Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists


Quartz massagers for face today are at the peak of popularity. Especially often photo and video images of these beauty devices are found in social networks.

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_2

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_3

What it is?

Quartz massager for face, in fact, is Chinese tool for the rehabilitation of the dermis, which exists for several thousand years. However, his flourishing in the beauty industry began only in 2017, when blogger Marianna Hewitt told his audience about a similar device. In September of the same year, Mark Herbivore presented rollers from rose quartz and jade, and other brands followed. A massage roller is made from a natural quartz - a smooth and cool natural stone that is not subjected to processing. It is very pleasant to the touch, smooth and cool, it looks extremely aesthetically due to its translucent and natural patterns.

The main purpose of the use of the device is to improve blood circulation, remove the edema and relax the clamps, and, it means, and make a facial suspender. In addition, the ability of natural stone for long support chill creates a weighty drainage effect.

Among the possible effects of the regular use of the massager, wrinkles and races are distinguished, the removal of toxins, the improvement of the face color and the appearance of a natural brush, lightening dark circles, as well as the amplification of the skin of the cosmetic agents used after.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_5

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_6

Despite the fact that massage a quartz adaptation is more secure, People suffering from rosacea, cooperosis, psoriasis and rashes is better to consult with their doctor before starting the procedures. It is believed that the Massager is able to activate these inflammations and even provoke new problems. Even with the resolution of a specialist to use the beauty tool, it will be necessary with great accuracy, only slightly touching the surface of the face. It is also not recommended to use the device in the presence of filients or after Botox - Regular blood flow, on the contrary, contributes to the splitting and removal of the drug from the body.

Reasons to abandon the procedure include diseases of the thyroid, hernia, inflammatory processes and even dental problems. It is impossible to handle the tool person and in the presence of a large number of moles and extended vessels. Massagers are suitable for persons over 20 years, although they are usually recommended by the owners of mature skin.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_8


Quartz massagers can be different, but they act on one principle.


Conventional Rose Stone Massagers can be divided into directly rolers and gouache scrapers. The first possesses one or two spinning parts, fixed on a comfortable handle: Little is activated for the study of delicate zones under the eyes and around the nose, and large - for the rest of the person. They contribute to the expansion of vessels, smoothing wrinkles and better "administration" to the dermis of the departure substances.

Gouache's scrapers due to their form are more versatile. With the help of the plate, it is possible to adjust the pressure force on the surface, which means to produce deeper muscles and affect biologically active points. The benefits of such a massager also increases due to the possibility of applying it not only for the person, but also the whole body. Guasha are the most budget representatives of the "stone mass makers" and are issued in different forms and sizes.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_10

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_11

Vibrator massagers

The main difference between ordinary and vibration massages from quartz is to create sound oscillations. Arriving during the use of vibration increases the effect of power affecting the skin, that is, the muscles relax more are relaxed, and the skin, on the contrary, pulls up. The vibrating massager also looks somewhat different: as a rule, only the vibrating head is made from rose quartz, and aluminum is used to create a reliable handle. Use such devices that run from a conventional finger battery and equipped with a miniature switch should be performed on purified, and after moistened skin.

It is not possible to carry out the procedure on a daily basis for 5-10 minutes.

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_12

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_13

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_14

How to choose?

The prices for quartz massagers can vary quite strongly, but when buying too cheap sample it is important to understand that, most likely it is a fake. This Quartz simply cannot cost a little, and therefore, instead, some unscrupulous sellers put some polymer or even acrylic to the buyer. To check the bought beauty tool for authenticity, a slightly scratching its surface with a needle or a knife. The appearance of scratches, as a rule, testifies to the fake. Natural quartz has such a strength that the impact of the same needle will not harm him, plus it is very difficult to break it. Also identify the fake will be able to remember that the rollers from the present material remain cool for a long time.

