Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home


It looks good - does not mean spending money on expensive cosmetics and procedures. To do this, in the piggy bank of each woman there are some tricks. Scrub made of oat flakes - just one of the tricks that make the skin to look like a young, gentle and velvety. Such a means saves a budget, because everything you need for cooking is found in any kitchen. The stunning effect of the use of this natural mixture will not wait long.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Oatmeal is famous, first of all, a cleansing effect due to the high content of fiber. Regular use of it in food accelerates the withdrawal from the body of various toxins, normalizes metabolic processes. But oatmeal can not only have, but use to care for skin, as it has excellent healing properties.

    Usually in cosmetic practice, oatmeal, bran or flakes are used. They exceive dead cells perfectly and improve skin metabolic processes.

    Sometimes they managed to even smooth out the scars.

    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_2

    Useful properties of oat scrub, just some of them:

    • Deep purification of pores;
    • maintaining tone due to the content of niacin and tianin - substances necessary to produce collagen and elastin fibers;
    • preservation of the water balance of the skin due to the presence of vitamin E and B;
    • scar alignment;
    • Improving metabolic processes in all layers of epidermis;
    • stimulating the outflow of lymph, which reduces the swelling in the legs;
    • the presence of active substances that smooth wrinkles on the skin;
    • restoration of regeneration processes of the skin;
    • Preventing the appearance on the skin of such defects, like acne and black dots;
    • Positive impact on dry skin type, reduction of itching, elimination of irritation and peeling.

    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_3

    The list can be continued for quite a long time, but also this wonderful means has its own contraindications.

    • Oatmeal scrub is undesirable for owners of very thin and sensitive skin, since the risk of damage is great. This is caused by the content of small coarse particles in oats.
    • During pregnancy, it is forbidden to conduct many types of caring procedures due to the colossal restructuring occurring in the female organism. Harm oatmeal itself will not cause, but additional components of the scrub are capable of rendering a negative impact.
    • During the recurrences of chronic dermatological diseases, the scrubs of oatmeal will not bring anything but harm, people suffering from dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
    • If there is deep cuts or wounds on the skin, the scruption is prohibited. The mixture that fell into them will become an excellent nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria that will cause not only inflammation, but also the suppuration of the wound.
    • If there are thermal lesions and ulcers, peeling can enhance pain, and the components included in its composition will noticeably reduce the healing speed of damaged skin.
    • With Cooperose and Rosacea, in no case cannot be used by scrubs. Extended vessels negatively respond to such an impact.
    • People suffering from allergic reactions, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of oat scrub, since some components cannot be used. To avoid an unpleasant situation, you need to carry out a small testing of the means on a small area of ​​the elbow skin. Allergies show gentle formulations with a minimal exfoliating effect.

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    Composition and application of oat flakes

    Oatmeal - a universal and convenient means, to use them at home. Flakes for a long time are used to prepare homework skin care, and the popularity of these procedures is constantly growing. The nutritional base of oatmeal was not left unnoticed by cosmetologists, which took such scrubs to their arms.

    Consider in more detail the composition of oats and the quality of its components.

    • Selenium is the most powerful antioxidant. It displays free radicals from the body, contributing to aging and flabbing fabrics.
    • Vitamin E tones and rejuvenates tissue cells.
    • The zinc contained in OVE supports the balance of hormones. With a sufficient level of this trace element, the number of different skin inflammatory processes is significantly reduced.
    • Vitamins of group B contribute to the restoration of the water-lipid barrier of the body and stimulates cell regeneration.
    • Fitinic acid provides nutrition and moisturizing the skin, aligns her color and rejuvenates it.
    • Polysaccharides return to the life of thinned, dehydrated skin.

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    To get a good result after applying scrub and avoid unpleasant consequences You need to follow some rules of application.

    • People with capillaries, located close to the surface of the dermis, should be carefully used by scrubs, and oat mixtures are no exception.
    • If the face is damaged on the skin, it is better to abandon the use of scrubies with gross particles to full healing.
    • Too frequent use of exfoliating agents can negatively affect the state of the epidermis. Fat skin is enough for two procedures per week, and dry - one.
    • It is forbidden to use absorbing mixtures on the skin area near the eyes and around the lips.

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    To obtain the maximum effect of the application of the oatmeal scrub, you must consistently follow all the steps of the procedure.

    • The first stage is a thorough washness, it is necessary to completely wash off not only cosmetics, but also caring cosmetics.
    • The second stage is spilling. During the pore procedure, it opens, which contributes to the penetration of active substances from the home scrub in the deep layers of the epidermis, and therefore the impact will be maximal.
    • Next, applying an absorbent composition with soft massage movements. The mixture is applied immediately to the face and neck, and do not forget about the zone neckline.
    • After easy skin massaging, the scrub is not flushed, but leave for some time for more intensive impact.
    • Warm water neatly washed off the filtered composition and lubricate the skin with cream.

