Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes


Choose a toothpaste is very careful because the health of the oral cavity will be dependent. It is advisable to use only high-quality products from well-known manufacturers. In today's article, we will get acquainted with the dentists of the company R.O.C.S.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_2

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_3

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_4

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_5

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_6

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_7


Nowadays, the range of high-quality toothpastes is striking by variety. The choice of buyers is a lot of various products that differ in their action and effect. Pastes for cleaning teeth from the famous brand R.O.C.S.

Country producer of high quality pastes - Switzerland. Company R.O.C.S. It is included in the company DRC. In the range of the brand, you can find not only pasta, but also other effective means intended for the full care of the oral cavity. Modern tooth cleaning pastes from R.O.C.S. There are a lot of positive qualities that make them in demand under the current market.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_8

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_9

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_10

We find out what the main advantages of these products are.

  • Original pastes from the Swiss manufacturer attract buyers with their natural compositions. In high-quality products there are components of natural origin. There are no dangerous and aggressive chemicals that can harm the health of the oral cavity and the whole body as a whole.
  • Products R.O.C.S. It is famous for a very high level of efficiency. Pasta of this brand is very well cleaned and polished their teeth due to competently selected components. In addition, branded formulations have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Through the paste R.O.C.S. It is possible to remove the swelling of the gumshot fabric.
  • As part of modern pastes R.O.C.S. There is such a component as xylitis. It can easily resist the formation of new microbes, strengthen the effect of mineralizing components. Thanks to this impact, the restoration of a natural shade of dental enamel occurs.
  • Pastes for cleaning teeth from the Swiss brand are absolutely safe for both adults and children. Each product is made taking into account age-related features of users. So, to care for gentle children's teeth, the brand produces high-quality products that do not have antibacterial components and fluorine.
  • Pastes of the famous brand can be used daily. Regular use of products R.O.C.S. will have an exceptionally positive effect on the health of the oral cavity.
  • Regular use Care products from the brand R.O.C.S. Warns the formation of caries foci.
  • When using the paste R.O.C.S. Along with a properly selected toothbrush It will be possible to clean the most carefully not only tooth enamel, but also interdigible spaces and hard-to-reach areas. The oral hygiene will always be at height.
  • Quality toothpastes R.O.c.S. Perfect breathing all day. With regular use of such compositions, you can easily get rid of unpleasant odors from the mouth.
  • High quality teeth cleaning from R.O.c.S. Presented in a wide range. Each person can pick up a suitable product.
  • The leaving products in question are distinguished by an attractive external performance. Pastes are sold in neat tubes and cardboard boxes, decorated very aesthetic. Of course, this feature plays a far from leading in the choice of leaving products, however, people are more often attracted precisely beautifully performed goods on store shelves.

Thanks to the long list of advantages, modern toothpastes from R.O.C.S. Began to hold leading positions in the modern market. They choose many consumers who care about the health of the oral cavity.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_11

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_12

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_13

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_14

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_15

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_16

Whitening pastes and gels

The Swiss brand produces highly efficient pastes and gels with whitening effect in a wide range. A lot of excellent positions that have a soft but productive effect are presented to the choice of buyers. We will get acquainted with some products from the specified category.

"Active calcium"

This high-quality paste is an excellent source of bioavailable calcium. This popular product is ideal for daily use, perfectly protects against the formation of carious foci, reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The "Active Calcium" paste sufficiently saturates the dental enamel with the necessary useful minerals. As part of the product under consideration there is no fluorine, antiseptics and synthetic dyes.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_17

"Coffee and tobacco"

No less popular product from a well-known manufacturer. This pasta is perfect for users who love tea, coffee, red wine and cigarettes. The paste "coffee and tobacco" can be used daily to get rid of the consequences of smoking. With this product, you can achieve noticeable lightening of dental enamel. The "coffee and tobacco" paste perfectly protects the enamel and gums due to the biological components that are contained in it.

The composition of the product under consideration is also present a specially designed fragment from a multicomponent type. It easily neutralizes the obsessive smell of tobacco smoke, provides long-lasting breathing freshness.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_18

Sensitive "Restoration and Whitening"

This product is in great demand, because with it you can whiten your teeth, strengthen the enamel. This paste is very well suited in the case of increased sensitivity of the teeth. It does not have a fluorine. It should be borne in mind that this position is highly abrasive, but does not injure enamel and gums. The composition remarkably protects the teeth from the appearance of caries, returns aesthetic shine. The product under consideration contains 100% natural flavors of Melissa, which is capable of refreshing their breathing for a long time.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_19


Excellent paste that can boast the highest efficiency. By 95.4% it consists of components of natural natural origin. The lion's share of the components is included in the human diet. The product is absolutely safe, acts softly, gentle.

