Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means


Not to say that the theme of female intimate hygiene is covered so wide and delicately, that every girl since childhood knows about her everything. Even in the school course of biology and medical knowledge about this, it is described in unforgivable little. But to replenish your knowledge is not even late to adult women.

What it is?

Intimate hygiene is an integral part of daily care. Overall body hygiene and gygiene gone cannot merge into one procedure, they need to be distinguished. If only because the vagina pH is more sour and it is impossible to break it. It must be said that experts call the vagina a unique self-cleaning medium having their ways to maintain the optimal balance of microflora.

Ideally, every woman should not just know well the features of their body, but also monitor the features of the cycle, the nature of the discharge. For example, white and transparent allocations are completely normal. In the uterine glands, a special lubricant is produced, which is needed to preserve the natural moisture of the vagina. Selection - nothing but a natural way of self-purification of genital organs . Bad, if they have a smell, strange color lead to itching and irritation.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_2

How many preciseness should be - the question is individual. You can conduct a self-observation diary, which then should be discussed with a gynecologist. The nature of the selection varies depending on the day of the cycle. Before menstruation, they usually become more, they are thick and more noticeable, it is also normal.

Intimate Hygiene Women is a care for a groin zone, a regular elementary self-examination and an understanding, which will be care for menstruation, in the postpartum period, and so on.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_3

Fundamental rules

What is possible, and what can not, how to properly observe the intimate zone hygiene - it's time to disassemble this simple question about items.

Specialist advice.

  • Daily shower for intimate hygiene should be necessarily. During the period of menstruation, this procedure should be repeated at least twice (after each gasket / tampon / bowl shift).
  • If there is no possibility to take a shower, you need to use wet napkins . Ordinary, not antibacterial, not flavored. You can buy those that are used to care for infant skin.
  • In special fluids for arms (sprays, gels) there is no need - doctors insist on this . All accumulated discharge, pollution is calmly washed off with warm running water.
  • If the request for funds is still there (for example, in critical days), you can find something suitable, be sure to be with an indicator of a pH of 3.3 to 5.2. As part of such funds there should be no fonders, parabens, dyes, flavors, aggressive pavs.
  • Cannot beware of the genital - Many do not even represent the amount of pathogens who live on the surface of this product.
  • All manipulations relating to the arms of the groin must be made in front of the back - from the pubis to the anus. Otherwise, pathogens from the rear passage can get into the urethra, which is fraught with negative consequences.
  • Wipe the genitals need separate, intended for this towel.
  • Underwear for girls, girls, women should be exclusively made of natural materials, Comfortable, suitable in size, not rubbering in any area. Linen change - daily. The washing is better to carry out hypoallergenic powders, separately from other clothes. New underwear should also be traded in front of the sock.
  • Wash in the soul is true hygiene, but the bath is primarily a relaxant. Infections in standing water can only be distributed.
  • You can not wear daily gaskets every day - it is dangerous for the microflora vagina. Only in the days of intensive natural discharge, in the last days of menstruation (with scanty discharges), as well as in the case of a poorly pronounced urinary incontinence.
  • If you have to use lubricants, they should also be safe. Unwanted ingredients in Lubricant: Alcohol - Because dried, sugar - creates an imbalance of microflora, menthol - can injure the mucous membrane, parabens - allergens, glycerin - in the context of this tool is considered a nutrient medium for fungi.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_4

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_5

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_6

That's all, there are no other tricks. Observing these rules, you can not worry about insufficient hygiene.

What funds are used?

The market offers a huge number of tubes, bottles with means that, if you believe the information on the labels, improve the state of the intimate zone, make care better. Of course, marketing is much more than truth. Puddles, mousses, non-medical candles, milk for genitals at best are useless, are dangerous at worst.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_7

And yet it is worth a review of some means.

  • Intimate soap - One of its mandatory components will be lactic acid. There may also be vegetable elements suitable for the care of an intimate zone. In high-quality soap, dyes, preservatives, fragrances excluded. But soap can only use those women who do not have problems with dry genitals.
  • Gel - He is recommended to girls with sensitive skin. There are no soap in a soft emulsion, but there is also an important microflora microflora of lactic acid. The components of natural herbs may be there. A small portion of the gel is divorced in warm water, applied to the mucous membrane, and then thoroughly washed off.
  • Penka and Mousse - These forms will suit women with very gentle skin. If you choose the means of this type, then only in the bottle with the dispenser.
  • Wet wipes - There must be an alternative to the soul when it is impossible. But not a full replacement for him.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_8

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_9

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_10

Important notes: Healthy pH indicator in the vagina - 3.8-4.5 units. This allows natural lactic acid that is formed during the life of lactobacillia, making it impossible to reproduce pathogens. The pH level in intimate hygiene should be neutral.

