Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil?


Permanent makeup bright in itself. But sometimes it becomes necessary to pick up eyebrows. With the help of the dye it is easy to adjust the form of eyebrows, hide disadvantages, update the faded pigment.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_2

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_3

Ability to use paint

After permanent makeup, the appearance can completely change. A properly chosen form of eyebrows can adjust the features of the face, to make it attractive, and the view is more expressive. If the master falls with extensive experience and high professionalism, then the abnormal arcs will look natural and organically. But this effect is not immediately achieved. With a tattoo in the skin, punctures are formed through which the paint is injected. These rays are needed time to delay, and special care. Immediately after the procedure, red and edema appear, which should come together in the first week.

Then appear crusts scales, closing wounds. At this time, the eyebrows look unesthetically, and the color itself becomes more dull. It is impossible to rip off or swing the crusts. This can be infected, and then the healing process stretches for an indefinite period.

In addition, under the crust is the coloring pigment, which can be accidentally removed. As a result, color is propellant can be formed, and this is an additional correction.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_4

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_5

In this very period of healing, I want to make makeup brighter, and the look expressive. But many are afraid to paint eyebrows after permanent makeup, and harmoniously. The fact is that the paint is affected not only in the hairs, but also on the skin. Let it not be so aggressive as hair paint, but for another damaged dermis is a serious test. As a result, protective crusts may be damaged, an allergic reaction may appear in the form of rashes, redness or edema.

Therefore, the first two weeks specialists categorically prohibit painting eyebrows. After the use of a cosmetic pencil is allowed, but very neat. Relieved makeup follows with special oils on an oil basis. Use paint for eyebrows, including genuine penetment or bass, is allowed only after 3-4 weeks after the tattoo procedure, as soon as the skin completely heal. This is usually not required, since permanent makeup bright in itself.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_6

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_7

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_8

Nevertheless, the masters allocate the following cases when eyebrows should be necessary:

  • Correction, concealment of color propellers, loss of hairs;
  • overlap of color, for example, to darker;
  • Changing eyebrows shape to match fashion trends;
  • Asymmetry of the abnormal arc;
  • Sedina;
  • The absence of a bright background, since the pigment flashes over time.

Typically, the eyebrows are tinted twice a month, as the pigment contains natural components and gets faster. But in the case of permanent makeup, experts recommend to carry out the staining procedure no more than once a month. This is due to the condition of the skin of the abnormal arc. It is more sensitive, it passes the mass of blood vessels. And any paint affects the dermis. If you are abused, then various allergic reactions, peeling, loss of hairs are possible.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_9

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_10

Can I use it and why?

Unlike the finished professional funds of Henna - completely natural dye. It not only gives color, but also cares. Its shade, grinding and even smell depend on the variety and the provider country. It is brought to Russia from Egypt, India, Iran and Pakistan. Henna is allowed to use after 14 days. Again, relying on the appearance of the abnormal arc. They still healed until the end, there are protective scales. Therefore, the dye should be used extremely gently, but to apply a soft brush.

It is best to dissolve the hu in minimal concentration. This will reduce the risk of irritation and edema. If the skin is already present, inflammation or other problems that require special care and treatment, it is better to refuse to abandon the coloring procedure.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_11

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_12

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_13

How to paint eyebrows after the tattoo?

The use of cosmetic pencil is allowed already 2 weeks after a permanent makeup procedure, but very neat. This dye does not penetrate the dermis and does not annoy it, so it is safe. But when removing makeup, you can hurt your crusts. As soon as the skin completely heals after the permanent, and this is 3-4 weeks, it is allowed to use professional eyebrows for eyebrows. The shade must be selected as appropriate as possible, when the first staining, choose the oxide of 3%, at the following - 6%. If your eyebrows are adjusted by tweezers, then postpone painting for 1-2 days. The fact is that the microranka is formed on the place of the extent, which should have time to heal. If the paint falls into it, allergic rashes, swelling and even inflammation are possible.

The remedy is divorced in a separate container, and then brush is applied to the eyebrows. To accidentally do not paint the eyelids and forehead, the plots must be smeared in advance with a fat cream. Paint keep strictly according to the instructions, usually 5-15 minutes. Disposal is not recommended, as it negatively affects the condition of the skin and hairs. If the eyebrow darkened sharply, it is recommended to immediately wash off the paint with soap.

Be sure to remember about care, use means to accelerate growth and nutrition. Usually they are transparent, gel or oily consistency, and easily applied with eyelashes brushed.

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_14

Is it possible to paint the eyebrow after permanent makeup? Do paint paint and henna eyebrows after tattooing? After how many days can be painted with a pencil? 16368_15

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