool for giving the skin of elasticity, correction of minor ocular folds, adjusting the shape of the lips, as well as deliverance from the second chin.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_13


Such threads for tredlifting are often called screw. They are considered fairly effective because they allow you to achieve a maximum rejuvenating effect. This is explained by the fact that the thread after removing the needle takes its natural form in the form of a spiral. Such a procedure is effective not only to eliminate the second chin, but can affect eyebrows, save the skin from linear folds, improve the contours of the face.

The length of these threads can be 50-60 cm. They are also convenient because they can be part of the complex skin rejuvenation. Such varieties are especially shown to women after 40 years, and also actively apply in the area between the eyebrows. Despite the spiral structure, they do not violate the natural facial expressions.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_15


Such threads in cosmetology are called needle, as well as with notches. Of all the varieties, they are the most powerful, capable of making a face suspender as expressed without surgery. The structure of the material is characterized by the presence of bidirectional teeth, located along the entire length of the thread. This feature allows it to keep inside the most firmly, strengthening the fabric frame.

Such threads, in addition to the above tasks, are able to eliminate asymmetry of the face, which is their advantage. This is an instrument of contour plastics, which can be applied, including for the skin of the body.

The disadvantage of this type of technique is possible pain in the course of cosmetic manipulations. Therefore, before its implementation, the doctor use local anesthesia. The duration of the session usually does not exceed 40-45 minutes.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_17


Depending on the type of the existing problem, the Mesoni, used for Tredlifting, Can be shown to eliminate or correct the cosmetic problems of the dermis, which include:

  • wrinkles in the forehead, neck, chest;
  • folds in the area of ​​the oars;
  • deep rosellic folds;
  • Overfixed grooves of nasolabial folds;
  • lowered chin and "bulldeing" cheeks;
  • cellulite and asymmetry of the face;
  • signs of skin fading, including loss of elasticity;
  • Mesh around the eyes and "goose paws";
  • Swimming belly, skin of hands, buttocks.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_19

Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_20


There are cases when a cosmetic procedure is impossible to use mesonias.

A qualified cosmetologist may refuse it at:

  • individual intolerance to the anesthetic used;
  • The presence of chronic infectious diseases, including at the stage of exacerbation;
  • irritation or injury to the skin in the plans of the planned processing;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • psyche disorder;
  • present implants at the place of exposure;
  • Blood coagulation disorders;
  • problems that prevent the formation of connective tissue;
  • age patient up to 25-30 years;
  • The presence of excess subcutaneous fat in the planned processing zone;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_22

Course of operation

At the stage of preparation for manipulation, the patient has analyzes for which the doctor determines the presence of allergies to the materials used. In addition, it turns out tolerant anesthetic by the client. Tredlifting is carried out with preliminary skin cleansing in processing places. The exposure zone is treated with special antiseptics, and then an analgesic in the form of a gel fluid.

The cosmetologist compulsory performs the markup, which allows him to see the further direction of introducing each needle with mesonation. To do this, use a special white pencil. Needles with threads are removed from the packaging and one is administered under the skin in the marked places.

At this stage, it is necessary to consider: the procedure should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If they are, it suggests the wrong mechanism of work of a specialist.

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After the thread is installed and disconnected, the doctor extracts the needle. Then the skin is again wiped with an antiseptic preparation. If, after removing the needle, bleeding wounds appeared, hydrogen peroxide is used.

An approximate amount of threads for different zones is as follows:

  • For nasolabial folds from 3 to 5 pcs. for each;
  • for eyebrow lifting from 5 to 10 pcs.;
  • For chin or forehead from 10 to 12 pcs.;
  • To rejuvenate the cheek about 10-15 pcs.;
  • to eliminate the second chin no more than 10-15 pcs.;
  • To rejuvenate the neck of about 20 pcs.;
  • For a circular suspender from 40 to 50 pcs.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_25

Working with 3D mezzanines requires special qualifications of the doctor. In this case, the skin failure occurs, so the doctor under the clinic is taking all measures to exclude skin infection. No makeup on the face should not be. In the conditions of the clinic, the doctor performs and quartzing the premises. He picks up the length of the thread taking into account the peculiarities and thickness of the skin of a particular patient.

Never correctly chosen thread sticks out of the skin, whatever the farewell.

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What do you need to know?

Do not trust the first clinic, and even more so advertising, going there for skin rejuvenation. Despite the fact that the method of non-operational, it can conduct it exclusively a certified specialist. It is worth considering: the session is not at home, it is a disturbance of sterility. Before you entrust your skin with a specific specialist, it is worth seeking advice in several places.

This will make it possible to compare the opinions of each doctor and determine the whose of them is more trust. It is worth keeping in mind: if the doctor begins to put pressure on the patient, assuring it in the vital global rejuvenation right here and now, this clinic should be immediately excluded from the list of selected. Remember: No qualified specialist related to your work, from a professional point of view, will not impose any methodology to the patient. He will weigh all possible risks, will be anamnesis, will not shift the degree of his qualifications, but will tell how the procedure and rehabilitation of the skin will be held. He will not force the patient to feel dying without cosmetic intervention.