Attention! Girls up to 12 years old can use means with a pH 6.5-7 level. The same values ​​can count on women in the menopausal period. Pregnant women should be based on the values ​​of 3.5-4.5 units, and all other women from 13 to 45 years old (approximately) need to choose funds with a pH level of 4.5-5 units.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_11

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_12

In addition to lactic acid, useful as part of such funds are considered:

  • Triklozan - destroyed for pathogens;
  • Calendula extract - has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Romaist extract - heals the wounds;
  • Extract Sage - considered an excellent antiseptic;
  • Panthenol - moisturizing ingredient;
  • Extract of the bark of oak - has a strong regenerating effect;
  • Vitamin D. - Softens the skin.

If you want to use such products every day, you need to buy only those on the packaging of which is written "for daily use."

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_13

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_14

Doctors warn and about what seems harmless, but it is harmful to harm: for example, about bombs for baths. Like a foam bath (by the way), they are dangerous with their composition capable of disrupting the balance of the vaginal microflora. It does not mean that you need to get rid of bombing and foam times and forever: once a month you can afford to afford such pleasure.

Necessary subjects

The main question, the stumbling block of intimate hygiene concerns douching. Here is a wide field of folk recipes: from a conditionally innocent chamomile solution to pouring vinegar into the vagina. Drying is not the procedure that enters the list of mandatory and safe care. The harm from it is more, because one session of douching is able to withdraw from the vagina and useful bacteria too.

Neither vinegar nor chamomile nor chlorhexidine is capable of improving the condition of microflora. They do not get rid of bad smell, because if it is, it is either insufficient hygiene, or infection. All this is not corrected by douching. By ignorance, many modern women - and it is terrible - they believe that the douching will relieve from natural discharge. But they must be, they serve as a measure of the normal state of the sexual sphere. If they are white and transparent, their volume is common, there is no strange smell, you can only rejoice - a woman is healthy, its reproductive system acts as it should.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_15

What subjects are really needed for intimate hygiene.

  • Pasters . Ordinary, for critical days (day and night), as well as daily in cases of acute need. Repeat, constantly worn daily. Rather, they will be helped if there is no possibility to go and change underwear.
  • Bath for procedures. Not a mandatory object, but can be useful if the doctor prescribes sedentary baths to eliminate thrush, for example, or irritation on the skin.
  • Towel . It is strictly for the groin zone, changes regularly.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_16

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_17

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_18

Intimate funds - at will and in moderation, tampons - with all caution of use and not on an ongoing basis, the urine is not needed at all. Deodorant for genital organs - more than a disputed means. Purely washed, well-groomed intimate zone smells nothing.

It is better to have several sterile cotton clean rags, which can be used instead of daily, being at home. They give the skin to breathe, do not create a dangerous greenhouse effect.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_19

Caring for intimate zones in critical days

Hygiene during menstruation is the question that is worth learning else in Pubertate. In the days of menstruation, the outer zev of the uterine neck is a bit a little, which makes it easier to the outflow of the uterus. That is, the uterus cavity these days is more vulnerable to penetration of pathogens. Regular beaming during menstruation is not just a morning shower, it is a constant tooching the genital organs after each shift of the gasket. At a minimum, this should occur 4-5 times a day.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_20

Specialist advice:

  • Bath, sauna, bath during menstruation excluded;
  • Gaskets should be changed every 2-3 hours if they are filled with discharge earlier - to do it immediately as filling;
  • With tampons, it is also worth hurry - more than 3 hours in the vagina, and they begin to be dangerous;
  • If a woman enjoys a menstrual bowl, it changes somewhere in 4-5 hours;
  • flavored gaskets are fraught with the development of allergies, it is better to abandon them;
  • Girls cannot use a bowl or tampons, only gaskets;
  • It is possible to arrange in conventional water, the temperature of which is equal to the temperature of the body, the infusion of chamomile can be added to the water;
  • After the washed, the genitals can be carefully laughed in a towel: do not rub, but only delicately flush;
  • panties during menstruation, as a rule, change more often once a day;
  • Wear thongs are not worthwhile - gaskets are poorly attached to them, they rub the skin that in days of menstruation is fraught with completely unnecessary problems.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_21

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_22

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_23

Bathing in fresh water in menstruation days is also unacceptable, although the doctors do not prohibit doctors.

