Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews


Each woman dreams of soft, smooth skin without rashes and black dots, however, with age, it is more difficult to maintain skin purity. As a rule, poor ecology, slags inside the organism, illiterate nutrition and hormonal failures are becoming the cause of skin disorders. To maintain a beautiful face, it is recommended a couple of times a month to carry out a deep cleaning of the face, which can be made both at home and in the cabin. In this article, we will tell you how to properly clean at home and consider the best recipes for masks and other methods.


One of the reasons for the appearance of rashes is the blockage of the pores that are inflamed during contamination. If you regularly do clean, you can put your face in order and gradually clean it. Modern cosmetology offers a huge amount of means for washing and surface cleaning, but they are not suitable for deep purification, since they cannot always be climbing deep into the pores. It is recommended to clean the face from twenty years old in preventive purposes.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_2

According to statistics, each second woman is prone to acne due to unfavorable ecology, improper lifestyle and many other factors. Healthy epidermis has the function of self-cleaning, but due to certain factors, the sebaceous glands begin to produce too many skin bales, because of which the dermis is inflamed and black points are inflamed. When carrying out deep peeling, the entire epidermis is cleaned, and not just the upper layer. In the regular conduct of this procedure, the person gets rid of various types of rashes, acne, black points, the blood circulation is normalized and the natural regeneration of the dermis occurs. Peeling cleans the pores from the inside and removes the burned layer, as well as extra greasy fat.

As a rule, this procedure is carried out in order to get rid of small wrinkles, stretch marks, pigmentation and other skin problems that appear with age.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_3

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_4

Some women try to make it and in preventive purposes to prevent the appearance of inflammation.

Rules for holding

There are several rules for peeling at home. When they comply, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency. Deep cleaning is recommended no more than two times a month, depending on age, the state of the skin and the desired result. Multiple peelings wound and spoil the epidermis, so you need to be as careful with them.

First you should prepare the skin. Cosmetologists are recommended to cleanse the pores on a roaming face, since in that case the dirt will be faster. First of all, you need to peel your hands well to penetrate. The face is washed by a special gel. Next you need to break the face to expand the pores. This is done as follows: from chamomile or calendulas prepare a solution, pouring herbs with boiling water, then a face hold over a capacity for a few minutes. When the above actions are performed, you can proceed directly to deep cleaning.

In no case cannot do peeling if there are wounds, glasses or serious damage on the dermis.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_5

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_6

Wait the healing of abrasion, and then proceed to cleaning. It is not recommended to squeeze inflamed comments in order not to promote their distribution. The tea tree essential oil helps slightly dry acne and calm the skin.

If the epidermis is in good condition, you can exercise at home and mechanical cleaning However, with very fat and problematic skin, the procedure is better to entrust the specialist in the cabin. Peeling dry skin is spent only once a month, for a fatty amount increases to weekly, normal epidermis can be cleaned every two weeks. Perform peeling better in the summer.

Basic cleaning methods

Deep peeling can be carried out not only in the cabin, but also at home, modern shops offer a wide range of cosmetics, instruments with ultrasonic cleaning function and components for creating homemade masks whose recipes are very simple and well available to each. Consider the best ways to deeply clean the face.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_7

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_8


This method is the most optimal if desired to see the result from the first procedure. It will become an excellent method for girls with fatty and problem skin, which suffer from acne. Machine cleansing is carried out manually and using additional devices. Sometimes, pain and discomfort, which will have to suffer for good effect can be felt on particularly problematic and polluted faces.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_9

Mechanical peeling is carried out in several stages. First of all, it is necessary to wash off the whole makeup and rinse the face with gel for washing, then within ten minutes you need to cut the skin over the tank with herbs, flooded with boiling water, and process everything with an antiseptic. The second stage is directly the cleaning itself, consisting in the neat extrusion of black points. Complete the procedure with washbasin by antiseptic and applying a moisturizing cream or oil that helps narrow the pores. It is recommended to pour a little peach oil into the palm and add a couple of droplets of tea tree essential oil there - this composition will calm the skin and deeply will moisturize it.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_10

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_11


Masks for deep cleaning faces should be applied strictly after steam baths or peeling.

There is a huge number of folk recipes that help cope with problem skin.