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You can choose a doctor on the basis of feedback, which today is rich in the World Wide Web. This will make it possible to understand who you can entrust your health. If you are promised to complete the wrinkle, - you should not believe such clinics. In fact, 100% get rid of them in view of the natural age-related skin changes.

The effect will be: the skin will become more tightened, fresh and smooth, the amount of small wrinkles can decrease. In addition, there will be less pronounced deep folds. Could catch the contour of the person by reducing the severity of "bulldogging" cheeks. However, no more: it is impossible to make the skin, like a baby, you need to understand it.

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Possible complications

As a rule, with proper effects, there are no side effects after it. However, if there are, this indicates a doctor's incompetence or non-compliance with the patient's patient's recommendations on events during the rehabilitation of the skin. It is worth noting the highlights, the cause of which you need to know, Since sometimes non-professional cosmetologists are trying to hide their errors with a period of rehabilitation.

  • For example, if after the procedure is the so-called Harmoshki effect, this indicates an incorrect introduction of a needle without taking into account the anatomy of specific areas of the skin. In this case, the skin will be tightened. In this case, it will not work independently.
  • Other negative effects include the formation of subcutaneous nodules. They can look like small wen. The cause of their formation is the uneven distribution of the thread when removing the needle. Get rid of themselves from them will not work: you will have to wait from complete dissolution.
  • Sometimes set threads can be visible. This suggests that they introduced them into the surface layer of the skin, or it is too thin. Features of the skin in places of future processing must be specified before it is planned to put a thread.
  • If after the procedure, instead of healing the skin, suppurations were formed, inflammation, this indicates the elementary impairment of sterility. In this case, it is possible even abscess.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_30

In addition to such side effects, bruises and swelling may appear after the procedure. These phenomena are not considered to be something wrong, since with the introduction of needles in most cases, small capillaries are infused. Negative effects, as a rule, pass in a few days. The same applies to the appearance of small folds that may appear after the session. As a rule, they pass independently within one or two weeks, as this is enough for the threads in their place.

However, if such an effect is noticed, a doctor who carries out the installation of mezzenines should be found.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_32


According to the general recommendations of specialists after the procedure of skin rejuvenation, the first 2 weeks need to be controlled by the first 2 weeks, it is impossible:

  • smile together;
  • talk a lot;
  • chew chewing gum;
  • yaup;
  • Use cocktail tubes.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_34

It is impossible to strain your eyes and the skin of the face, the amount of sudden muscle movements should be reduced. In the early time after manipulation of the skin, careful care is necessary. For washes, it should be applied tools with a mild effect. It is suitable tonic, purified water, foam without abrasive.

Accelerate the rehabilitation period will allow refusal to eat coffee and alcohol. It is undesirable to eat products provoking the appearance of swelling (for example, sharp, smoked and salty foods). In addition, there are other recommendations that need to be in order to avoid complications.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_36

You can select the basic rules that the patient must perform after the procedure.

  • The number of touches to the processed places during the recovery period of cells must be minimized.
  • The first two days can not be used by decorative cosmetics, and tone cream and powder - especially.
  • Massage of the installation places of the threads are excluded: this not only will not accelerate the rehabilitation, but it may harm the health of the skin.
  • When installing maisonies in the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body, it is necessary to reduce any impact on them. In this case, you can wear a supporting dressing or an elastic bandage.
  • With the permission of a doctor at the end of the first day, a cooling compress with disinfecting fluid can be made. At the same time, it is not more than 15 minutes to apply ice to places of installation of mezzonites.

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Mesonity for face lift (40 photos): Tredlifting mezzenites, what is liquid filament for lifting, reviews 16476_38

  • With the appearance of bruises and hematomas, it is worth consulting with a doctor about choosing a resinking agent (for example, creams).
  • Anesthesia with pain after manipulation, which may appear in patients with particularly sensitive skin, also selects a specialist.
  • You can not expose to skin with such stress as staying in solarium, bath, sauna or pool (you need to wait at least 2 weeks from the moment the threads under the skin are introduced).
  • Sleeping when the procedure is needed, using the first 2-3 weeks a high pillow. It is desirable that the head is in a raised position (at least 30 degrees).
  • It is impossible to wash hot water until the process of skin rehabilitation is completed.

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Tredlifting is a popular procedure for many modern women. According to experts, young patients who wish to improve the contours of the face are more often resorted to such a technique. Women familiar with such a lifting note that the severity of the effect is noticeable to the maximum degree after 2 weeks from the installation of the threads. Especially pleased with the representatives of the beautiful floor, the fact that the use of mesonites allows to align deep furrows of mimic wrinkles.

Comments left on the forums dedicated to beauty and various methods of rejuvenation say that mezzani is an effective solution to the prevention of the first signs of aging.

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About how the facial lift procedure is carried out by mezzanites, see the following video.

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