Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews


Lactacyd - gels intended for intimate hygiene women. They contribute to the preservation of the health of their sexual sphere and allow you to get rid of various unpleasant sensations. The assortment presents a large variety of popular products, the beneficial properties of which are not only the usual women, but also doctors. The manufacturer tries to expand the line to be able to find anything useful for himself.


Lactacyd gels for female intimate hygiene have a number of features, thanks to which are so popular.

  1. As part of products There is no soap, Which is able to destroy the natural acidic medium necessary for normal microflora vital activity. The gels do not cause discomfort and dryness that appear after the use of traditional means.

  2. In gels there is lactic acid promoting the maintenance of the natural acid environment of female genital organs. This positively affects the growth of lactobacilli, and also makes the body's protective mechanisms stronger.

  3. The detergent component in the composition is soft , Therefore, it acts gentle, carefully cleaning the mucous membrane, without disturbing its acid-alkaline balance and not irritating it.

  4. Products Does not cause allergies.

  5. Gels are easily washed away After their use on the skin there will be no discomfort and "films". And also there is no heavy and bright smell of fragrances.

  6. You can purchase funds for both women and adolescents from 12 years. They can be applied after delivery and in the process of menstruation.

  7. The manufacturer suggests Wide range of products So any woman can choose the best option that is fully suitable for it.

Lactacyd gels are manufactured in European countries, the highest standards are complied with the manufacturing process.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_2


Consumers amazing the variety of product range. To find anything for yourself, you should carefully read the proposed options.


Classic LactacyD gel is in demand from many women. It is used as the main tool for daily hygiene. As part, you can see milk acic acid and serum, which are support for the natural vaginal flora at the desired level. Thus, the gel creates a natural barrier, through which pathogenic microorganisms will not be able to penetrate. If they still penetrate the vagina, Lactacyd does not allow them to multiply.

And the classic gel supports the proper level of acidity, which does not allow to appear undesirable symptoms and disorders. Women who enjoy them every day will not experience itching, burning and other discomfort. The tool will clean the skin, allow a woman to feel freshness and purity throughout the day.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_3

For sensitive and sussuctive skin

Sensitive skin can worsen the quality of life of any woman. Because of this problem, they often encounter irritation in the bikini zone. Lactacyd gel is designed to solve such situations and suits women who need delicate care. Funds are eliminated from the sensation of dryness and itching, arising in the process of carrying close underwear or linen from synthetics.

As part of the gel, there is a cotton extract, well moisturizing skin and giving it a pleasant softness. The natural component is also able to strengthen its protective properties and increase the resistance to external stimuli. The product is easy to use.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_4

"Oxygen Freshness"

In the composition you can see natural lactic acid, which supports the natural microflora of the vagina and gently cleans the skin, its protecting daily. The remedy is enriched with oxygen bubbles and berries of the Arctic, which makes it possible to feel clean and comfort, and also gives a feeling of freshness for 12 hours. Sometimes gel is used as a means against allergies and as disinfectant.

They enjoy for daily hygiene, in the process of menstruation, before and after intimate proximity, as well as in hot weather.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_5


Lactacyd provide women opportunity to take advantage of a high-quality deodorizing gel for intimate hygiene, which allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors through a special deev-active complex . The composition has lactic acid, which supports the adequate level of acidity on the skin and on the mucosa of the genitals. Gel gently cleanses the skin and gives a feeling of freshness for the whole day.

Most often applied in the summer when the weather is the hottest. And the agent is used during menstruation, because during this period, it is especially difficult to maintain freshness.

The composition has a menthol that guarantees a feeling of a small coolness . Some believe that this component can badly affect women's health, so they try to apply this tool only as needed. Actually It can be used every day.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_6

Lactacyd Pharma with antibacterial components

An antibacterial agent is designed to enhance the protective forces of natural microflora. It is recommended to use it during pregnancy, when the microflora is the most vulnerable, and the risk of a bacterial infection is maximum. It is also recommended to use gel during the period of menstruation and reception of antibacterial drugs.