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    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_8

    Best home scrub recipes

    Choosing among many recipes for home cleaning products from oat flakes, first of all, you need to focus on your skin type and disadvantages from which you need to get rid of.

    For mixed skin type

    If you are the owner of a mixed skin type, you can try the following recipes.

    The main rule is good to flush the data of the composition.

    • Classical. The handful of crumbling oats flakes stirred with heated water.
    • Grape. Thoroughly knead 4 grapes, all the bones are in advance, mixed with a tablespoon of cereals and heated water to the consistency of thick sour cream, give a little sweep.
    • Citric. Take 1 piece of sugar, lemon and aloe juice, 2 pieces of crushed flakes and slightly water are added there.
    • Mix for long-term storage. To 0.5 glasses of the grinding almond walnut add the same amount of reed sugar, a chinful of dry grass calendula, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of nutmeg and two teaspoons of dry extract vanilla. This base can be kept very long in a tightly closed bank. And if necessary, heated water is added to the desired volume of the mixture before use.
    • Two variants of olive oil are suitable for mixed skin. In the first recipe, the same amount of oats and corn flakes are crushed, 2 parts of the mixture are stirred with 1 part of the oil and a small amount of sugar. In the second, the as many oils, sugar and yolk are added to 2 teaspoons of oatmeal.

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    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_10

    For dry skin

    Dry type owners should pick up gentle exfoliating compositions.

    • Dry milk and crushed cereals "Hercules" are mixed in the amount of three tablespoons of each, bred with warm milk and leave to swelling.
    • Pumpkin flesh is thoroughly crushed, ground walnut, oatmeal and olive oil or fat cream are added to the 1 tablespoon of the pumpkin puree.
    • Ground almonds are connected in equal parts with oatmeal, aloe juice and honey. To increase the effect, instead of water for breeding, warm decoction of therapeutic herbs is perfect.
    • In a small grater, the cucumber can be worn. The resulting cleaner is mixed with 6 ml of rose rose and argan oil, milk and oatmeal (two tablespoons). In order for the mask to use on the skin around the lips and eyes, the cucumber is completely combined with ground oatmeal, 33% cream and pink essential oil.
    • Mixed in the same quantity soda and flakes are bred in water and leave swell.

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    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_12

    For oily skin

    To remove excess skin, you can use the following effective means.

    • In a mixture of 2 teaspoons of flakes and lemon juice, protein is introduced and 1 teaspoon of sea salt.
    • Oatmeal and ground almonds are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, a protein and natural fat fat yogurt are added.
    • To 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, as much apple vinegar, protein and liquid honey are added. After scribering, the mixture is left on the skin for 15 minutes.
    • Mixed in equal parts of wheat flour and ground oatmeal (if there is no flour, the starch is suitable or confusing), are bred by water to the thickness of sour cream, several drops of lemon juice are added.
    • Oatmeal is pre-soaked for several hours for swelling. Of the 3 ripe red tomatoes make mashed potatoes, and triturated with bulk and a few drops of milk. The mixture removes excess skin fat and returns a healthy skin color.

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    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_14

    For leather with extended pores

    • Grape juice and mineral water are added to the grusty of oatmeal, and leave swell.
    • Ground oatmeal is mixed with sea salt and homemade spruce. This mixture removes the surplus of the skin and makes the pores less.
    • Two tablespoons of crushed flakes are mixed with a teaspoon of soda and cinnamon, the mixture is diluted with heated water. After removing this composition, the skin must be solid with water, acidified with lemon juice.
    • Equal parts of rice and oat flakes are grinding in a coffee grinder. To the resulting mass add kefir. This scrub after applying is held for about 10 minutes, and only then wash off.

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    Oatmeal scrub for face: peeling mask from oat flakes and Hercules at home 16398_16

    To remove black dots

    • Any nuts are grinding and mixed with oatmeal. If the skin is dry, add yolk with a fatty sour cream, and if fatty - protein with kefir.
    • Half a teaspoon of soda dissolve in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, this solution is poured into 30 g of oatmeal and give 10 minutes for swelling.
    • Two tablespoons of crushed flakes are mixed with the same amount of warm milk and add 5 ml of vitamin A. It wash out this mixture with water without applying additional means for washing, then the skin is wiped with chamomile or calendula.

    Many women who tested at least one of the recipes with oatmeal see the result and continue to use this natural agent.

    More about scraping from oat flakes You will learn from the following video.

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