With the original paste of Bionica, you can achieve the most careful cleansing and gloss of teeth. The composition here is calcium, as well as the ultra-dispersed natural mineral, through which the natural whiteness of the teeth is easily restored. In addition, the product has a positive effect on the gums, has an antibacterial effect.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_20

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_21

"Sensational whitening"

High-quality whitening paste from R.O.c.S. The product is able to provide a very good complex care for the oral cavity, contributes to strengthening gums and dental enamel. The composition has a very pleasant mint aroma, perfectly refreshing to breathing users. This instance does not contain fluorine and parabens. With the paste under consideration, made in black, special cleansing is performed by means of special granules that have a polishing effect. The product is aimed at an adult audience.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_22

"Blank verse"

Promotes to effectively lighten the dental enamel, gives it a beautiful shine. Thanks to the product under consideration, solid tissues are strengthened, the development of caries is prevention. The "white verse" paste supports the perfect cleanliness of the teeth for a long time.

The product in question is attractive not only excellent whitening effect, but also the ability to eliminate bleeding and gum inflammation. This pasta gives fresh breath for the whole day, which is marked by many users.

Quality composition contributes to the normalization of microflora of the oral cavity, eliminates dysbacteriosis, having properties of prebiotic.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_23

Black Star

Original black paste with whitening effect. Provides a multistage purification system based on the action of special granules performing high-quality cleaning and polishing of dental enamel. The composition is characterized by a special structure. The Black Star paste has a positive effect on the microflora of the oral cavity, saturates enamel with the necessary useful minerals, removes a soft flare. The product is fragrant, so with him cleaning the teeth delivers one pleasure.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_24

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_25

Magic Whitening

Paste "Magic Whitening" gives teeth attractive whiteness and shine. The composition of this product does not provide for the presence of fluorine or chlorhexidine. Thanks to the medium under consideration from the well-known brand, the rapid appearance of plaque and tartar is prevented. It provides good integrated protection and teeth, and gums.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_26

Medical Minerals.

High-quality remineralizing paste, which gently whitens teeth without the use of aggressive components. The product reduces the level of sensitivity, restores the external attractiveness of the teeth after treatment with the installation of brackets. Through this paste, the necessary normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity is achieved.

In the product under consideration, no fluorine is contained. The paste you can swallow - this will not entail any negative consequences. The product is allowed even to the smallest users.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_27

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_28

Pastes from bleeding gums

R.O.C.S. Releases high-quality pastes aimed not only on whitening of dental enamel. In the assortment of the famous brand there is a lot of first-class and effective positions that demonstrate high performance in the fight against the bleeding of the gums. We will get acquainted closer with some products with the specified effect.

  • Biocomplex. Very popular paste, which manifests itself on the background of high sensitivity and bleeding the gums. The composition reduces inflammation, and also effectively saturate enamel missing minerals, gives breathing freshness for a long time. In this paste there is no fluorine, parabens, triclozan and chlorhexidine.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_29

  • "Double mint." Highly efficient toothpaste, which perfectly protects teeth from the formation of caries. The product gives whiteness and healthy enamel shine, it's great fighting with inflammation and bleeding gums. Acts without attracting antiseptic components. It has an excellent aroma of mint, refreshes breathing.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_30

Assortment of pastes for prostheses

R.O.C.S. Pleases modern consumers very good pastes released for cleaning teeth with installed prostheses. Similar products of the brand demonstrates themselves exclusively on the positive side, acts softly and efficiently. Consider the characteristics of high-quality paste for prostheses.

Pro Brackets & Ortho

The means intended for people using orthodontic, orthopedic prostheses, braces. This paste has a formula consisting of special granules, reinforcing an excellent cleansing effect.

The product can perfectly clean the teeth even in hard-to-reach places, ensures the preservation of the purity of not only the teeth, but also the gums.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_31

Other adult pastes

The range of a well-known brand has a very many other high-quality products that have an exceptionally positive effect on the health of the oral cavity. We learn more about some brand positions intended for adult users.

"Instant effect"

If you want to purchase a high-quality toothpaste, which has the highest possible positive effect, then it is necessary to get acquainted with this popular position. Mineralized products contribute to the restoration of dental structures due to the high bioavailability of calcium. This paste instantly reduces the level of sensitivity of the teeth, protects and restores solid tissues due to the activation of natural physiological processes.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_32

"Oxygen whitening"

Very popular paste for adult users. It helps to eliminate unpleasant odors from the mouth. The formula of this product is completely harmless. There is no fluorine, parabens or painting ingredients. Pasta has a soft base, does not provide for polishing abilities. There are no abrasive particles in the composition, therefore, to combat intensive collice, the paste demonstrates not the highest efficiency.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_33

"Active Magnesium"

The formula for this position includes high concentrations of magnesium. This component has a positive effect on health, since normalizes energy metabolic processes. Due to this, the risk of possible inflammation of the gums is reduced. The composition also contains compounds of phosphorus and calcium, due to which the mineralization processes of dental enamel are actively enhanced.