In addition to antibacterial substances, in the composition are located Natural components, for example, thyme extract. It has decent antiseptic properties and is able to effectively deal with bacteria. If you can regularly use the tool, you can forever get rid of yourself from problems such as unpleasant smell and pathological discharge.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_7

Lactacyd Girl

Useful and effective tool designed specifically for girls. It is used since 3 years and allows you to maintain a normal vaginal microflora, eliminating children and adolescents from problems associated with pathogenic microorganisms penetrating from the colon. With regular use of the gel, the appearance of unpleasant sensations is excluded.

The unique composition is a huge advantage of products, because it contains only natural ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions:

  • Natural lactic acid;

  • Aloe extract;

  • Peach extract.

Peach softens the skin, and Aloe delivers girls from inflammation and pathogenic bacteria. The gel gently cleans the skin of children and allows you to maintain the acidic medium of the vagina at the normal level.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_8


A softening gel eliminates light irritation on the skin and directly genitically organs of women, since, in addition to natural lactic acid, which restores the natural microflora, there is rice protein and arnic extract. These components contribute to the rapid healing of damaged skin.

The tool is released in a convenient bottle on which there is a dispenser. It applies not only if the problem occurs, but also daily.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_9


Women aged quite often notice that dryness arises in the vagina area. These are not only unpleasant feeling at normal time, but in some cases pain during sexual proximity. To get rid of this problem, it is recommended to apply a "moisturizing" gel on an ongoing basis.

As part of the funds you can see the lotus flower extract. This plant helps moisturize the skin, and therefore it was used in antiquity. And the lotus has a soothing effect. Thanks to this, the woman will feel natural freshness and moisture all day. Products have a pleasant fragrance, which is its undoubted plus.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_10

Lactacyd Pharma Extra

The range of the manufacturer, indeed, is rich, because it has even a means against thrush. The proprietary name of this gel is Lactacyd Pharmal Extra. The composition has bisabolol and calendula extract. These components make the skin soft and soothe irritated intimate zone when the candid fungus is actively developing. Using an alkaline balance, the tool is effectively struggling with increased acidity.

That this gel is Effective It was proved in the process of clinical trials. It is important to remember that Lactacyd Pharma Extra is not able to deal with the cause of the disease, but only allows you to get rid of symptoms. When using the tool, it is possible to reduce itching by 90% and get rid of 80% burning.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_11

How to choose and use?

To pick up an effective and suitable gel for yourself, it is necessary to carefully examine the characteristics of the various means of the manufacturer, since each of them has differences in the composition and allows you to get rid of different problems.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_12

You can use the products without appointing a doctor if the first signs of dryness appear. But it is better to consult with a specialist, because it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the body of every person.

Means are used in its pure form, they can be used daily. You need to do everything according to the instructions so that the gels work efficiently. The bottle must be thickened well, after which you need to click on the upper part of the dispenser and remove the required amount of means. The gel is applied to the genitals and thoroughly foam, and after it is washed away with water. The skin is well dried by a soft towel.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_13

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_14

Review reviews

The network you can see different opinions about the means of Lactacyd, but mostly enthusiastic reviews. Doctors gynecologists approve of the manufacturer's products, since with its help women can prevent such diseases such as candidiasis and vaginitis. The gels effectively normalize the microflora and gently take care of the skin, making it softer, velvety and pleasant. Frequently used to get rid of unpleasant odors.

It is noted that the Lactacyd means are not medicinal, they are not able to fully cure infections, but are only able to stop unpleasant symptoms . Therefore, you should not put high hopes on them, and when a problem arises, you should consult a doctor.

Lactacyd - auxiliary products, the purpose of which is purification, the prevention of thrush, moisturizing and maintaining the hydrogen indicator.

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_15

Gels for intimate hygiene Lactacyd: types and instructions for use, the composition of the moisturizing gel, classical and Lactacyd Pharma for pregnant women. Reviews 16236_16

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