How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW


Arrows - Real Classic Makeup. With the help of the shooting liner, women create a charming, an expressive look capable of cutting crazy any representative of the opposite sex. Do not forget that the eyeliner adjusts some flaws, more precisely, the shape of the eyes, hides traces of fatigue. However, not every variation of the arrows is suitable for certain eyes. Yes, and draw them - real art.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_2

What can be drawn?

The first people who began using eye eyelin technique are the Egyptians. True, they pursued quite different purposes than creating a beautiful image. They painted arrows as protection against bright sunlight and from multiple skin infections, which at that time there were a lot. The eyeliner of that time was made of ash and antimony. Called such a mixture of Kayal. By the way, today it is so called a fat cosmetic pencil, which is not distinguished by the effect of resistance.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_3

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_4

The modern art of makeup does not require self-making mixtures for eyeliner. The manufacturers of cosmetic products are developing and producing a mass of means designed to create arrows of any complexity. They should figure out in more detail.

Gel eyelvering

Almost all professional makeup artists prefer precisely gel liners. The plastic texture of the presented cosmetic product is not only smoothly falling on the upper eyelid, but also allows you to adjust the shape of the arrows until the eyeliner has been fixed in the eyes. Quality liner is able to hold out on the eyelids all day, which is extremely important for every woman.

It is worth noting that The gel eyeliner perfectly falls on the mucous eye. Using a special brush of a small size, it is possible to process the interinsuncable space. By the way, the gel type liner is an ideal option for making a smoke-ice base.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_5

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_6

The main thing, when applied, not to be distracted by anything else: the liner dries very quickly, respectively, the decisiveness of the eyeliner should be made instantly.

Liquid liner

To use the submarine version of the woman, a woman will need several additional tools: cotton wands, sponges and stencils. Acquire a brush in this case does not have to: it is built into the default lid. With a liquid liner, a woman can create arrows of the most different thickness. And their makeup artists emphasize certain emphasis of the appearance of fair sex representatives.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_7

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_8


Very convenient for home use cosmetic tool. Speaking with simple words, it is a felt-meter type eyeliner. What is noteworthy, it is not necessary to use the brushes to apply it. Such a liner has a thin tip, through which the coloring mixture appears. Ease of use by the markup marker is the ability to change the thickness of the arrows at your own desire. If necessary, you can draw thin lines with a sharp tip or, on the contrary, make thick strips.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_9

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_10

From the first time to draw the perfect arrows to the marker only to several women. The rest has to be practiced for a while, adjusting its own mistakes.


Drawing a cosmetic pencil arrows not every fair sex. Yes, and use such a common cosmetics only for decisive. And for this work you will need a special tassel. The main thing, before starting drawing the arrows, check that the pencil is sharp. His griffel should slide smoothly on the age, rather than moving, like sandpaper.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_11


Such an option involves creating a larger effect from pencil arrows. With the help of the shadows, it is possible to draw perfectly smooth corners of the eyes. The main thing is to use the database for shadows. After it is applied, it is important to wait for a complete drying of the base. Only after that it is allowed to start drawing. Closer to the eyelashes are applied dark color of the shadows. Rastuchevka is made with lighter shades.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_12

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_13

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_14


Existing makeup options require the use of different variations of brushes. Some will be subtle, others - fat, there are and average solutions. They are divided by numbers. Brushes can not only draw the arrows, but also to correct flaws, for example, from gel liner.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_15

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_16

It is enough to moisten the gentle villi in micellar water and gently remove accidentally speaking irregularities.

General Rules for drawing classic arrows

Draw arrows in front of the eyes should be able to know every representative of the fine floor. The highlighted lining line on the eyelids emphasizes the depth and expressiveness of the view. However, the first time to draw perfectly smooth arrows is impossible, especially if you use a liquid eyeliner to create thin lines. It is much easier to use a gel-based liner. Do not have the experience of independent drawing the arrows, you should not take for complex effects. To begin with, it is necessary to learn how to properly create classic lines.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_17

It is worth noting that the classic form of the shooter does not have a certain thickness. Lines on centuries can be thin, thick or medium in size. But the tip of the arrow should always be slightly raised. So manages to emphasize the color of the eyes, add a femininity notch into the image.

And now we offer more details to explore the method of creating beautiful and smooth classic arrows.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the eyelids. For this, a special base is applied to the eyes. Do not think that the base base can only be used by adult women. Even young girls should apply it for future makeup.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_18

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_19

  • Next you need to go to the mirror, get up smoothly, without throwing the heads back. In no case can not be aimed with faith. As men say, when women are painting eyes, they face forehead and open the mouth. In this case, it is important to keep your face in complete peace and start drawing only on the open eye.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_20

  • Initially, the darkening should be subjected to the upper mucosa and the distance between the eyelashes. Otherwise, the drawing arrow will seem in the foreign object, and the makeup itself will be crumpled, unfinished.

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How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_22

  • Next, on one of the century, a neat thin line is performed from an inner corner of the eye to the external one. According to a similar scheme, the second century is scratched.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_23

  • After creating identical lines, you need to specify the direction of the shooters. For this, it is important to carefully look at the bottom line of the mucousa. From an external one, its corner should be conducted by a small straight line towards the temple. The same should be done on another eye.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_24

  • Now the most responsible stage has come - the connection of the lines created. It is necessary to look at yourself in the mirror, stand straight. Neat hand movement is carried out line from the tip of the arrow until the middle of the century.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_25

  • It remains only to overlap the eyelid , if necessary, add thickness.

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_26

How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_27

How to draw other types of arrows?

In addition to traditional classics, there are other types of arrows, such as double, wide, narrow. However, it is primarily offered to get acquainted with the technique of drawing the arrows on the horn eyelid. It hangs over the moving age or closes his small part. With such a situation, it is not easy to make a beautiful arrow. It is either not visible at all, or is imprinted in the upper eyelid.