Some people do not understand the difference between quartz and jade massagers, as they look very similar. Preferring exactly a pink stone really makes sense, because the hardness of this material is higher, which means it will be better resistive to the various effects of the external environment. However, it is the nephritic massager that is sometimes complemented by a nozzle with a jar, stronger than the gulling on the skin, and hence it is more efficiently affecting it.

However, a quartz gouache can become an alternative to him, and therefore it is best to take a set of from it and Roller from Rose Stone.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_16

How to use?

Massage a quartz device can be both in the morning and in the evening . At the beginning of the day, he perfectly wakes up the skin and "erases" the swelling and chances for the night. The procedure carried out in the evening allows you to relax the muscles of the face and helps to smooth out wrinkles. Massage should be done, pre-clearing the skin of the face. Further, according to the technique of execution, you can get skin toner, serum, cosmetic oil or moisturizing cream, because the roller will be able to improve their penetration into the skin. In addition, the nutritional mass will provide a smoother slide - a dry roller sometimes pulls and pulls the surface of the face, which, on the contrary, contributes to the occurrence of chances and wrinkles.

The scheme of the procedure itself, in principle, is similar to the one that is used with other massages: Quartz slightly pressed on the skin and is found through massage lines, that is, areas of smaller skin resistance to protect it from stretching. From the center of the chin, you need to move to the urine of the ear, from the middle of the forehead - to the temples, and from the eyebrows - to the hair. Movement from the corners of the lips is sent to the center of the ear, and from the wings of the nose - up.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_18

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_19

Additionally, it is necessary to handle a small roller leading clockwise, an area around the eyes, as well as neck, moving upwards with calm movements. The lower eyelid is massaged from the outer corner to the nose, and the top - from the nose to the brow's tail. By the way, the neck for the opening of the lymphatic channel is even recommended to work first. On the sides, the movement comes from the lower jaw to the clavicle, and in the center - up to the chin. During the procedure, the thyroid zone should be avoided.

Performing some movement, you do not need to stop or retreat. Massage should always be carried out in one direction, as the rotation of the rollers back and forth leads to jerking and even pulling the epidermis. This processing of the person takes no more than 5-10 minutes, but it is necessary to arrange it regularly, at least once every three days. It is worth mentioning that, to enhance the drain effect, a quartz device can be pre-withstanding for several minutes in the refrigerator. During massage, when a pronounced discomfort appears, it is better to suspend the procedure. It is impossible to crush too much on the face Otherwise you can get bruises and damage the gentle capillaries.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_21

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_22

Used roller is necessarily cleaned : At first was washed with soap water room temperature, and then dried on a dry towel naturally or even just wipes dry. Wash a quartz device after each application, but if it has metal parts, it should be done not under running water. Massager can not be watered with hot water, it is also not worth soaring it for a long time. To preserve the integrity of the instrument, it should not be exposed to cleaning products or chemicals.

It is worth adding that Working with Guaasha is carried out in a similar way, but the scraper is required to keep in the same position - flat edge down . You should move it with smooth movements upward to the temples. In no case should not affect the skin of the zone around the eyes - there is a small video for this. The procedure from the gouache in time is carried out faster, not exceeding 3-5 minutes.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_24

Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_25

Review reviews

In general, reviews about quartz massager for a person suggest that these devices are insanely aesthetic, they are very nice to use, but there is nothing to expect any exemplable result. Indeed, the regular massage has a lymphatic indica effect and eliminates the swelling, but expect the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes or narrowing of pores no meaningless.

The device copes with muscle relaxation and can even come to help with headaches, but not always coping with deep wrinkles. With regard to the opinion of cosmetologists, they agree that this equipment can stimulate the circulation of lymphs and relax the tired muscles. The only condition should always be conducted in accordance with massage lines.

A few reviews contain complaints with a massager and a description of the shortcomings, in some responses there is a mention of too soft effect in the case of roller devices, and therefore small efficiency.

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Quartz facial massagers: rose-stone rollers. How to use? Benefit, reviews of cosmetologists 16271_27

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