Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics


Save youth facial is the goal of many modern women who wish to extend their beauty after the first signs of aging. One of the most effective and popular methods is a cosmetic face massage. It can be carried out by an expert in a cosmetic salon or independently at home. With the help of it, you can not only slow down the process of aging of the skin and smooth out the existing wrinkles on the face, but also get rid of the pore blocking and skin acne, which are subject to the skin of the face of many women.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_3


Cosmetic facial massage is a set of procedures, which contributes to the influx of blood to the skin of the face, to fill it in it, thereby the necessary substances, which, in turn, help achieve the smoothness of the skin and get rid of many cosmetic defects of aging processes.

The advantage of this procedure is that it has almost no contraindications by age and type of skin. With the right regular execution of massage, the skin's leather will noticeably tightens and become smoother and elastic. Many women even compare the effect of this procedure with the result of a facelift.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_5

Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_6

In the process of massage in a special technique, stimulation of the sebaceous glands, as well as blood vessels and subcutaneous fatty fiber, occurs. Due to this, the influx of beneficial substances to the skin occurs, and the cells of the problem skin are enriched with oxygen, become more elastic. In addition, the massage affects the bioactive points of the person, including affects the nerves and the lymphatic system, not only the zone where the massage is carried out, but also the whole organism. Thus, massage, among other things, has a common effect.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_8

Experts recommend to spend it to girls and women a little earlier than the moment the appearance of the first signs of the aging process to prevent and delay it. Therefore, 23-25 ​​years is considered to be the best age for this procedure.

The positive results of the cosmetic massage are as follows:

  1. contributes to the acceleration of metabolism;
  2. enriches blood oxygen;
  3. stimulates blood circulation;
  4. accelerates the process of removing toxins;
  5. Helps the muscles to persons to be in good shape.

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As a result, the general well-being of a woman is improving. The face tone becomes more even, and the shade acquires a healthy appearance, the skin is smoothed, the sebaceous glands normalize their work. The selection of sebum becomes more consistent, the flawed skin is tightened, the second chin is cleaned and the sulfates of the face. Thus, a cosmetic massage allows a woman not only to maintain his youth, but also improve their well-being in general.

Typically, the massage of the face is carried out in the complex with a massage of the zones of the neckline and neck.


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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_11

Procedure varieties

Professionals depending on technology, tactics, as well as the need for a set of exercises allocate the most popular massages among women.

Classic (cosmetic)

This massage is most popular among women. This species is aimed at eliminating leather flabbiness and giving tone muscles. It is usually carried out together with the use of expensive drugs, which also have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin, activating it from the inside, penetrating deep layers of epidermis. It affects primarily on the lymphatic drainage and the microcirculation of the blood flop.

Before conducting, it is necessary to take care that the skin is as cleared as possible, as well as To reveal the pores and make the effect of massage on the sebaceous glands more efficient. Before performing the exercises, it is necessary to gently apply a cosmetic massage agent on the skin of the face.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_13

The technique of performing cosmetic massage lies in rubbing and stroking the skin of the face. Having mastered basic knowledge, such a procedure can be made at home on their own. Manipulations must be taken from the bottom ranging from the neck, smoothly moving up.

The complex may include several exercises.

  1. Stroking the neck with light movements, the entire plane of the palm is necessary to slightly tighten the skin to the chin, thus passing the entire plane of the neck zone.
  2. Going to the jaw zone, put the thumbs perpendicular to the lips in the middle of the chin, and with a light pressure to dilute them to the sides, leading your fingers to the uches.
  3. A similar action should be done with the cheeks, leading your fingers from the wings of the nose to the ears.
  4. By pressing the pads of large fingers between the eyebrows, dilute them towards the arc movement. Conduct them over eyebrows to the temples.
  5. From the eyebrow edge of the palm to spend the hair growth line with the subsequent pressure.
  6. Very easily tapping with the pads of the fingers go around the area around the eye ranging from the outer corner.
  7. In completion, you should walk throughout the plane of the face, again leading with your hands from the neck to the forehead, very easy tapping on the skin with the entire palm plane.

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After this massage, it is recommended to give a skin to cool a little before going out.


It is carried out in cases where the patient's skin is contaminated and has acne rashes. Especially relevant massage for the face in the oily skin. Using it, it is possible to normalize the selection of sebum, as well as clear the closed pores and enrich the skin with oxygen, get rid of it from toxins. It also has a powerful anti-aging effect.

Before conducting the procedure, the skin also needs to be cleaned and lubricate with a cosmetic agent. In most cases, talc use.

The technology of holding is quite complicated, so it is best to entrust it to a specialist. It is carried out by pinching, but it is worth it in mind that the tweezes should not be painful, as well as pull and stretch the skin. They should be quick and neat to stimulate blood flow to the skin.

After the main part, the wizard can perform point cleansing of the skin, since after a pore massage will be revealed and will well give in to this procedure.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_16

It is worth noting that after such a complex of exercises on the skin can hold a red tint, so the massage should not be held in front of important events and meetings.

Plastic (Mostimulating)

This massage is recommended for women after 35 years. It stimulates deep layers of epidermis and is distinguished by a more complex implementation procedure that only an experienced specialist can hold. Directed to smoothing wrinkles and bringing fading face muscles into tone.

The complexity of the implementation is also explained by the fact that in its improper implementation there is a risk of worsening the appearance of the skin of the face . Such a massage makes strictly through massage lines with pressed, vibration and fixing movements.

The procedure is carried out in several stages: relaxation of the skin muscles; surface kneading zones with neckline, neck and face; Deep kneading. All this is completed with light-tenderness to bring the muscles of the face into the tone after the exercise complex.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_18


This species has a purely individual orientation. He is prescribed by a doctor based on an existing skin disease. It works in a complex with medicinal preparations and aims to improve the skin of the face, as well as the elimination of the existing disease. Conducts his specialist with higher medical education, having previously composed of the complex and the schedule of courses.

All types of massage are conducted on schedule by courses. For each of the complexes, depending on the age of a woman, the launches of her skin face, as well as massage targets there is a time period. Courses must be suspended and repeated only as needed. Preventive massage should be carried out in a lighter form.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_20

Tools of cosmetics

In the process of massage, cosmetics are additionally used for a more pronounced result.

The most popular use of the following means:

  • cosmetic natural oils;
  • anti-aging sera and gels;
  • Talca (for oily skin)
  • fat, moisturizing, rejuvenating or brightening creams;
  • masks.

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Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_22

Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_23

Before conducting a massage at home, it is worth a pre-purchase agent that is not only suitable for the type of skin of a woman, as well as its age, but also increase the desired effect of the massage.

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    Each procedure can bring not only benefit, but also harm. That is why before carrying out a massage complex, it is worth familiar with the contraindications and consult in advance with a specialist.

    Thus, the cosmetic massage is contraindicated to women with various lesions of the skin, including with purulent rash with acne and viral diseases (herpes). Special caution should show women with various diseases of the vessels and thyroid glands, kidney and heart pathologies.

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    Cosmetic facial massage: course for neck and zone decollete, choose cosmetics 16440_26

    Massage with the aim of preventing wrinkle girls is recommended to be carried out in moderation - no more than 2-3 times in one course. Otherwise, it can contribute to the premature appearance of wrinkles.

    But also before applying, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the massage technique, but also on the cosmetics that are used in the process. It is worth making them a test for an allergic reaction in a woman to avoid negative skin reviews.

    In the video below, you can see the basic scheme of self-massage "Renaissance".

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