Massager face L & L Skin: MAMI and MIO 2 for lifting, other Japanese massager premium Review


For as long as possible preserve youthful skin, there are many different cosmetics and accessories. Recently among beauty-funds are gaining more and more popularity for facial massager. In the market for health and beauty products a huge selection of devices with different features. These compact devices help in the home to maintain a healthy state of body and face skin.

In the ranking of the best manufacturers of household massagers includes Japanese brand L & L Skin, whose products are of high quality and efficiency.

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general description

Even after 25 years, facial skin loses its elasticity, which affects its condition. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a cosmetologist's office for cleaning and various massage treatments. However, not all of it is time and money. In these circumstances, a compact massager face has become a real boon for many women. The Japanese company L & L Skin engaged in the production of innovative technologies aimed at rejuvenation, as well as maintaining a healthy skin condition in a domestic environment.

Massager face L & L Skin can save as a precious resource for the modern woman, as time. Is now taking care of your skin is now available and convenient at home.

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We will understand why you should give preference to massage device for face L & L Skin:

  • All products have been tested brand quality and safety;
  • Japanese assembly quality;
  • regular use of facial massager L & L Skin brings visible results to improve the skin condition of the face, which is stored for a long time;
  • the original design of the devices, which immediately catches the eye;
  • relax the facial muscles and stimulate blood flow;
  • wide range of tumblers (MIO 2, EMI, MAMI, HONO, YOKO);
  • Easy and intuitive control of any model;
  • Portable and compact;
  • means are arranged in a watertight housing of high-grade plastic;
  • multifunctionality devices (cleansing, moisturizing, food, face-lift effect);
  • there are devices that provide sound alert every minute of use necessary for the uniform treatment of all areas of the skin.

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The lineup

The catalog of products L & L Skin offers a wide selection of high-quality massagers Facial premium. We offer to learn more about the basic models in the brand's catalog.


Compact multi-function model designed for microcurrent facelift at home. The wireless device allows you to effectively deal with aging of the skin, the first results will be visible after several procedures. The manufacturer provides a guarantee of a visible result after 60 days of regular procedures using a beauty gadget. A specially designed form of the device contributes to its dense fit to the face for the best absorption of cosmetics during massage.

The device of the device is made of waterproof plastic. Charging the gadget occurs with the base. There is a function of alert, which involves a beep after each minute of use to change the facial zone. It helps to improve skin elasticity, adjusts the sulfur face, reduces wrinkles, gives the face a freshness and a healthy look.

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Emi Brush Massager

Promotes the hygienic cleansing of the skin of the face with cosmetics with the effect of massage with ultrasonic waves. The reverse side of the brush with soft bristles is designed for the massage of the area around the eyes. It is heated to 45 degrees, it has a comfortable bent brush for delicate processing of all areas of the face. Case device waterproof.

In the kit there is a wireless base for charging. For ease of storage, the device is equipped with a comfortable suction cup, with which it can be placed on the wall anywhere. It helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, as well as the swelling with the effect of face suspenders.

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Microtect Massager with premium-class lifting effect. Equipped with three modes of operation: cool (cold) - to remove the swelling and getting rid of bruises under the eyes, as well as for the narrowing of the pores and the fight against inflammation; Hot (hot) - lifting effect, reducing wrinkles, returning healthy face and skin elasticity; Normal (normal) - improves metabolic processes in the skin, saturates with oxygen and restores the skin structure.

Special form, perfectly repeating all face contours for better cleansing and massage. Compact and multifunctional is ideal for cosmetic procedures at home.

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Specially designed model of a massager for phototherapy skin with LED light. Equipped with three modes of operation: Blue light is struggling with inflammation, reduces the amount of rash, and also soothes the skin; Red light - contributes to the regulation of the work of the sebaceous glands, stimulating the inflow of blood, as well as the object of skin elasticity and reducing the depth of wrinkles; Green light - soothes the skin, restores its healthy state, the perfect option for sensitive and leather allergy.

It provides for the presence of thermal regime (in red light mode) for better penetration of cosmetic products in the skin. The presence of a cooling mode (in blue light mode) contributes to the removal of the swelling and the improvement of the complexion of the face.

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Included with each device there is a detailed instruction on how to use them, as well as a wireless charging base. When choosing a face massager, most women are focused only on the appearance and cost of the gadget. However, it is important to remember that, first of all, attention should be paid to its functionality. After all, there are different types of massager, and each of them has its own specific purpose.

And it should also be aware that there are contraindications to the use of a massager with which you need to get acquainted in advance before purchasing the device.

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Review reviews

After reviewing the reviews of buyers of various models of the Japanese brand L & L Skin mass makers, it can be concluded that customers are completely satisfied with their acquisition. Women who have already managed to conduct cosmetic procedures with MIO 2, noted the high efficiency of the device. Already after the first massage procedures, the skin became an elastic, smoothed. The number of wrinkles has noticeably decreased, and the complexion has improved. Those who use the EMI massage brush, noted how improved the condition of their skin: the pores were narrowed, wrinkles were noticeably reduced, the fat shine disappeared. A soft movable brush allows you to delicately clean the skin, relax the muscles of the face and have a lifting effect.

Mami model owners highlighted the high efficiency of the massager in the adjustment of the facial oval. Women note that after using this device, wrinkles were noticeably decreased, acne disappeared, the face pulled up. After using a multifunctional Yoko model, women noted the effective smoothing of wrinkles in the field of nasolabial folds and around the eyes, a noticeable improvement in the overall condition of the skin and colors of the face. Despite the rather high price of the massagers of the Japanese brand L & L SKIN, the result is worth the tools spent.

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