But such procedures require the use of tampons, which, as already noted, is dangerous . From a certain moment, they begin to prevent the natural outflow of the separation from the uterus, which is very harmful. It is possible to even the development of toxic shock syndrome, and this is the risk, bringing to the hospital.

Sex in the days of menstruation is also undesirable: and this is not even a question of constraint or inconvenience, and the same threat of penetration of pathogens into the vagina. Lightly use these days for safe sex. Rather, the woman wants to privacy, peace, relaxation. It can feel the severity in the area of ​​the groin, which is to a certain extent normal, may want to be more lying, rest, avoid activity.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_24

Hygiene during pregnancy and after childbirth

Each pregnant takes responsibility for himself and his child. Even insufficient hygiene can turn into serious problems for the fetus: from the risk of miscarriage to fetal infection. It is not necessary to scare, you just need to remember several reinforced concrete rules.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_25

7 Rules for intimate hygiene pregnant women.

  1. Shower is safe, bath - no. Yes, sometimes you want to relax in the hot tub, but it is better to do it after childbirth when the body will restrict.
  2. The sauna and the bath will also wait until "free times." Do not undergo the body of excess load and allow high temperatures to test it for strength.
  3. It is better not to use any intimate means, and if it does not work, preference is not given to the liquid soap, but gel or foam.
  4. The water temperature is not cold, and not hot. Any thermostress exposes a big danger body.
  5. It is necessary to wash the same way as before pregnancy, in front of the back.
  6. We have only comfortable underwear from a natural material.
  7. Any strange smell, the changed color of the selection - the reason is more likely to visit the doctor.

You should not be afraid of strengthening pigmentation in the field of genital organs - these are hormones so "paint" the skin. After giving birth, everything will return, as it was before. Besides the fact that the inguinal zone needs to wash daily, the hair on the pubis should be shed. They are also dangerous from the point of view of accumulation and hitting pathogens in the vagina.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_26

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_27

Principles of postpartum intimate hygiene.

  • The portion of the uterus, to which the placenta was previously fastened, after her dyeing - the wound surface. The placental place is not very quickly regenerated, because there are a lot of small vessels, because the hygiene is more than important. Any slip is fraught with an endometritis, an inflammatory process in the uterus.
  • If, during the childbirth, the woman had breakdowns of sexy ways or she did episotomy, even more demands to hygiene. The seams can be fused if they do not follow their condition, do not process them on the recommendations of the doctor. The most correct thing that may be for the speedy healing of the wounds - air baths. Young mother needs to find the opportunity at least half an hour a day without lingerie.
  • Postpartum discharge (Lochi) may surprise a young mother . Not everyone knows what it is and why they are natural. In the first days in the hospital, when allocations are very abundant, it is necessary to use gynecological gaskets. They will withstand such a volume of discharge. At home you can go to ordinary, but only without a mesh, with a soft cotton surface.
  • With a bathroom after childbirth, you will also have to get closer. At least a couple of months until Lochi passes, we must restrict ourselves to the shower. But it takes every day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.
  • Milk glasses need to wash after each feeding . It is better to do it with ordinary water without applying additional funds. And then gently rod specially designated for this towel. If necessary, you can use chest gaskets: there are such, they save from the flow, do not give the skin to irritate and sweat.
  • To absorb allocations that are called Lochia, only gaskets apply. Not tampons! They need to be excluded at least for several months.

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_28

Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_29

          After childbirth, a woman may not feel the urges to urinate: the pressure is affected by the nerve endings in the pelvic zone associated with the passage of the child by the generic paths. But to go to the toilet must be necessary, the overcrowded bladder will also be a threat to the growth of pathogens.

          Intimate hygiene: female hygiene after childbirth. Her rules for girls. What it is? How to wash intimate zones? Chamomile, candles and other means 16228_30

          Let the new knowledge help to warn all the risks and only add health!

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