The considered agent for adults can be used in daily mode. The paste remarkably protects against the formation of caries, as well as from the effects of pathogenic bacteria. The product actively saturates enamel with the necessary minerals.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_34

Assortment for children

R.O.C.S. Releases very good dentities not only for adults, but also for children. In the assortment of the brand, buyers can find excellent children's products that exert the most soft and gentle effect on the oral cavity. Consider what characteristics children's teeth cleaning from R.O.c.s are possessed.

"Cola and Lemon"

High-quality product aimed at school-age children (from 8 years old). This paste actively supports the process of ripening a healthy dental enamel from schoolchildren. Safe and softelling composition promotes the development of an additional protecting layer, has an excellent antiseptic effect.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_35

Pro Baby.

Safe and very effective position designed for children aged 0 to 3 years. This product has a soft basis that guarantees the highest possible cleaning. Pasta is not able to injure even a very thin enamel of dairy teeth. The lion's share of all components in the product under consideration is characterized by natural origins, so you can talk about the complete safety and ecology of the composition.

Pro Baby Baby reinforces the teeth very well, protects them from caries, protects the gums from inflammatory processes. The product has an excellent antimicrobial effect, does not cause allergic reactions in young users.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_36

"Fruit Horn"

This paste is a very effective means of protection against caries for young users aged 3 to 7 years. The composition of this product has no fluorine. The product was designed with the attraction of dentists. "Fruit Horn" is a means that has a very pleasant taste. Children are happy to use this paste, because it does not cause sludge mucous membranes, does not care.

Dentists are particularly advised to apply the position in situations in situations when the risk of an oversupply of Fluor's filing to a children's body takes place. Teeth tissues are not injured using this toothpaste.

For hygienic procedures, it is necessary to take the composition in small portions - this will be quite enough.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_37


High-quality TEENS Toothpaste "Strawberry" from R.O.C.S. Ideal for children of school age. This popular product contains elements such as fluorine and xylitis. The paste under consideration can be used by children aged 8 to 18 years. The product significantly increases the stability of the "young" enamel to the dissolving effects of acids. When using this paste, the teeth are securely protected from carious bacteria attacks.

Children's product "Strawberry" is able to play the role of a useful prebiotic. Productivity normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity. In the composition of the drug under consideration there is no sodium lauryl sulfate.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_38

Review reviews

Original pastes of the company R.O.C.S. Sold in many stores and enjoy great demand. Buyers can find suitable options with minerals, various enzymes, hydroxyapatite, xylitol and many other important components. Since branded products are bought in large quantities, people leave many reviews about them. It is worth it to figure out that people are most pleased in the branded toothpastes R.O.C.S.:

  • The largest number of positive feedback is associated with the high efficiency of branded trains for cleaning teeth;
  • Economical consumption - another plus marked by many users;
  • People pleased with the fact that the composition of funds from R.O.C.S. There are only natural ingredients, no dyes;
  • A lot of good reviews are left to the taste qualities of brand pastes;
  • consumers like a pleasant consistency of products R.O.C.S.;
  • attracts buyers and a huge assortment of pastes designed not only for ordinary, but also for electrical brushes;
  • Many positive responses have a great whitening effect of products R.O.C.S.;
  • People liked the fact that after using branded pastes, the teeth acquired a beautiful shine;
  • Many users have noted that pastees R.O.C.S. very well imposed;
  • Products like people suffering from excessive sensitive teeth;
  • People having children really liked the fact that the brand assortment has a lot of good pastes for their Chad;
  • The users liked the fact that branded cleaners give fresh breath for the whole day.

About branded tooth pastes from R.O.C.S. Buyers leave many more positive feedback, they can be listed for a very long time. The main percentage of responses accounts for good impressions.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_39

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_40

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_41

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_42

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_43

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_44

Without a certain proportion of negative, it also did not cost. We learn that buyers do not like in pastes R.O.C.S.:

  • Most of the negative reviews are associated with a high cost of branded products;
  • According to one of the users, the paste R.O.C.S. can perform a strong allergen;
  • rare buyers did not arrange the level of efficiency of brand pastes;
  • Not all people appreciated the whitening effect of R.O.c.s products.;
  • Some users did not really like the taste of branded pastes;
  • Among users there were those whom the consumption of products R.O.C.S. It seemed not very economical.

Most buyers did not notice in the original hygienic products of the well-known brand not a single shortage.

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_45

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_46

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_47

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_48

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_49

Toothpaste R.O.c.S. (50 photos): Active calcium whitening paste, with hydroxyapatite, for sensitive teeth and other pastes 16163_50

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