Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them?


A massage rug will be useful to any person, regardless of whether he has any health problems or just feels fatigue after the working day. A large number of diverse models allows you to choose the product, the use of which will become not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible.


When it comes to massage mats, most often meant products for the legs. The principle of their action is based on the fact that the embossed surface of the device presses on special points at the feet of man and thereby affects the functioning of internal organs. As a result, in the elaboration of active areas on the feet there is an improvement in the overall condition and improving immunity. The constant use of the orthopedic device has tremendous benefits and for the legs themselves: helps to cope with pain and edema, circulatory impairment and backgrounds for fungal diseases.

A naturally conducted peeling prevents corn and natopes on the soles.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_2

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_3

It should be mentioned that the massage device ensures the prevention of flatfoot and ensures a healthy development of stop hounds. Acupuncture models of large sizes have a positive effect on the back state. The orthopedic unit for young children is very useful. Timely taken measures allow treatment when identifying a flat-growing or incorrect layout. In addition, the massager removes the load from the small legs and helps to form the right foot.

As for the shortcomings of such devices, they are very subjective. Many people have discomfort, first standing on legs on bulges of different sizes, and therefore with difficulty starts training. However, with constant exercises, the stop is quite quickly adapted to irregularities, and the unpleasant sensations disappear.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_4


There are a large number of orthopedic mats.

By device

An ordinary massager for the legs looks like a base on which all sorts of irregularities are fixed in a certain sequence. The base itself can be round or rectangular or possess an unusual shape, for example, in the form of a turtle or heart.

Acupuncture models are formed from the base filled with a soft filler to which special applicators with small needles are glued or sewd. Such a product is compact and easy, and a sufficient number of needles provides one-time impact on several important points. By the way, it is the acupuncture varieties that are made not only for the feet, but also for the whole body.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_5

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_6

Puzzles rugs are suitable for children of different ages. Usually they have a thickened base made of rubber or polymers. Often, such massagers are prefabricated, that is, consist of several modules with the sides of 25 centimeters, each of which recreates various coating: marine pebbles, grass, spikes, bumps, bumps.

The hemisphere rug has short spikes and makes it possible to place only one foot, so it is always a set of two pieces. A special valve is responsible for regulation of pressure. This massager is suitable for studying the reflexogenic zones of the stop, as well as training the vestibular apparatus.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_7

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_8

It is worth mentioning that children's healing mats have another relief compared to adult samples: the second is less dimensional and tougher. If they enjoy the child, he will be able to trigger the injury. In turn, adults are not allowed to apply children's models.

There is also a special heated electric rug, for example, jade. In its foundation there is an infrared film, like the one that is used to organize warm floors and create room heaters. Smooth pebbles are tightly glued on top of it. Film emitted infrared rays not only have a positive effect on the human body, but also warm the surface of the massager. Exercises on such mats will have an additional relaxing effect.

Mention follows about Massager with magnets. It is usually a acupuncture rug, part of which is equipped with magnets that enhances the effect of massage.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_9

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_10

By material manufacturing

As for the materials of the manufacture of massager rugs, rubber models are the most familiar. Nevertheless, today there are devices made of silicone, plastic, natural rubber, PVC, foamed polyethylene and even carpet. There are varieties covered with natural or artificial pebbles of the streamlined form.

The material used for a massager must be hypoallergenic, not slide, easy to clean and at the same time maintain hardness, but still amortizing the step. Artificial materials correspond to all this characteristics, but copies with natural pebbles will not be able to amortize and will be badly laundered.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_11

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_12

Best brands and models

In fact, the body will receive, even if you purchase a Banal Kuznetsov Applicator in the store and use it every day. But manufacturers still regularly deliver innovative models for self-massage.

So, The top includes Dr. Stone from Casada - jade thermal rug for warm massage. On its surface, 36 tourmaline and nephite stones are fixed, warming up to 30-70 degrees. The emerging heat improves blood circulation and relaxes, which also allows you to deal with insomnia. The base of the massager makes it possible to process not only legs, but also the whole body.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_13

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_14

Of the simpler models, the products of the "Ekomat" brand should be mentioned. In its assortment there are massage rugs and rollers necessary for the implementation of acupuncture massage. Massage flowers are performed from 100% medical plastic, and natural coconut fiber is used as a filler for a rug and buckwheat husk for the pillow. The inner case is sewn from cotton, and external - from natural flax.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_15