    How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_28

    That is why it is proposed to get acquainted with several secrets of phased applying.

    • Before painting the eyelid liner, you must apply the basic basis. It is she who will obstacle to imprint the arrows in the upper eyelid.
    • During drawing, it is often important to open the eyes to check whether the drawn strip is hidden under the eye fold.
    • Special attention should be paid to a thorough drawing of the cilia contours. The eyeliner should not even be minimal lumen.

    How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_29

    How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_30

    How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_31

    Drawing thin arrows with bends in the corners of the eyes much easier than working with the hung in the same time. For cosmetic work, a liquid liner or a lining in the form of a marker will be required. The principle of action is similar to applying classic arrows.


    In about the 60s of the last century, the arrows were the only makeup option. Every morning a woman standing in front of the mirror, painted a line of different thickness with a pointed corner on their centuries. However, a beaker of that time was twiggy with expressive double arrows.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_32

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_33

      It was difficult to make them then, today it is enough to look into the cosmetic bag to choose the appropriate version of the liner.

      1. It is necessary to sum up the eyelids in the thickness of the line and gently draw tips. They must be short, have a sharp corner. That is how the eyes acquire a round shape.
      2. It is important to look at yourself in the mirror. Where the fold of the upper eyelid passes, the second arc is created. Its form must match the already drawn arrow.
      3. The lower eyelid should be supplemented with cilia. It is enough to take a liner with a thin tassel and ciliate string.
      4. It remains only to punish the eyelashes with a thick layer of carcasses. Puppet makeup ready.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_34

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_35


      Machinery drawing wide arrows has certain differences. However, they are much easier to draw them than fine stripes.

      1. First of all, the preparation of the eyelids should be done. They should be applied a special base foundation. Using a thin liner brush, you need to draw a line from the corner of the eye to the fold of the upper eyelid.
      2. Now it is necessary to visually divide the drawn line into 4 parts. Recovering ¼ from the outer angle of the eye, draw the arrow.
      3. Next, a clear stroke is carried out a continuous line from the inner corner of the eye to the center of the drawn segment.
      4. The emerging emptiness should be painted. Eyelashes are covered with ink.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_36


      To create a decisive arrows, it is necessary to use a cosmetic pencil with shadows. In general, you can take a gel eyeliner, but the makeup artists do not recommend its use for homemake. Without having experience, it is impossible to grow a gel arrow.

      1. The first stage of work requires prepare the eyelids. To do this, you need to take a bodily shade of the shadow and apply them to the eyelid, affecting the space between the century and eyebrows.
      2. The top eyelashes should be punished with an eye pencil. This is a secret move, thanks to which the spaces will be visible during the work.
      3. With the help of a beveled brush, it is necessary to draw a classic version of the arrow, and a flat taste for shadows to grow the created line in the direction upwards.
      4. To create a smooth transition of colors, it is assumed to use matte shadows.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_37

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_38


      "Feline Eye" is a trend that will never lose its relevance. Its main "chip" - raised arrows, thanks to which a female look acquires a special charm, openness, expressiveness.

      1. The eyelid must be covered by shadows of a matte shade. If necessary, you can highlight the area of ​​the eye of the eye and under eyebrows shining shadows.
      2. Next, you should fill the interinsuncable space with a black eyeliner in the direction of the inner corner of the eye to the middle.
      3. Then it is necessary to spend a line from an eye corner to the end of the eyebrows. At this stage, the contour arrows is ready. It remains to make the arrow itself.
      4. It is necessary to carry out a line from the end of the arrow to the eyelash contour with an indent of 1-2 mm from an external corner of the eye.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_39

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_40


      A rather complex embodiment of the arrows, requiring drawing an inner corner of the eye, the lower eyelid and the mucous membrane. Speaking with simple words The oriental version of the arrows is an expressive outline of the whole eye with an eclipse corner stretched in a horizontal direction.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_41

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_42

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_43

      The phased version looks like this:

      • The basic base is applied;
      • With the help of the pencil, the mucous eye from the upper and lower side is scratched;
      • With the help of gel liner, a line of the eye contour from all sides is carried out;
      • Neat movements create a mini-arrow at the inner corner of the eye;
      • Smooth and confident movements drawn the arrow on the outer corner of the eye;
      • The presence of emptiness is checked: if any, they should be painted;
      • For the completeness of an expressive look, it is recommended to stick several beams of eyelashes at the external corners of the eye.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_44

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_45

      Tips for beginners

      Create the most ideal smooth arrows from the first time is impossible. But to allow less mistakes, it is proposed to familiarize themselves with several advice of experienced makeup artists. Their instructions will help learn how to draw arrows of different shapes, sizes and variations.

      • In order for the arrow in drawing, the hand was trembling, it is important to have a rigid support under the elbow. The little finger should be superior to the cheek. This is another lock that does not give hand shaking.
      • If the arrow turned out to be uneven, it is quite time to highlight its border with a liner. So it will be possible to disguise the flaws.
      • When working with a pillar service, it is important to wait for it to complete drying. Only then you can apply a powder.
      • Before starting to draw the arrow line, you need to outline the dots along the ciliary circuit. It will be much easier to spend a flat line.
      • To create a perfectly smooth arrow, just glue a small piece of scotch to the corner.
      • Beginners are recommended to draw on their own sensations, not paying attention to the requirements of glamor magazines. Get rid of flaws will help cotton wand moistened in micellar fluid.

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_46

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_47

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_48

      How to draw up arrow by eyeliner? 49 Photos How beginners to make arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner? PEDIC DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY OF DOUBLE AND OTHER ARROW 16379_49

      On how to draw perfect arrows, see the next video.

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