  • Clay. Each woman heard about the benefits of clay masks, to make them easily and inexpensively, and the result is above all praise. Blue clay is sold in each pharmacy and is represented as a powder. A small amount of mixture must be dissolved with warm water to creamy consistency. You can add a pair of tea tree or lemon oil drops for better effect. The mask is applied for twenty minutes, after which it was washed off with warm water and lubricate the face with moisturizing cream.
  • Herbal. In this case, the use of a variety of herbs, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. As a rule, a herbal mask makes a daisy mix, sage, mint and calendula. They should be chopped in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water, wait about fifteen minutes so that the herbs fill and drain the water. The resulting porridge should be applied to the face and leave minutes for twenty. Remove the mask with wet cotton walnings.

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Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_13

  • Oatmeal. A similar procedure not only cleans the person well, but also launches the regenerating processes of the epidermis, thereby gradually updating it. Swampy oatmeal is complemented by sour cream, lemon juice, honey and a variety of oils - both basic and essentials. Each ingredient is applied at will.
  • From sour cream and citrus juice. This recipe implies mixing the juice of any citrus, sour cream and olive oil in equal proportions. Keep on the face should be about half an hour.
  • Recipe for oily skin consisting of protein and honey. Honey should be melt in a water bath and mix with whipped egg protein. The resulting composition you need to smear the face and wash off after half an hour. This mask deeply cleanses the dermis, and will also have a pull-up action.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_14

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_15

Activated carbon

This completely inexpensive means has long been applied in different areas and is not losing popularity for many years. It eliminates the epidermis from excess fat and dirt. Before cleansing with activated carbon, it is recommended to unpack the skin. As a rule, etheric oils, sea salt and natural aloe juice protrude with additional ingredients to activated angle. Black pills are crushed to powder condition and mixed with the rest of the components. The composition is applied for fifteen minutes.

Another recipe will help calm the skin and eliminate pollution. You need to mix ground coal with natural yogurt and apply for pre-steaming skin for fifteen minutes, then washed and moistened with cream.

In general, the mask with activated carbon is quite effective, the result is visible after the first application.

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Gelatin - another widespread, used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It has tightening and rejuvenating properties, well cleans and softens the epidermis. The component perfectly cleans his face from dirt and excess skin, it penetrates deep into the pores and tightens all the dirt behind him. A distinctive feature of masks from gelatin is the fact that they need to be removed, and not to wash off. Cosmetologists offer a sufficiently large number of gelatin masks, consider the most effective and popular of them.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_17

  • With milk. In a small container, mix on one tablespoon of gelatin and milk, and then put it in the microwave oven for ten seconds. After the composition will cool down a little, it should be applied to the face or only on problem areas, especially on the nose, forehead and chin. After drying, the mask should be removed as a film. It instantly pulls all the black dots and dirt in the pores.
  • With egg. In this case, an egg is added to the milk and gelatin. An application algorithm is similar to the previous mask. It not only cleans, but also has a pull-up effect, and also can get rid of the second chin.
  • With apple juice and activated carbon. This recipe is a more original version of the standard, where water is in addition to the corner and gelatin. Two tablets of chopped activated carbon are stirred with one tablespoon of gelatin and a half cup of apple juice. Mask to keep on a roaming face until complete drying.
  • With honey. This recipe has a smoothing and reducing effect. 3 teaspoons gelatin mixed with a half teaspoon of melted honey, lemon and grape juice in similar proportions. The composition holds half an hour, then carefully remove.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_18

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_19

Deep cleaning in the cabin

Beauty salons offer vacuum and ultrasound cleaning. The first is carried out in the case of small dumility and is intended for fatty and combined skin. The device pulls all the dirt like a vacuum cleaner, while improving blood circulation and giving a smoothing effect. The second kind of salon cleaning is carried out in two stages: for the beginning, the ultrasonic apparatus opens the pores, then all internal contaminants are pulled out by a special nozzle.

Sometimes, after softening the epidermis, instead of nozzle, highly deep dirt is removed by mechanical way.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_20

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_21


Many women use both homemade facial cleaning methods and salon treatments. Salon procedures allow you to quickly and easily clean the skin without spending a lot of strength on it, however, they are more expensive than cleaning at home. Mechanical cleansing is the most effective and necessary at the initial stage. Folk recipes allow you to clean the skin well, and with regular use, it is maintained in an optimal state. However, it is noted that any deep cleaning is effective only in the absence of health problems, and acts together with the right regime of the day and healthy sleep.

If there are endocrine and hormone failures, it is recommended to contact a competent specialist who will appoint proper treatment.

Deep cleaning of the face at home (22 photos): how to make a procedure from black dots at home and in the cabin, effective recipes and reviews 16460_22

For a deep cleaning procedure, see the next video.

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