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_16

For a child, you can purchase a proven hypoallergenic model "Sea bottom" used for gymnastics. The embossed surface of the massager imitates the silhouettes of sea skates on the background of sand, small pebbles and seashells. The basic massager has a soft therapeutic effect.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_17

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_18

Adults will suit the budget model "Comfort" Correcting with a foot massage.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_19

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_20

Serets of choice

To pick up a suitable rug, it is necessary to decide for whom it is intended - a child or an adult, as they differ not only by dimensions. Children's model can only be bought after the counseling of the orthopedic. For kids from 1.5 to 2 years, variations are more suitable with soft elements, and the older the child becomes, the tougher there can be mats. This means that for the smallest it is worth buying softest rubber coatings, and after two years you can go to the model from silicone.

Of course, it is better to choose the samples that are easily laundered and dried, and also do not cause difficulties with cleaning the gaps between needles or vile. For example, For children, the model "Language" is produced from a natural rubber-based rubber and a "Bear" model imitating coastal pebbles. Puzzle "Pebbles" allows you to connect several modules with a different surface rigidity.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_21

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_22

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_23

It should be remembered that the toddler may slip on solid rounded products. Children after three years need a more active foot massage. Form and dimensions must correspond to age, otherwise too small devices will limit the movement of the child older.

For adults, doctors recommend purchasing orthopedic massagers from high stiffness materials, for example, pebbles or wood. Also particularly useful for them are acupuncture varieties, allowing to work out not only the feet, but also the whole body.

Persons with sensitive feet are suitable mats with a soft massage effect, for example, made of silicone. In all cases, the product should not be toxic and highlight chemical odors.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_24

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_25

How to use?

Use a massage rug is categorically prohibited when fungal diseases, inflammation or wounds are found on the soles. In addition, it is necessary to ensure in the absence of limitations from orthopedic, including with the instability of the ankle joint.

The massage rug is laid out on the straight and hard surface, freed from the carpet. It is necessary to get up on an orthopedic device with bare feet, after which you can move to different exercises. The duration of classes is selected depending on their own state and goals, starting from 5 minutes a day.

If the massager is designed for the back, it will be enough on it just lying from 10 to 20 minutes daily.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_26

If a dull pain appears on the mat during the rug, then the procedure immediately ends. In the training session, warning stop: walking along a massager with hands put on the belt. It is time to move to alternate habits on the inner and outer sides of the foot, rolling from the fingers to the heel and moving on the tops and socks at a different pace. When the above exercises stop presenting difficulties, you can run on the rug, to pectinate, move the houson or even jump.

For a child, exercises on a massage rug should not exceed 15-30 minutes a day. After the active phase, the child can perform several exercises sitting: connect the stops, bend the fingers and make a circular slip on the surface.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_27

How to make your own hands?

High-quality massage rug can be done both by using a variety of infidental objects. As the base of the homemade rug, a sufficiently strong material should be applied, which will retain its shape even with active operation. For example, it can be a plastic plate, covered with felt, laminate, a piece of rubber or a standard yoga mat, an old bedspread or jeans type fabric.

Massage elements can be buttons, pebbles, smooth stones, beans, ribbons and ropes of various density or corks from champagne. Caps from plastic bottles, wooden and acrylic beads, pencils and rings for curtains are often sewn. Even such unexpected details are suitable as the stands under the hot, sponges for washing dishes and curlers - everything you can sew.

Coffee beans, dry peas, walnuts and wooden cubes are often selected from the adhesive elements. If you wish, it is possible to enter small bags filled with sand or cereal in the litter.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_28

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_29

All work is carried out very simply: first the base is prepared, and then homemade applicators are fixed on it. If there is no time to mount each separate part, you can sew pockets and put the figures in it. Before classes, it will be enough to simply decompose them on the ground.

When creating a homemade massager, elements with sharp corners should be avoided, and also be sure to create soft seats for resting legs. The size of the orthopedic device is determined depending on who they will use.

For a simple model for a child, you will need to use a large amount of buttons, dense fabric for the base, for example, a sheet of hard felt, a thinner fabric and a thread with a needle. Large and small wrecks are in arbitrary manner with dense threads on a thin fabric, and that further connects with a dense base. Ready canvas can be decorated with a cut.

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_30

Massage rugs (31 photos): Overview of orthopedic rubber carpet-massager, making with their own hands. How to use them? 16327_31

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